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PHYSICS MATTERS: Sirius: the new bright lights to science from the southern hemisphere

By Christine Marie-Therese Darve posted 08-02-2021 13:32


Join us on August 26, 2021 at 10 am EDT (11 am São Paulo time) and REGISTER HERE to know more about "Sirius: the new bright lights to science from the southern hemisphere"

Now Available : YouTube Recording

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The lecture will be delivered by Harry Westfahl (Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory)

Harry Westfahl Jr
Dr Harry Westfahl Jr. is the LNLS’ Director since 2020.
He also served LNLS as Scientific Director from 2013 to 2019, as deputy scientific director from 2011 to 2012 and, as a researcher since 2001, when he joined the Laboratory after three years of postdoctoral research. Since 2013 he coordinates the project and construction of the beamlines for the new Brazilian synchrotron light source, Sirius. Its main research interests are in the physics of condensed matter systems, in the use of synchrotron radiation for the study of materials, mainly polymers and magnetic materials, and in the development of synchrotron radiation instrumentation.­­

B.Sc. in Physics, 1994, State University of Campinas (IFGW/Unicamp), Brazil.

Ph.D. in Physics, 1998, State University of Campinas (IFGW/Unicamp), Brazil.

Postdoctoral research associate, 1998-2000, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Postdoctoral research associate, 2000-2001, Ames Laboratory of DOE, USA

The use of synchrotron radiation by a wide variety of scientific fields, from the physics of quantum matter to medicine and microbiology of soils, has expanded steadily worldwide thanks to the availability of always brighter light sources and advanced instrumentation.  The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) has operated for more than 20 years the only synchrotron light source in Latin America, a second-generation synchrotron called UVX.  A scientific community of thousands of synchrotron users has been growing ever since this research infrastructure became available in the late '90s. Now, with the recent creation of Sirius, the new fourth-generation Brazilian synchrotron light source, a new phase for Latin American science has just begun. This research infrastructure is currently under commissioning by LNLS at the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM). Its 3-GeV storage ring, based on a Multi-Bend Achromat (MBA) magnet lattice, provides electron beams with size and divergence that match the phase space of the x-ray photons, approximating their so-called diffraction limit for tender x-rays. The dramatic increase in brightness and source coherence, allied to advances in optics, precision mechatronics, detectors, and computing, opens new research avenues within previously inaccessible spatiotemporal scales. The project initially foresees fourteen beamlines, seven of which are in the final installation stages and initiating commissioning. This suite of research instruments will provide scattering, imaging, and spectroscopy capabilities spanning length scales from centimeters to angstroms. This presentation will highlight some complementary experimental capabilities and the scientific opportunities they will offer to explore the characteristics of biological, hierarchical, and condensed matter systems.

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