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Awards for Best Undergraduate Poster and Talk at SESAPS 2023

By Shane Hutson posted 11-13-2023 16:31


This year's SESAPS meeting at Eastern Kentucky University had talks and posters from 47 undergraduate researchers. In the competitions for best poster and best talk, the judges had a difficult task because there were so many excellent presentations. Rest assured that the future of physics looks bright! Congratulations to the winners and honorable mentions!

And many thanks to the volunteer judges who took the time to carefully evaluate all the talks and posters.

Best Undergraduate Poster

Jessica Gerac, Appalachian State University
Identification of extreme-ultraviolet transitions in highly charged Zr and Mo ions

Best Undergraduate Poster - Honorable Mention

Ross Rodriguez, Austin Peay State University
Nanoparticle Diffusion in Biofilms

Lauren Massaro, Kennesaw State University
Light-induced Vortex States in Dirac-like Systems

Best Undergraduate Talk

Sarah Vickers, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Calibration System and Magnetic Shielding for NuDot

Best Undergraduate Talk - Honorable Mention

Logan Burnett, University of Alabama at Birmingham
First-Principles Linear Response Calculation of Hubbard U for Terbium under High Pressure

Presentation of the Best Undergraduate Poster awards to Jessica Gerac of Appalachian State University (award winner; middle); Lauren Massaro of Kennesaw State University (honorable mention; right); and Ross Rodriguez of Austin Peay State University (honorable mention; not pictured). Awards were presented by SESAPS Vice Chair, Shane Hutson of Vanderbilt University (left).
