Where can you find the strongest magnetic fields on Earth? Why do galactic nuclei spit out vast plumes of hot material into space? How can x-rays squeeze fuel capsules to generate energy? How can the turbulent flow of a plasma make itself stable and what does that have to do with the patterns on Jupiter?
These and many other questions will be addressed at one of the world's largest physics meetings this year: the 44th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics (APS-DPP), to be held from November 11-15, 2002 in Orlando, Florida. Around 1600 papers are scheduled to be delivered at this meeting.
Achievement of a High Electron Temperature of 100 Million Degrees Celsius in Large Helical Device Stimulates Perspective of Helical Fusion Reactor
Edge Plasma Turbulence Implicated in Density Limit Physics
First 3-D Magnetic Reconnection Measurements
High Power Microwaves Control Plasma Current Profile
Learning about astrophysical jets in the lab
Measurements of shock-induced compression in titanium
Measurements of shock-induced compression in titanium Figure
Mr. Magnet Invites Students to Discover Plasma
New Video Unveils Our Emerging Superglobe
Nonlinear Structures in Magnetized Plasmas
Plasma doughnut currents made hollow, leading to greater efficiency for fusion
Plasma Improves Prospects for Heavy-Ion Fusion
Pushing to the limits of plasma stability at the boundary of high confinement tokamak discharges
Record-high magnetic fields in lab
Solution to a direct-drive inertial confinement fusion target designer's dilemma
Solution to a direct-drive inertial confinement fusion target designer's dilemma Figure
Spinning Fusion Plasmas Shed Light on Energy Production and Distant Astrophysical Mysteries
Turbulence restrains itself - D-III experiments
Turbulence restrains itself - Supercomputer simulations
Upping the Ante on Dante with Photoionized Plasmas
X-Ray Scattering as a Microscopic Probe for Solid Density Plasmas
X-rays squeeze fuel to generate nuclear fusion energy
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Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (DPP)
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