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Feb 23 - "The I.FAST CBI: a challenge to engage students on the application of particle accelerators to the environment” by Dr. Nicolas Delerue

By Christine Marie-Therese Darve posted 02-17-2023 10:11


February event is modified and Dr. Nicolas Delerue will present "The I.FAST CBI: a challenge to engage students on the application  of particle accelerators to the environment

Following this 30' Colloquium, you will meet our Panelists and we will invite the audience to share their insight on how large-scale research Infrastructures can solve environmental challenges. 

When: Thursday February 23, 2022

16:00 CET (10:00 EST)

REGISTER HERE (be aware that the presentation title doesn't match, but the emailed zoom link will allow you to attend the CBI presentation) 

Now Available : YouTube Recording

NB: Prof. Bernard Amadei's colloquium is postponed till June 29, 2023


Sometimes taking a fresh look at an issue can help find new solutions. 

This is the idea underlying a Challenge Based Innovation (CBI) event organised by I.FAST project (Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology) funded by the European Union.

For the I.FAST CBI (hereafter called the challenge), 24 students from different countries spend ten days at ESI in Archamps near Geneva exploring ways in which accelerators and related technologies could be used to meet a societal challenge related to one of the Horizon Europe missions. The choice for the 2022 and 2023 challenges is “Accelerators for the environment”. These students  form strongly multidisciplinary teams with students coming from law, communication, environmental studies and, of course, physics and engineering. The attend seminars by experts in the field and they working together to develop an innovative way to address the challenge using accelerators. At the end of the ten days, they are invited to spend a day at CERN and present their work in front of a jury.


Article: How can accelerators address environmental challenges? A 10-day event near Geneva for university students

Nicolas Delerue has obtained his PhD thesis in Mathematical Physics and Particle Physics with honors at University Mediterranee (CPPM) on topic related to the electron-proton collider HERA (DESY) in Hamburg. Nicolas is a Fellow of the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization at KEK (Tsukuba, Japan, 2002—2004) and lectured at Oxford University till 2010. Since then, he is senior beam physicist in Orsay, Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire (LAL). In parallel to his duty, he is coordinating the Challenge Based Innovation (CBI) "Accelerators for the Environment" for the Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology (I.FAST) Horizon 2020 (Research Innovation Action) program.

Forum part:

Reema Altamimi: I.FAST / CBI student:  Reema is a second year master's student in science of communication and information at the French Press Institute- Paris II University. Currently in her second year of master's, she is specializing in media studies with an extra focus on political and social sciences. Passionate by communicating and popularizing science , she is doing her master thesis on "Science communication as a tool to challenge conspiracy theories around science”, taking the case of CERN in which she had a 3 months internship before.

Messaoud Harfouhce (Ph.D.) is currently a senior beamline scientist of the BM08-XAFS/XRF beamline at SESAME, Jordan. In 2003, Dr. Harfouche obtained his Ph.D. in Geomaterials from the university of Marne-la-Vallée (France). He joined Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) as a PostDoc fellow at the Nuclear Energy and Safety (NES) Department before becoming a beamline scientist of the superXAS beamline at the Swiss Light Source department (PSI). As beamline scientist, Dr. Harfouche has to deal many research domains in order to support users from various fields. His personal research interests focus on, air pollution, soils contamination and nuclear waste storage

Juha Vierinen is currently an associate professor of space physics at University of Tromsø, Norway. He obtained his doctorate in 2012 from Helsinki University of Technology on novel methods for using powerful radars to remotely sense the Earth's ionosphere. In 2013, he joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Haystack Observatory as a postdoctoral associate and in 2014 as a research scientist. In 2016, he joined University of Tromsø. His main research topic is the use of radio frequency electromagnetic waves to study the Earth's ionized upper atmosphere.

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