

  • Author(s): Reese K. Horton, Michael V. Pak, Igor Bray, and Dmitry V. Fursa Cross sections for electron impact dissociative excitation and ionization in scattering on vibrationally excited levels of the ground electronic state of ${\mathrm{H}}_{3}^{+}$ and its isotopologues are reported in the energy range of 8 to 1000 eV. Calculations have been performed using a newly deve… [Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 063001] Published Mon Feb 10, 2025
  • Author(s): Ze-Min Huang and Sebastian Diehl The one-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model with Hubbard interactions exhibits a defect-driven topological phase transition at finite temperatures. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 053002] Published Fri Feb 07, 2025
  • Author(s): Anant Vijay Varma, Amichay Vardi, and Doron Cohen Adiabatic passage in systems of interacting bosons is substantially affected by interactions and interparticle entanglement. We consider stimulated raman-adiabatic-passage-like schemes in Bose-Hubbard chains that exhibit low-dimensional chaos (a three-site chain) and high-dimensional chaos (more tha… [Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 053201] Published Thu Feb 06, 2025
  • Author(s): Thomas Chalopin, Petar Bojović, Dominik Bourgund, Si Wang, Titus Franz, Immanuel Bloch, and Timon Hilker Quantum simulations of Hubbard models with ultracold atoms rely on the exceptional control of coherent motion provided by optical lattices. Here we demonstrate enhanced tunability using an optical superlattice in a fermionic quantum gas microscope, evidenced by long-lived coherent double-well oscill… [Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 053402...
  • Author(s): Julian Wolf, Olive H. Eilbott, Joshua A. Isaacs, Kevin P. Mours, Jonathan Kohler, and Dan M. Stamper-Kurn We report out-of-equilibrium stabilization of the collective spin of an atomic ensemble through autonomous feedback by a driven optical cavity. For a magnetic field applied at an angle to the cavity axis, dispersive coupling to the cavity provides sensitivity to a combination of the longitudinal and… [Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 053603...
  • Author(s): Yuechun Jiao, Changcheng Li, Xiao-Feng Shi, Jiabei Fan, Jingxu Bai, Suotang Jia, Jianming Zhao, and C. Stuart Adams Rydberg-mediated quantum optics is a useful route toward deterministic quantum information processing based on single photons and quantum networks but is bottlenecked by the fast motional dephasing of Rydberg atoms. Here, we propose and experimentally demonstrate suppressing the motional dephasing b… [Phys. Rev. Lett...
  • Author(s): Pei Wan (万佩), Wen-Zheng Zhu (朱文正), Yan-Chao Lou (娄严超), Zi-Mo Cheng (程子默), Zhi-Cheng Ren (任志成), Han Zhang (张涵), Xi-Lin Wang (汪喜林), and Hui-Tian Wang (王慧田) Cavity-enhanced spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) provides a significant way to produce $∼10\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{MHz}$ narrow-band photon pairs, which matches the bandwidth of photon for quantum memory. However, the output photon pairs from the cavity are not entangled...