
Prizes & Awards

Serving a diverse and inclusive community of physicists worldwide is a primary goal for APS and APS-DPP. Nominations of qualified women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and scientists from outside the United States are especially encouraged.

To browse all APS prize, award, medal, lectureship and dissertation award recipients and read their citations click here.

James Clerk Maxwell Prize for Plasma Physics

Annual Award

Purpose: To recognize outstanding contributions to the advancement and diffusion of the knowledge of properties of highly ionized gases of natural or laboratory origin.

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Award: $10,000, a DPP meeting registration waiver and travel allowance, and a certificate citing the contribution.

2023 Recipient: "For pioneering contributions in the theory of magnetized plasma stability, RF current drive, laser-plasma interactions, and charged particle beam dynamics."

Thomas M Antonsen Jr
University of Maryland College Park

John Dawson Award for Excellence in Plasma Physics Research

Annual Award

PurposeTo recognize a particular recent outstanding achievement in plasma physics research.

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Award: $5,000 divided equally in the case of multiple recipients, a DPP meeting registration waiver and travel allowance, and a certificate citing the contribution.

2023 Recipients: "For establishing and shaping the field of structure-preserving geometric algorithms for plasma physics."

Eric Sonnendrücker
Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics

Hong Qin
Princeton University

Philip J. Morrison
University of Texas at Austin

Katherine Weimer Award for Women in Plasma Science

Biennial Award

Purpose: To recognize and encourage outstanding achievement in plasma science research by a woman physicist in the early years of her career.

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Award: $4,000, a DPP meeting registration waiver, a certificate citing the contribution, and an invited talk.

2023 Recipient: “For outstanding scientific contributions to understanding fundamental space plasma physics processes in the Earth’s magnetosphere and exemplary leadership” 

Allison Jaynes
University of Iowa

Landau-Spitzer Award

Biennial Award

Purpose: To recognize outstanding theoretical, experimental, or technical contribution(s) in plasma physics and for advancing the collaboration and unity between Europe and the United States of America by joint research or research that advances knowledge that benefits the two communities in a unique way.

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Award: $4,000, a meeting registration waiver, and a certificate citing the contribution. The person or team receiving the award will be offered an invited talk at the forthcoming annual conference of APS-DPP or EPS-DPP, depending on the affiliation of the recipient(s).

2024 Recipients: "For the critical advancement in the understanding of the particle acceleration physics in astrophysically-relevant shocks through theoretical analysis and experiments at the National Ignition Facility."

Anna Grassi
Sorbonne University

Frederico Fiuza
Instituto Superior Tecnico

George F Swadling
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Hye-Sook Park
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Marshall N. Rosenbluth Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award

Annual Award

Purpose: To recognize exceptional young scientists who have performed original thesis work of outstanding scientific quality and achievement in the area of plasma physics. 

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Award: $2,000, a DPP meeting registration waiver, a certificate citing the contribution, and an invited talk on the recipient’s doctoral research at the DPP meeting.

2023 Recipient: "For developing rigorous constraints on charge extraction across magnetic fields and powerful theorems relating lower hybrid current drive to alpha channeling, and for studying unusual transport effects with diverse applications in multi-species magnetized plasmas."

Ian Emanuel Ochs
Princeton University

Thomas H. Stix Award for Outstanding Early Career Contributions to Plasma Physics Research

Annual Award

PurposeTo recognize an individual researcher who has made outstanding contributions (theoretical, experimental, computational, or technical) in plasma physics early in their career. Areas of plasma physics covered by the Award include, but are not limited to, fundamental plasma physics, fusion plasmas, astrophysical or space plasmas, low-temperature plasmas, or high-energy-density plasmas.

More Info & Nomination Support the Thomas H. Stix Award

Award: $5,000, a DPP meeting registration waiver and travel allowance, and a certificate citing the contribution, and up to two complimentary DPP meeting banquet tickets.

2023 Recipient: "For pioneering experimental work on plasma photonics in the pursuit of laser-plasma applications, including Raman amplification, plasma optics, and inertial confinement fusion."

David Turnbull
University of Rochester

Other Related APS Prizes & Awards

George E. Valley, Jr. Prize

Annual Award

Purpose: To recognize an early-career individual for an outstanding scientific contribution to physics that is deemed to have significant potential for a dramatic impact on the field.

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Award:  $10,000, a certificate citing the contribution made by the recipient, an allowance for travel to the APS Medal and Prize Ceremony and Reception in Washington, D.C., and an invited talk at an APS March or April Meeting.

2024 Recipient: "For computation of the quantum entropy of an evaporating black hole and its radiation."

Geoff Penington
University of California Berkeley

APS Medal for Exceptional Achievement in Research

Annual Award

Purpose: To recognize contributions of the highest level that advance our knowledge and understanding of the physical universe in all its facets.

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Award:  $50,000, a certificate citing the contribution made by the recipient, an allowance for travel to the APS Medal and Prize Ceremony and Reception in Washington, D.C., and an invited talk at an APS March or April Meeting.

2024 Recipient: "For major discoveries in spintronics leading to a revolution in data storage and memory."

Stuart Parkin
Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics

Will Allis Prize

Biennial Award

Purpose: For outstanding contributions to understanding the physics of partially ionized plasmas and gases

More Info & Nomination

Award:  $10,000 and a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient.

2024 Recipient: "For sustained, pioneering research elucidating fundamental physical and chemical mechanisms of plasma etching of microelectronic materials, enabled by the invention of novel plasma and plasma-surface diagnostics, including advanced optical spectroscopy and the 'spinning wall' method."

Vincent M. Donnelly
University of Houston


Nominees for and holders of APS Honors (prizes, awards, and fellowship) and official leadership positions are expected to meet standards of professional conduct and integrity as described in the APS Ethics Guidelines. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from consideration or lead to revocation of honors or removal from office.