
SCCM 2025: 24th International Conference on the Science of Compression in Condensed Matter

June 22-27, 2025 • Washington, DC • Venue: Washington Hilton Hotel

APS Policies and Guidelines |  SCCM Policies and Guidelines | Code of Conduct for APS Meetings 

Attendees of any APS in-person or virtual events are expected to meet standards of professional conduct as described in the APS Code of Conduct. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from future participation.

Early Career and Student Symposium - ECSS

SCCM-2025 will feature an Early Career and Student Symposium (ECSS) to be held on Sunday, June 22, 2025, just before the start of the SCCM conference.

The Symposium is open to all pre-PhD researchers, as well as those who have earned their PhD within the last 5 years. The Symposium will feature a full-day scientific program including technical presentations from the participants and networking opportunities. Attendees will also be provided with up-to-date job postings throughout the SCCM community. ECSS agenda and details will be posted soon!

Symposium Registration

To register for the Symposium, please fill out the registration form. Every attendee must complete the registration form. There is no registration fee for the Symposium.


The deadline for registration and abstract submission is March 24th, 2025. If you miss this deadline, please reach out to the Symposium co-chairs and we will try to accommodate you.

Financial Assistance

For financial assistance see the main SCCM 2025 Conference Participation Grants.

Abstract Submission

The abstract submission for the Early Career and Student Symposium is found within the Registration link above. Please note that all presenters are required to submit an abstract, and that the Symposium is separate from the SCCM conference abstract submission. You may submit different abstracts to the Symposium and SCCM conference, but you are also welcome to submit the same abstract to both.  

Please indicate on your abstract submission whether you would prefer to give an oral presentation or a poster presentation. Oral presentations will be 12 minutes in duration plus 3 minutes for questions. Oral presentations will be selected based on technical merit, readability of the abstracts, and relevance to the sorting categories. 

Additionally, attendees will have the option to participate in an “elevator-pitch” competition. These 3-minute oral presentations are intended to succinctly communicate the most impactful or interesting elements of your research to a non-expert audience.

Symposium Awards

All presentations at the Symposium will be judged, and an outstanding oral presentation, poster presentation, and elevator pitch will be awarded and recognized during the SCCM conference. Criteria for awards will include both technical/scientific and presentation aspects.


For questions regarding the Early Career and Student Symposium, please contact Sakun Duwal and Matthew Brennan.

GCCM Biennial Meeting 2025

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