Thank you for contributing to the STEP UP movement! By talking face-to-face with teachers, you can develop a close rapport and are highly likely to encourage them to join STEP UP and use our curricula. This activity should take about 2 hours to plan, 1-2 hours to prep, and ~2 hours per visit. Remember, once you reach out to a teacher, submit their name to be entered to win sweet swag!
The goal of a classroom visit is:
- Give STEP UP Classroom Visit Kit materials to the teacher.
- Suggest that the teacher registers for STEP UP.
- Engage with the students/teacher. Optional: you can add an additional activity such as a physics outreach demonstration, a presentation on your personal experiences/stories, a poster, or a question/answer session with the high school students, etc.
Below are some guidelines for your classroom visit, and some tools to help start your presentation. Download classroom visit instructions and if you are interested, you can add these STEP UP intro slides to your presentation. We also have instructions for Video Call versions if you can't visit in person.
Request a Classroom Visit Kit using the embedded form below. The materials will be mailed out every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month, excepting when national holidays conflict.
Before you go
Request a Classroom Visit Kit using the form below. You will receive:
For you:
- Sticker
- General flyer
- Instructional letter
For the teacher:
- Sticker
- Teacher flyer
- Classroom Guidelines poster
Familiarize yourself with STEP UP
- Review the Project Overview and project FAQ.
- Find a classroom to visit. Go to a physics class at a high school you can easily access.
- Contact a teacher to request a visit. You can use this request template (for emailing or calling) as a guide.
- Plan your group: How many people will go? How will you get there?
- Remind the teacher that you’re coming about one (1) week before you go.
What should you bring?
Swag! Who doesn’t love swag?! From the kit you requested, please give teachers:
- A STEP UP sticker
- A STEP UP Teacher flyer
- A Classroom Guidelines poster
Talking Points
When you talk to the teacher…
Your goal is to get them to register for STEP UP.
Helpful talking points are:
You have the power to change the face of physics by inspiring young women to pursue physics degrees.
In high school, women represent approximately 50% of physics students, but once they enter college, that percentage drops to 20%.
STEP UP is a national community that has developed downloadable lessons for physics classes, created by teachers and researchers, to enact this change.
- Join the movement by registering at
If the teacher has further questions, direct them to and the project FAQ.
When you talk to students…
Introduce yourself/your group and STEP UP.
Share your personal experiences.
- Discuss your physics career thus far.
- Why did you decide to study physics?
- Do you do any hobbies/projects/research/activities related to physics?
- What are your future plans?
Discuss the opportunities and benefits of being a physics (or similar) major.
- What’s your favorite part about being in your major at your school?
- What fun social things do you get to do?
- What things do you do outside your major?
Just remember..…
- Have fun!
- If you have any questions, check out the Outreach FAQ.
- Our goal is to get these teachers to register for STEP UP.