Abstract Submission
Abstract Submission The abstract submission for only the Early Career and Student Symposium is found within the symposium Google form link given above. Please note that all symposium presenters are required to submit an abstract for the symposium which is separate from the SCCM conference abstract submission. While you may submit different abstracts to the symposium and conference, you are welcome to submit the same abstract to both.
Please indicate on your abstract submission whether you would prefer to give an oral presentation, rapid-fire talk, or a poster presentation. Oral presentations will be 15 minutes in duration, and due to time constraints, only a limited number of oral presentations can be accommodated. “Rapid-fire” talks will be 5 minutes in duration and will be held at the same time as the poster presentations. Oral presentations and rapid-fire talks will be selected based on technical merit, readability of the abstracts, and relevance to the sorting categories. Deadline for abstract submission: February 10th, 2023.
Symposium Awards
All presentations at the symposium will be judged, and an outstanding oral presentation, rapid-fire talk, and poster presentation will be awarded and recognized during the SCCM conference. Criteria for awards will include both technical/scientific and presentation aspects. Further details coming soon!
For questions regarding the Early Career and Student Symposium and travel assistance, please contact Belinda Pacheco and Sakun Duwal.