Membership Committee Operating Procedures

Membership Committee

The Chair is the chair of the Membership Committee. Additional members are the Graduate Student Member-at-Large and other Members-at-Large appointed by the Chair. Secretary/Treasurer helps with this committee. This committee does not have set responsibilities. So this committee can work on things that arise on timelines that seem reasonable. For example, if there is some interest in updating the logo, updating the FEd Flyer, creating buttons/pins etc. This committee can work on these projects.


Important Dates:

Jan 15 - Onboarding Meeting -- receive charge from Executive Committee



FEd Exec Committee decided on 2024/02/21 on following members:

Chair of Committee - Chair FEd

Vice Chair of Committee - Chair-Elect FEd

Grad student member

General and APS/AAPT member at large in 2nd year

Secretary Treasurer


Info from Bylaws:

  1. Membership Committee: The Membership Committee shall consist of the Chair, the Graduate Student Member-at-Large, and General or APS/AAPT Members-at-Large in the second or third year of their term. The Chair may change the composition of the Committee if desired. The Membership Committee is tasked with addressing special requests from the members and with creating and implementing initiatives to increase Forum membership.

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