

The Topical Group on Physics Education Research (GPER) includes several committees which carry out the work of the group, listed below.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is responsible for preparing a slate of candidates to fill open positions on the GPER Executive Committee. It is chaired by the Past-Chair and includes three members of GPER (appointed by the Chair), and one member appointed by the Council. Elections are administered by electronic ballot under the direction of the GPER Secretary/Treasurer every Fall, with the election completed by December 1st.

Program Committee

The Program Committee is responsible for arranging sessions of Society meetings sponsored by GPER (e.g. APS March Meeting), and may also organize special meetings and workshops. It is chaired by the Chair-Elect and includes three members of GPER (appointed by the Chair).

Fellowship Committee

The Fellowship Committee is responsible for soliciting GPER nominations for Society Fellowship, reviewing the qualifications, and submitting recommendations to the Chief Executive Officer. It is chaired by the Vice-Chair and shall include three members of the GPER (appointed by the Chair).

Ad Hoc Committees

The Chair shall appoint other ad hoc committees as necessary. One such committee is the Awards Committee, which oversees GPER travel grants and other financial awards. This committee is chaired by GPER Members at Large.