Information for Students
Student Members
The future of physics depends on the energy, commitment and ambitions of young physicists like you. We encourage the young physicists, especially students and postdocs, to consider joining the APS and getting involved with APS activities. You (young physicists) could benefit from networking for future job prospects, and may think of becoming science advocates yourselves. Students (both undergraduate and graduate students) are entitled to a One-Year Free APS Membership. Remember to also join our section at no additional charge.
Undergraduate and graduate students receive greatly subsidized registration at our Annual Northwest Section Meeting, as well as discounted rates for the Annual Meeting banquet.
Student Travel Awards
To enable undergraduate students to participate in the Annual Meeting, we offer a limited number of travel awards of up to US$200 each year. Priority is usually given to students presenting a poster or a contributed paper. More information »
Forum on Graduate Student Affairs
There is also a newly formed APS Forum on Graduate Students Affairs, which concerns itself with issues of importance to graduate students. This Forum has no affiliation with our section, but will likely be of interest to our student members.
Student members of APS may join both our Northwest section and the Graduate Student Affairs Forum for free.