FIP Outreach & Communication Committee (OCC)
Following the needs of the APS Forum on International Physics to improve and update its outreach and communication means and tools, the OCC has been established as an ad hoc committee.
The ambition of the OCC is to create a platform to stimulate exchange between physics generations across the different continents!
Our aim is to communicate a multi-disciplinary and open-source perspectives, in collaboration with other APS Units, and to reach out external APS members.
The tasks of the OCC are to actively contribute to:
- to FIP Newsletters
- to Physics Matters colloquia series for development
- to produce videos to promote International Physics across disciplines
- to create an Agile database of Network groups
- to FIP webpages and posts
- to social media platforms (Facebook @APSForumInternationalPhysics, Twitter @FIntlPhysicsAPS, LinkedIn, Instagram)
The OCC members are:
- Christine Darve, Sweden/France (Chair)
- Luisa Cifarelli, University of Bologna, IT
- Paola Catapano, CERN, CH
- Amy Flatten, APS (TBD)
- Stephane Kenmoe, University of Duisburg-Essen, DE
- Joe Niemela, ICTP, Trieste, IT
- Cyrus Walther, TU Dortmund Uni. and APS Student ambassador
For requests and suggestions, please write to Christine Darve.