
Spring 2015 Newsletter 

Ernie Malamud, Editor

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In This Issue

  • Message from the Chair by Edmond L Berger
  • Report from the APS International Affairs Office (INTAF) by Amy Flatten
  • From the Editor by Ernie Malamud


  • FIP Sponsored or co-sponsored events at the APS Spring Meetings
  • Co-sponsored by CSWP and FIP: “The 5th International Conference on Women in Physics”
  • Three newly elected members of the FIP Executive Committee


  • Mentoring a Generation of Materials Scientists in Africa, George Amolo and Richard M. Martin
  • Jefferson Science Fellowships at the US Department of State, R. J. (Jerry) Peterson
  • CERIC-ERIC, a new Central European Research Infrastructure, Nicoletta Carboni
  • Future Circular Collider (FCC) Study, Michael Benedikt and Frank Zimmermann
  • The CEPC-SPPC Project (Circular Electron Positron Collider – Super Proton Proton Collider), a Trip to China, Ernie Malamud
  • Accelerators in Australia, Mark Boland
  • Reflections on the Fifth International Conference on Women in Physics, Chandralekha Singh
  • Saudi Arabia Connection, Sultana Nahar
  • Education and Innovation in Global Science, Emanuela Barzi

Disclaimer: The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on International Physics Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.