
Join the STEP UP Community   Learn More

STEP UP is a national community of physics teachers, researchers, and professional societies. We design high school physics lessons to empower teachers, create cultural change, and inspire young women to pursue physics in college.

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Step Up group photo
STEP UP Ambassador Andres Torres and his STEP UP club at Ronald Reagan/Doral Senior High School in Florida.

Calling LA, Chicago, NYC area teachers of physics. 

STEP UP Advocates receive a stipend and professional development support as they serve on the front lines of shifting attitudes towards physics. The community works directly in their classrooms to inspire all students to pursue physics in college. Learn more here!

Paid Professional Learning Opportunity. Coming Soon!

Join a cohort of Physics Educators participating in professional learning around the STEP UP Everyday Actions Guide (EAG). Application and details coming in February 2025. The EAG are a great way to promote a welcoming and collaborative classroom.