Abstract Submission
Deadline: Friday, January 31, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. EST
Thank you for your interest in the DAMOP annual meeting. We encourage broad participation from the physics community. The DAMOP meeting will focus on the following topic areas:
- Structure and Properties of Atoms, Ions, and Molecules
- Atomic, Molecular, and Charged Particle Collisions
- Ultrafast and Strong Field Physics
- Lasers and Quantum Optics
- Quantum Information Science
- Degenerate Gases and May-body Physics
- Cold Atoms, Ions, Molecules, and Plasmas
- General Precision Measurements/Fundamental Constants
It is required that the presenting author will register and attend the meeting. You do not need to be an APS member to submit a contributed abstract to the DAMOP25 Meeting.
Before submitting your abstract, please choose an Abstract Sorting Category. View the available Abstract Sorting Categories here.
Submit abstracts online on the Submit an Abstract web page.
Select the 56th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics and follow the step-by-step instructions. Log in first using your APS web account. If you are new to APS, create your web account. If you’ve attended an APS meeting or are a former APS member, create your web account with your APS ID number. Select the abstract format and proceed.
Contributed abstract body text is limited to 1,300 characters (about 250 words). Having numerous authors as well as overly long titles, affiliations, and footnotes can push the abstract over the character limit despite being within the limit for the abstract text itself. Review Tips for Writing a Title and Abstract.
To speed up submission know the number of authors and select the appropriate Sorting Category and proofread the abstract.
If you encounter any problems submitting your abstract contact the APS Abstract Help Line abs-help@aps.org, Monday-Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm Eastern Standard Time.
Note: Individuals who apply for membership online should receive an email notification with a member ID number within 1-2 days. If you need to submit an abstract prior to receiving your member ID, please enter Membership Pending. Membership will be verified after submission.
Need Help or Additional Information?
Byanca Simon
Meeting Manager
American Physical Society