
Upcoming Meetings

March Meeting 2023 DSOFT Gallery

The Gallery of Soft Matter Physics, a pilot poster and video competition at the APS March Meeting, highlights the work of the soft matter community to fellow researchers and the general public.

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DSOFT Future Investigator Travel Award

DSOFT invites students, postdocs and early-career scientists who are presenting their soft matter research at professional conferences to apply for Future Investigator Travel (FIT) grants of up to $500. 

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If you’re not yet a member of DSOFT then please consider joining. Soft Matter scientists of all levels are encouraged to join (students can join two Divisions or Topical Groups free of charge, and will be eligible to apply for travel grants in future).

Attendees of any APS in-person or virtual events are expected to meet standards of professional conduct as described in the APS Code of Conduct. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from future participation.