Francis Slack Award
The Francis G. Slack Award was created by the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society to honor Excellence in Service to Physics in the Southeast. The award is named for Francis G. Slack, a distinguished Vanderbilt University scientist who was a Southeastern Section charter member and contributed significantly to its development.
The award recognizes those who have worked unselfishly to:
Bring about significant new research facilities in the region,
Significantly strengthen and raise the stature of particular departments of physics in the region,
Provide significant leadership and work to strengthen and build the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society, Sigma Pi Sigma, the Society of Physics Students, and other regional organizations,
Develop physics consortia of universities and/or research institutions that have benefited the region and the nation, and
Carry out other service and administrative activities such as organizing significant conferences held in the region, international exchanges, public outreach to K-12, etc.
Nomination Information
Nominations should be sent to the Vice Chair and the award committee chair by August 23rd, 2024, as a single PDF file. (If electronic submission is impossible, please send five copies of the nomination.) A complete nomination consists of a CV, a nominating letter, a citation (to be adopted from 2025 onward), and up to three supporting letters (a maximum of two pages each). At least one of the letters should be from an institution other than the nominee's home institution. No other supporting documents are needed, but they might be included. We particularly encourage you to think of potential women and overlooked minority candidates. Nominations will be considered active for three years, though updating materials for nominees not chosen in the prior year is encouraged. Past winners are listed below.
Send Materials to:
Vice Chair: Lamiaa El Fassi
Mississippi State University