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DPP 2024 - Registration is Open. Join your colleagues in Atlanta, GA and online for DPP 2024. Discounted registration rates are available until September 3. Register Now. #FeaturedNews
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Call for Abstract Submissions Opened: May 6, 2024 Deadline: July 1, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. ET The 66th Annual Meeting of APS Division of Plasma Physics is calling for oral contributed and poster abstract submissions. Abstract deadlines are strictly observed. Only abstracts received by the published deadline are guaranteed acceptance into the regular scientific program. Meeting organizers are under no obligation to schedule any contributed abstract that arrives after the close of business on the deadline date. Edit abstracts carefully and thoroughly before submitting. Go to the General Information page for submission deadlines. Go to the 2024 ...
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DPP Meeting 2023 session recordings are now available for on-demand viewing for all fully registered attendees. Uploaded poster and exhibit information are also available. Take the opportunity to relive the insights and expertise of the DPP 2023 until February 1, 2024. Access recordings here ! #FeaturedNews
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All DPP registrants are encouraged to attend the virtual 2023 Meeting Orientation and Virtual Poster Session on October 26 from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. ET / 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. MT. The session will cover helpful logistics for both in-person and virtual participants. Immediately following the orientation will be live virtual poster presentations. Log in to the virtual platform and select AP01-Live to participate. #FeaturedNews
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DPP Meeting - Poster Upload Deadline 10/25 All poster presenters, in-person and virtual, are invited to upload a PDF of their poster and a short video to the virtual platform. Uploading your poster will further the reach of your science past the scheduled poster session. The deadline to upload is October 25. You can find instructions on the Presenter and Chair Instruction Page. #FeaturedNews
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APS DPP 2023 is just around the corner. Detailed instructions on session presentations, and poster presentation can be found on the DPP webpage . #FeaturedNews
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DPP 2023 Meeting Registration Now Open: Housing for the DPP 2023 Meeting is now open: #FeaturedNews
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Attention Students and Early Career Folks: The Job Fair is taking place Tuesday-Thursday, 9am-5pm in the Exhibit Hall during the conference this week. There are over ~130 job postings, and the recruiters are here to talk to you! Additionally, there are trained mentors who will be available to provide career guidance and feedback on resumes all day on Wednesday and Thursday. To sign up for a Career and Resume Help Desk appointment, just stop by the Job Fair.
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Annual Meeting Registration is now open #FeaturedNews ​​
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The DPP 2022 abstract submission deadline has been extended for ALL abstracts from Friday, July 1 to *Friday, July 8, 2022, 5:00PM EST*. This includes all invited abstracts, oral and poster contributed abstracts, and mini-conference abstracts. Visit the APS website to submit your abstract. More information regarding abstract submission guidelines can be found on the DPP Annual Meeting website . #FeaturedNews
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Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from DPP leadership to all the scientists in DPP! Thank you for your participation in the Division and at our annual meeting DPP 2021. Best wishes for 2022.
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DPP members should have all received a ballot for DPP vice-chair, and for three new members of the Executive Committee. The email comes from myDirectVote, a new platform APS is using. Please vote for these important positions. My deep appreciation goes to Andris Dimits (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) chair of the Nominating Committee. Also, please note that there are several early career candidates for Executive Committee. The DPP Election is open through Friday, October 29, 2021 11:59 PM Central Time (UTC -6).
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The APS-DPP meeting is rapidly approaching, with an early registration deadline of October 15, . DPP would like to provide you with some input as you prepare your presentations. This year, we are planning a hybrid meeting, which entails both in-person and remote aspects. Please follow the guidelines that pertain to how you plan to attend the meeting. Review, Tutorial, Invited and Award Presentations These presentations will be live streamed, with both remote and in-person participation. Both in-person and remote presenters will have an option to present live. However, a pre-recording ...
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To DPP membership: This is an update from DPP leadership on the status of DPP 2021 in Pittsburgh at the David Lawrence Convention Center DLCC . As of now (4 weeks from the meeting week, and one week before registration deadline), our plan remains to move forward with both a live (in person) component and a virtual component. We are following guidance from the APS COVID task force and their public health consulting company called Cardno ChemRisk. I would like to provide members information as they decide whether to attend DPP 2021 in-person or remotely. We are making every effort to make in-person attendance at DPP 2021 safe, and we encourage you to ...
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To DPP members, an announcement from GEC. Based on current circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC) 2021 will take place Oct 4-8, 2021 as a fully virtual conference . The GEC Scientific Program can be found here . For further information see the GEC website . Please note that all session times will be US Central Daylight Time . We would like to encourage your participation in the GEC 2021 Virtual Meeting. All those wishing to attend the sessions are requested to register for GEC 2021 . For students, if APS registration does not give the proper rate, you will want to make sure your APS profile is updated.
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To DPP membership: This is an update from DPP leadership on the status of DPP 2021 in Pittsburgh at the David Lawrence Convention Center DLCC . As of now (10 weeks from the meeting week), our plan is to move forward with both a live (in person) component and a virtual component. APS has established a COVID task force to provide guidance to units. They have teamed with a public health consulting company called Cardno ChemRisk. The APS task force is studying epidemiological metrics and emerging evidence including case rates in Allegheny County, PA and COVID measures taken at DLCC. At this time, ChemRisk strongly recommends a hybrid event to reduce the ...
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Here's an excellent video, done by undergraduate student Denisse Cordova Carrizales, on magnetic confinement fusion and the SPARC tokamak. Please share. SPARC video
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There are now 27 plasma related jobs in a variety of areas now listed at ORNL. Please share this information with your students and postdocs. mike ORNL job site
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NSF Director Explains Vision for Science Agency in APS News In the June edition of APS News, National Science Foundation (NSF) Director Sethuraman Panchanathan discusses his vision for the science agency, including its role in supporting research and training the future STEM workforce. Panchanathan is a computer scientist and engineer, and NSF’s 15 th director, after being confirmed by the US Senate on June 18, 2020. Additionally, he is a leader in science, engineering, and education with more than three decades of experience. Read about his vision for NSF here .
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Please consider nominating a DPP colleague for the Will Allis Prize for the Study of Ionized Gases. Nominations are due June 1, 2021. honors/prizes/allis.cfm