Article XI - Procedure for Amending the Bylaws
Proposals for the amendment of these Bylaws may be made by the Council, by the Society Governance Committee, by the Executive Committee, or by a petition to the Chair signed by not fewer than ten percent of the members of the Forum. However a proposal for an amendment is initiated, it must be reviewed by the Society Governance Committee and approved by Council before further action can be taken.
Following Council approval, if a special election to approve the amendments is not scheduled, the Secretary-Treasurer shall distribute copies of the proposed Amendment to all members of the Forum accompanied by ballots, by mail and/or electronically during the next regularly scheduled election, setting a closing date for voting on the Amendment at least four weeks after distribution of the ballots. Adoption of the Amendment shall require a two-thirds majority of those voting on the Amendment.
Approved by APS Council of Representatives with final approval on February 22, 2018 through a special vote by the Forum on Education membership.