
56th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

June 16-20, 2025 • Portland, OR

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DAMOP 2025 Abstract Sorting Categories

01.00 Structure and Properties of Atoms, Ions, and Molecules

01.01 General

01.02 Spectroscopy, lifetimes, oscillator strengths

01.03 Applications of atomic, molecular, and collisional data

01.04 Photoionization, photodetachment, and photodissociation


02.00 Atomic, Molecular, and Charged Particle Collisions

02.01 General

02.02 Atom-atom and atom-molecule collisions

02.03 Electron-atom collisions

02.04 Electron-molecule collisions

02.05 Ion-atom and ion-ion collisions

02.06 Collisions involving antimatter, clusters and surfaces


03.00 Ultrafast and Strong Field Physics

03.01 General

03.02 Atoms, molecules, and clusters in strong fields

03.03 Strong field physics involving condensed matter

03.04 Time-resolved electron dynamics and attosecond spectroscopy

03.05 Time-resolved molecular dynamics and femtochemistry

03.06 Coherent/Quantum control: ultrafast and strong field processes

03.07 Science with XUV and X-ray free-electron lasers

03.08 Ultrafast imaging

03.09 Ultrafast or high intensity light sources and lasers


04.00 Lasers and Quantum Optics

04.01 General

04.02 Quantum communication

04.03 Nonlinear optics

04.04 Atom and matter-wave optics and interferometers

04.05 Quantum networks and quantum memories

04.06 Continuous variable quantum optics

04.07 Quantum/Coherent control: cold gases and quantum information

04.08 Cavity QED and nanophotonics

04.09 Laser instrumentation


05.00 Quantum Information Science

05.01 General

05.02 Quantum simulation

05.03 Quantum computation: gates, algorithms, and architectures

05.04 Quantum metrology and sensing

05.05 Quantum Characterization, Verification, and Validation

05.06 Open Quantum Systems

05.07 Hybrid Quantum Systems


06.00 Degenerate gases and many-body physics

06.01 General

06.02 Bose-Einstein condensates

06.03 Degenerate Fermi gases

06.04 Spinor gases and magnetic phenomena

06.05 Quantum gases in low dimensions

06.06 Out-of-equilibrium trapped gases

06.07 Quantum phases in optical lattices

06.08 Synthetic gauge fields and spin-orbit coupling in Bose and Fermi gases


07.00 Cold atoms, ions, molecules, and plasmas

07.01 General

07.02 Laser Cooling and Trapping

07.03 Dynamics of cold atoms in optical lattices

07.04 Trapped Ions

07.05 Ultracold collisions and photoassociation processes

07.06 Cold and ultracold molecules

07.07 Long-range or anisotropic Interactions in cold gases

07.08 Cold Rydberg gases and plasmas


08.00 General Precision Measurements

08.01 General

08.02 Fundamental constants

08.03 Tests of basic laws and discrete symmetries

08.04 Search for beyond the Standard Model interactions, including EDM searches

08.05 Searches for dark matter and dark energy

08.06 Atomic clocks

08.07 Atomic magnetometers

08.08 Atom interferometers

08.09 Precision measurements with molecules

08.12 GPMFC student poster award submission


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APS DAMOP Meeting 2025

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