Common Forms/URLs/emails
APS Unit Request Desk - website that has all of the different requests from APS
Website Request Form – website that allows the Secretary/Treasurer to ask the APS to update the FEd website
Unit Newsletter Request - website used to request the Newsletter
Accounting Forms – website with the Travel & Expense Reimbursement form, Payment Request form, W-9, and Direct Deposit forms.
Mini-Grant Application Form – Google form where FEd members can apply for Mini-Grants
Mini-Grant Reviewer Form - Google form where reviewers can enter scores for Mini-Grants - email list for the FEd executive committee - email to APS employees who can help answer questions about FEd - Treasurer emails this address when they want to process reimbursements
Minutes - document that lists the Forum minutes
APS FEd Master Calendar - calendar of all the master dates.
Financial Reports – Go to FEd Exec Communities on our APS FEd website and then click on the libraries tab. Folder with budgets are from APS
Unit Statistics – Go to Sign In using the button in the top right corner. Select Communities -> My Communities from the navigation bar at the top. Click the Community Navigator button, and either click the plus next to your unit name or search for your unit, and select the Units Leadership community. Visit the Library from the community navigation bar. Go to the Folder titled Statistics.
The timeline essentially is broken down into a few sections: Meetings, Awards/Fellowships Committee, Programming Committee, Nominating Committee, and Mini-Grant Committee. Meetings is from January to April where there is a lull in committee work and we attend the Annual Leadership meeting, March Meeting, or April Meeting. The Awards/Fellowships committee then starts their work right after the April meeting soliciting nominations for APS Fellows, followed by work on the Reichert and Excellence in Physics Education Award through June. The Programming Committee starts working in late May and turns in their session descriptions June 15. They continue working throughout the summer and turn in all of the invited speakers in the Fall. The Nominating Committee starts work August 1 to gather nominations and turns in their slate of candidates on October 15. Finally, the Mini-Grant Committee solicits applications on October 1 and turns in their awardees on December 1.
Jan 1 – Executive Committee Members start their terms. Secretary/Treasurer emails APS to update the email list.
Jan 5 (or close) – April Meeting contributed abstract deadline. Program Committee should make sure all abstracts are in.
Jan 15 – Onboarding meeting - Agenda
Introduce new executive committee members to their positions.
Proposed Budget
Update SOP
Form committees.
Give committees their charge and timeline.
Charge for Membership Committee
Set the dates for the other 2 meetings for the year.
Vice-Chair needs to solicit APS Chief Executive Officer for appointee to Nominating Committee and give them 3-4 names for appointee.
Chair-Elect needs to solicit the Executive Committee of the Forum on Outreach and Engaging the Public (FOEP) for their appointee to the Program Committee.
Chair needs to appoint someone to FOEP’s Program Committee and needs to appoint someone to the GPER executive committee (just exec. Committee meetings no sub committee work?).
Jan 25 (or close) – APS Leadership Meeting. Registration is open until November 17. Your unit should work together to select three officers to attend. Registration and housing are complimentary, and all reasonable travel expenses including economy airfare, ground transportation, and meals will be reimbursed.
Feb 1 – Newsletter Editor contacts Past-Chair, Chair, and Chair-Elect for articles for Newsletter.
March 5 (or close) – March Meeting. Chair-Elect and Chair attend meeting. Grad student can attend March or April meeting.
March 15 – Newsletter articles due from Past-Chair, Chair, and Chair-Elect.
April 5 (or close) – April Meeting. Chair-Elect and Chair attend meeting. Grad student can attend March or April meeting.
April 15 -- Secretary/Treasurer emails each committee with the following information:
Committee members
Committee charge
Important dates
April 15 – Award/Fellowships Committee should start soliciting for nominations for awards
April 15 – Spring Newsletter posted
May -- Program Committee – March Meeting sorting categories are due
May 1 – Secretary/Treasurer needs to send names to the Honors Nominations Coordinator (Delia Cruz Nochebuena in 2023) of the names, emails, and positions of the members of the Awards/Fellowships Committee.
May 15 (or close) – Executive Committee Meeting - Agenda
Awards/Fellowships Committee - Past-Chair - help with nominations
Program Committee - Chair-Elect - help with topics for Meeting
Financial Report - Treasurer
Newsletter Editor - ideas for Fall
June 15 – Program Committee submits topics for 2 FEd Focus Sessions and 1 Symposium Session for the March Meeting
July – Program Committee deadline to submit theme for April Meeting
July 1 – Newsletter Editor contacts Past-Chair, Chair, and Chair-Elect for articles for Newsletter.
