SCCM Third Party Notification Policy
APS SCCM does not share attendee contact information with third parties. This policy supersedes any APS policy.
SCCM Photo/Video Policy
Taking photos, videos, or audiotapes of slides, posters and presenters, or questions and answers is strictly prohibited. This policy supersedes any APS policy. Copyright and intellectual property law is observed during all APS presentations, sessions, and events both in-person and online.
SCCM Release for Use of Photographs and Records
All attendees of an APS Meeting and/or an APS Partnered Meeting, you hereby grant APS and/or its partners the right and permission to use, publish, and republish photographs, video, or audio of you or images in which you may be included, in whole, part, or composite, excluding your technical presentations, in any printed or electronic matter or media for any legal purpose; and to use your name in conjunction if APS and/or its partners so chooses. By registering for the conference you discharge APS and/or its partners from any and all claims and liabilities arising out of or in connection with the use of photographs, images, or information.
Cancellation Policy
All registration cancellations and refund requests must be made in writing by June 12, 2023. A refund of the full conference fee, minus a $50 administrative fee, will be given for cancellations received by June 12, 2023. No refunds will be granted for requests submitted on or after June 13, 2023. Submit all requests to the APS registrar at and if you are speaking or presenting. APS regrets that refunds will not be given for no-shows.