Secretary-Treasurer Operating Procedures


The Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for the finances, meeting minutes, website, and general running of the FEd. The APS Unit Handbook is a good place to start to read about the procedures for units. As Treasurer, they approve all transactions from the FEd account and create the Budget for the year. As Secretary, they record the minutes from all of the Executive Committee Meetings, meet with the chair to plan those meetings, and serve on the Mini-Grant and Membership Committees. In addition, they serve as a contact for the unit, ensure that the unit is meeting the deadlines set in the Timeline, and post announcements in the Discussion Forum from the Executive Committee.  



The Secretary/Treasurer meets with the Chair during early January to create a proposed budget for the year. This Budget is discussed/approved at the Jan. Onboarding Meeting.

Financial Reporting at Executive Committee Meetings

The Secretary/Treasurer reports on the finances for the unite at the Executive Committee Meetings. The FEd is given $20,000 per year to spend on programming. If the total account exceeds $50,000, then the unit doesn’t receive the $20,000 allotment. Fiscal year is January to January. Financial Reports are on the Engage website under the Communities Section. Go to the Libraries part of that website and then click on “Finance” in the folders section to see all of the monthly unit reports. Make sure you are logged in to the website to view the page. Usually reports come out 1.5 months after the last day of the month, so the January report should be available in mid-March. Often, the January, February, or even the March report will come out and will not have the correct “year end” numbers. Specifically, the dollar amount leftover in the account from the previous year will not forward in the report. For example, if there is $38k left in the account at the end of December, then the January report might only show $20k (the yearly transfer amount) rather than $58k (balance forward + yearly transfer amount). If the account at the end of December has $74k, then the January report will show $0 (no yearly transfer) rather than the $74k (balance forward). Eventually, the year end will close and the balance will forward. The Secretary/Treasurer should create budgets as if this number will forward.

Expense Reimbursement

To process a reimbursement, the person that would like to be reimbursed needs to send an email to with the Accounting Forms filled out and cc the Secretary/Treasurer. Then, the Secretary/Treasurer responds with a line that they approve the reimbursement. Reimbursements will come in from Mini-Grant Awardees, Committee members attending the March or April Meetings, invited speakers who can reimburse their registration to the March or April Meetings, or items from other initatives. The accounting form to reimburse travel is done using the Travel Reimbursement Form. To purchase something from a vendor or to reimburse a person who makes a vendor purchase, you will need to use the Payment Request Form. This form requires an invoice or a receipt. To pay a salary to an individual, APS would need a Payment Request Form and a W-9 and Direct Deposit Form from each person receiving a payment (these can be sent directly to if they prefer). 


Emailing the FEd list or Executive Committee

To email the entire FEd email list use the Discussion Forum. If you submit a post to, then an APS employee must approve it before it goes out to the membership (usually 2-3 days). If you use the #FeaturedNews hashtagthen the post will show up in the Featured News area as well.

To email the Executive Committee, use the email list. You will need to update this email list before you use it–hopefully in January. To update the email list, send the information from the APS Executive Committee webpage after it has been updated from the election to

Minutes for the Meetings

The Secretary/Treasurer is in charge of the Minutes. These minutes are currently on a crowdsourced Google Doc. They contain the minutes of the Executive Committee Meetings and the minutes of the meetings between the Chair and the Secretary/Treasurer. Secretary/Treasurer makes sure to take minutes during the meeting in addition to the crowd sourcing.

Website Update

The Secretary/Treasurer should add information to the website as needed and keep information up to date on the FEd Engage Website. To submit a request to update the website go to the Website Request Form.

Serving on Subcommittees

The Secretary/Treasurer serves on the Membership Committee as a help to the Chair. This Committee responds to Member requests which often come to the Secretary/Treasurer and are followed up by the Secretary/Treasurer. Secretary/Treasurer also Chairs the Mini-Grant Committee. The Mini-Grant Committee solicits and reviews applications in November/December. Then, award winners process their receipts all year long.

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