Message from the Chair
The Northwest Section of the American Physical Society (NWAPS) represents over 1200 physicists from across the northwestern United States and western Canada and has the distinction of being the only international Section of the APS. Our primary purpose today is the same as it was at our founding in 1998: to foster interaction between physicists from across our broad region. This includes physicists at major universities, small colleges, industry, and national laboratories and covers all physics disciplines. One of our priorities has always been the inclusion of students in our activities, both undergraduate and graduate, and to provide younger researchers in the Northwest with the opportunity to gain regional visibility. Traditionally our primary thrust has focused on our annual meeting. This year, we have added a new speaker program to connect scientists working in the Section with students and faculty at institutions in the Section. Institutions may identify a Speaker and request the Section provide financial support to bring that Speaker to the institution to present their work and interact with students and faculty.