Coming in 2023– Physics Education Research Online Journal Club!
By Jackie Chini (GPER Vice Chair)
GPER and PRPER are partnering to launch the Physics Education Research Online Journal Club in 2023. We envision selecting a diverse range of articles to highlight for community discussion. Jackie Chini is representing GPER for this initiative. Charles Henderson, Paula Heron, Debbie Brodbar are representing PRPER. This team selected past PRPER Editorial Board Members to fill out the inaugural Planning Committee. We thank them for their service!
Stay tuned to your GPER Engage Announcements for details by the end of the year!
Physical Review Physics Education Research (PRPER) Journal Update
By: Charles Henderson, Editor, Physical Review Physics Education Research
Journal Staff and Editorial Board
- Charles Henderson, Editor
- Saalih Allie, Associate Editor
- Paula Heron, Associate Editor
- Debbie Brodbar, Journal Manager
- Maria Poko, Senior Editorial Assistant
Editorial board
- Term ending 31 Dec 2022
- Andy Elby, University of Maryland, USA
- Danielle Harlow, University of California Santa Barbara, USA
- Maja Planinic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Term ending 31 May 2024
- Zahra Hazari, STEM Transformation Institute, USA
- Ana Susac, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Guangtian Zhu, East China Normal University, China
Introducing the PRPER Statistical Modeling Review Committee (SMRC)
Many papers published in Physical Review Physics Education Research (PRPER) use statistical modeling techniques, such as Structural Equation Modeling and Network Analysis. These techniques are constantly evolving and becoming familiar with the appropriate use of these techniques is a significant burden on reviewers.
PRPER has developed the Statistical Modeling Review Committee (SMRC) to help support high quality statistical modeling techniques. This group is made up of PER researchers who have expertise in advanced statistical methods. The group will also reach out to other experts outside of PER as needed.
Tim Stelzer, University of Illinois, has agreed to be the inaugural chair of this committee. Additional details about SMRC are still being finalized and will be announced in the coming months.
Submissions and Acceptance rate
202 articles were submitted to the journal in 2021, and the acceptance rate was 39% (3-year average). The mean time from submission to acceptance for manuscripts submitted in 2021 was 142 days, which tied 2020 for the shortest times in journal history.
Impact Factor
The average impact factor for the last three years is 2.137. The 2021 impact factor was 2.412 (2nd highest ever for the journal). This is relatively strong for an education research journal.
PRPER Coverage in Physics
Four PRPER articles were covered in Physics, a free, online magazine from the American Physical Society. Physics reports on papers from the Physical Review journals, focusing on results that will change the course of research, inspire a new way of thinking, or spark curiosity.
- March 28, 2022, Physics 15, 44. Coverage of “LGBT+ physicists: Harassment, persistence, and uneven support,” by Ramón S. Barthelemy, Madison Swirtz, Savannah Garmon, Elizabeth H. Simmons, Kyle Reeves, Michael L. Falk, Wouter Deconinck, Elena A. Long, and Timothy J. Atherton, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 18, 010124 (2022).
- May 31, 2022, Physics 15, 78. Coverage of “Not feeling recognized as a physics person by instructors and teaching assistants is correlated with female students’ lower grades,” by Sonja Cwik and Chandralekha Singh, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 18, 010138 (2022), and “Students’ sense of belonging in introductory physics course for bioscience majors predicts their grade,” by Sonja Cwik and Chandralekha Singh, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 18, 010139 (2022).
- July 21, 2022, Physics 15, s94. Coverage of “How mixed reality shifts visual attention and success in experimental problem solving,” by Dörte Sonntag and Oliver Bodensiek, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 18, 023101 (2022).
Focused Collections
Focused collections are a PRPER initiative announced late in 2012. A focused collection is a set of articles on a particular topic of interest to the PER community. All articles are peer reviewed through the normal refereeing procedure. Focused collections serve to consolidate the PER knowledge about a particular topic in a single place, thus making these collections a useful resource for researchers both within PER and outside of PER.Two new collections were announced in 2021 and are actively soliciting papers in 2022.
In August 2021, PRPER announced a call for paper proposals for Focused Collection 7: Qualitative Methods in Physics Education Research (PER), A Critical Examination. 500-word proposals for full papers were due by November 15, 2021 to the guest editors, Alexis Knaub, Katemari Rosa, and Rámon Barthelemy. Completed draft manuscripts are due January 31, 2023.
In November 2021, PRPER announced a call for paper proposals for Focused Collection 8: Instructional Labs: Improving Traditions and New Directions. 500-word proposals for full papers were due by February 1, 2022 to the guest editors, Eugenia Etkina, Gorazd Planinsic, and Benjamin Zwickl. Completed draft manuscripts are due May 1, 2023.