From the GPER Chair
By: Jennifer Blue (2023 GPER Chair)

Dear GPER members,
This year, the Group on Physics Education Research (GPER) has continued to work on integrating into the larger APS community. Thanks to a membership drive, we now have more than 700 members, representing 1% of APS. All of our interactions with APS staff and our APS Council Representative, Laurie McNeil, have been excellent.
In January, Ben Zwickl and I attended the APS Leadership Meeting in Washington, DC, which allowed us to meet with APS staff and with members of the executive committees of other units. It was heartening to see how much we had in common!
Our executive committee continues to work with Physical Review Physics Education Research (PRPER), helping to support their ability to reduce or waive fees for those who most need that. We also co-sponsored an online journal club with PRPER, which many people attended and enjoyed.
We also worked hard to clarify the process of nominating a colleague to be an APS Fellow through GPER and held an informational webinar on that subject.
In April, thanks largely to the efforts of Past Chair Mila Kryjevskaia, we had a record-setting presence at the April Meeting. GPER-sponsored sessions included 55 talks! It was lovely to see so many of you in Minneapolis, at our sessions and at our business meeting. We look forward to seeing many of you in Sacramento, April 3-6, 2024 (before the eclipse!). This year, we will be sponsoring mini-symposia in addition to our regular invited and contributed sessions. Abstract submission is live now and continues until January 5.
I want to thank our outgoing GPER executive committee members. Alice Olmstead has been a thoughtful Member-at-Large, making wise contributions to each conversation. And Mila Kryjevskaia has been excellent in the chair line, as a mentor to me and a guide to the whole committee.
Have an excellent winter break, and I hope to see many of you in Sacramento in April.
Jennifer Blue
GPER Executive Committee Chair