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June 27: "Forum on Sustainable Development Complexity #2"

By Christine Marie-Therese Darve posted 04-01-2024 04:43


Join us for the follow-up to the Forum on Sustainable Development Complexity, where global experts will continue to explore innovative strategies for engaging diverse stakeholders in the International Decade of Science.

Title: “Forum on Sustainable Development Complexity#2”

When : Thursday June 27, 2024

16:00 CET  (10:00 ET)


Now Available: YouTube Recording

See Slides:

See All PHYSICS MATTERS Colloquia and Playlist


Gathering insights from World experts, our forum aims to dissect the complexity of sustainable development, fostering stakeholder awareness for the International Decade of Science. Join us as we explore strategies to engage youth, public, industry, and the scientific community in addressing the challenges ahead.

The panelists are:

  • George ELLIS (UCT, SA): South-African cosmologist and criter. Prof. Emeritus at the Uni. of Cape Town, visiting Prof. at Texas, Chicago, Hamburg, Boston, Edmonton, London, and Oxford, and SISSA --> see PM December 2023- The interactions of Physics, Environmental, and Developmental Issues: Taking complexity Seriously"
  • Gihan Kamel (SESAME, Jordan): Egyptian Senior Physicist - Infrared Beamline Scientist at the SESAME Light Source --> See PM June 2021 – [Description_Gihan_Kamel] - "SESAME: the new adventure of the Middle East women scientists" 
  • Michel SPIRO (IUPAP): French Scientist, President IUPAP since 2019 and chair the steering committee of the IYBSSD, former Director of IN2P3 in CNRS, former leader of the DAPNIA at CEA, and former President of CERN Council --> See PM May 2023 [Description_Silvina_IUPAP] - Entering the new century of IUPAP with a renovated vision" by Prof. Silvina Ponce Dawson
  • Katie Zee (IIE, USA): TechWomen program director, Institute of International Education (IIE) --> See July 25: "TechWomen: Harnessing the power of global women in STEM"


Amal Kasry (UNESCO) (TBC): Chief of Section; Basic Science, Research Innovation and Engineering (RIE) 


Additional Information: 

View Past Recordings



