Send Postcards

Thank you for contributing to the STEP UP movement! Sending a postcard to a teacher is a great way to initiate a connection with a teacher and encourage them to join STEP UP and use our curricula. This activity should take about 15 minutes for prep and 5 minutes per card. Remember, once you reach out to a teacher, submit their name to be entered to win sweet swag!

Find high schools local to you or contact your own high school physics teacher. When you know which teachers you will send postcards to, submit your request for postcards using the form at the bottom of the page.

The goal of a postcard is:

  1. Suggest that the teacher register for STEP UP.
  2. If already registered or really interested, suggest the teacher uses STEP UP materials in their classroom.

Request a Postcard Kit using the embedded form below. The materials will be mailed out every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month, excepting when national holidays conflict.

How to write a great postcard

Download these instructions

Before you write:

  • Familiarize yourself with the project: read up on STEP UP’s community goals and use our project FAQ.
  • Request postcard packets (see embedded form below) so you have cards to send!
  • Plan your message. You only have space for 50 words. Use this outline as a guide:
    • I am [name] from [university].
    • I like STEP UP because… [Explain in half a sentence why you care about STEP UP]
      • Ex: “the project empowers teachers to inspire young women to pursue physics.”
    • Please register at our website & join our community!
    • Close with your name, printed or signed. Include any contact information you’re comfortable sharing with a teacher (like your email address).
  • Get the teacher’s name and mailing address.
    • Use the school’s faculty directory or call the main office and ask.

When you write:

  • Write your message on the left side of the postcard and the address on the right.
    • Address the pre-stamped postcard:
      Attn: Physics Teacher’s Name
      School mailing address
      City, State, Zip
  • Handwrite the message, but keep it legible.
  • Keep it brief, but feel free to be personal.
  • Don’t add a stamp, that’s been done for you!
  • Don’t write the STEP UP website URL in your message, it’s already on the postcard!

Just remember...

  • Be creative and personal, but brief and legible.
  • If you have any questions, check out the Outreach FAQ.
  • Our goal is to get teachers to register for STEP UP.

Example Postcard:

Address: 24 School Street, Town, State 10298

Hello Physics Teacher,

I am from That University in Texas, and I want to tell you that STEP UP provides research-based pedagogical tools to help you encourage women to pursue a physics career. Register using the link on this postcard to gain access to those materials and join the community!

Keely S.

That University in Texas

STEPUP postcard

Request materials