2021 Awardees:
Cooper H Jacobus: Machine learning-enabled detection of ELM-Precursors in KSTAR ECEI data
Simran Chowdhry: Incorporating Quantum Electrons in Classical Calculations for Dense Plasmas
Abdullah Hyder: Development and Implementation of a Numerical Laser Energy-Deposition Model for the PSC particle-in-cell code
Joshua Lewis: A new collision module for predicting divertor heat flux in axisymmetric discharges
Sage Stanish: Topological data analysis and its application to drift wave turbulence
2020 Awardees:
Amelia Chambliss: Position Tolerance of Permanent Magnets and Reduction of Magnetic Islands in the Stellarator MUSE
Brandon Lee: Temperature Effects on Relief Pressure of Helium Bubbles in Tungsten
Emi Zeger: Prediction of DIII-D pedestal density structure from externally controllable parameters
Michael Hanson: The Impact of Resonant Magnetic Perturbation Strength on the L-H Power Threshold
Oscar Amaro: Optimal laser focusing for positron production in laser-electron scattering