July 15 – Program Committee receives nominations for the March Meeting sessions from APS
August 1 -- Nominating Committee solicits nominations from the membership
Aug 1 – Newsletter Editor receives articles from Chair, Chair-Elect, and Vice-Chair.
Aug 15 (or close) – Executive Committee Meeting - Agenda
Nominating Committee - Vice Chair - help with nominations
Financial Report - Treasurer
Newsletter Editor - ideas for Spring
September 1 – Program Committee sends APS the list of invited speakers for the March Meeting
October 15 – Fall Newsletter posted
October 1 – Secretary/Treasurer sends an email to current Mini-Grant recipients to:
Remind them about the November 15th deadline for spending the funds
Ask the Project Mini-Grant Recipients to send their email report and url link.
October 1 – Secretary/Treasurer sends forum post to FEd membership asking them to apply for Mini-Grants.
October 1 – Program Committee deadline for sorting categories for April Meeting
October 5 (or close) – March Meeting contributed abstract deadline. Program Committee should make sure all abstracts are in
October 15 -- Nominating Committee emails slate of candidates to Secretary/Treasurer and also to The slate of candidates includes the name of the candidate, their picture, their biographical information, and their candidate statement. Then, an APS employee will help upload the information to the online election portal. It usually takes 2 weeks to get the election materials up on the site.
October 15 – Secretary/Treasurer should also check the term of the Newsletter Editor to see if the Executive Committee needs to replace them.
October 31 – Programming Committee deadline for sessions and invited speakers for April Meeting
November 1 – Mini-Grant Deadline. Secretary/Treasurer distributes Mini-Grant applications to Mini-Grant Committee for review.
November 15 (or close) - Select 3 officers to go to the APS Annual Leadership Meeting.
November 15 - December 15 -- APS Fed Election
December 1 – Mini-Grant committee selects awardees and funding levels. Secretary/Treasurer sends emails to awardees and posts winners of Project Mini-Grants on the APS FEd website and to the FEd forum.
December 15 – Secretary/Treasurer will communicate results of the election to the APS and membership
The Chair presides over the Executive Committee Meetings and sets the Agenda. The Secretary/Treasurer polls the Executive Committee for when to meet. It may be advantageous to set the meeting times for the year at the Onboarding Meeting. The bare minimum is probably three meetings (Jan 15, May 15, and Aug 15 or close). The Agenda for these three meetings will contain at least the items listed below. The Meetings are over zoom and attendance at the March and April Meetings is not necessary. The Chair and Chair-elect (who were on the Programming Committee the previous year) should plan on attending the meeting and will be reimbursed. The grad student member can be reimbursed for attending the meeting as well. [In pre-pandemic times, the meeting schedule was January (onboarding meeting on zoom), February (zoom meeting to do last minute prep for March and April meetings), March Meeting (in person), April Meeting (in person), Summer (planning March Meeting and April Meeting sessions and nominating people to be on committee), and early Fall (if necessary).]
Important Dates:
Jan 15 – Onboarding meeting - Agenda
Introduce new executive committee members to their positions.
Proposed Budget
Update SOP
Form committees.
Give committees their charge and timeline.
Give Membership Committee their charge.
Set the dates for the other 2 meetings for the year.
Vice-Chair needs to solicit APS Chief Executive Officer for appointee to Nominating Committee.
Chair-Elect needs to solicit the Executive Committee of the Forum on Outreach and Engaging the Public for their appointee to the Program Committee.
May 15 (or close) – Executive Committee Meeting - Agenda
Awards/Fellowships Committee - Past-Chair - help with nominations
Program Committee - Chair-Elect - help with topics for Meeting
Financial Report - Treasurer
Newsletter Editor - ideas for Fall
Aug 15 (or close) – Executive Committee Meeting - Agenda
Nominating Committee - Vice Chair - help with nominations
Financial Report - Treasurer
Newsletter Editor - ideas for Spring
Attendance at March/April Meetings
Meetings are held virtually on zoom. However, FEd does pay for certain members to attend the March/April meeting: Chair, Chair-Elect, and Graduate Student Member. See Expense Reimbursement for how to get reimbursed.
Bylaws Information:
Executive Committee Meetings:
The Executive Committee shall meet at least once each year at a meeting called by the Chair of the Forum.
If at least four voting members of the Executive Committee submit a request in writing to the Chair to convoke a meeting, the Chair must do so within sixty days.
A quorum shall consist of six voting members of the Executive Committee, two of whom shall be Officers.
The Chair may conduct Forum business and hold a vote of the Executive Committee by mail, electronic mail, phone, or other means on issues that require attention in the time between annual meetings.