Archived Newsletters

May 2008 Newsletter

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In This Issue

  • View from the Chair by Satoshi Ozaki
  • Selected Memories of an International Science Bureaucrat, Part 1 By Irving Lerch
  • The Polish Physical Society By Przemyslaw Deren and Lidia Smentek
  • Defusing the Nuclear Threat By Martin E. Hellman
  • In Memory of Professor Gallieno Denardo By K.R. Sreenivasan
  • On the Importance of Scientific Communication Between Iranian and Western Scientists By Reza Mansouri
  • Lithuanian Physical Society By Zenonas Rokus Rudzikas
  • Albert Abraham Michelson: "A Pole - well up in Arithmetic" By Lidia Smentek & Tomasz Kardaś
  • The New York Academy of Science By Ellis Rubinstein
  • The Andrei Sakharov Prize By Betty Tsang
  • Acceptance Speech of the Andrei Sakharov Prize By Liangying Xu
  • FIP Sponsored Events at the APS April Meeting 2008
  • Photos & Sessions

Views and opinions expressed in articles are those of the authors and are not necessarily shared by the editor or the APS/FIP. We reserve the right to withhold names of authors in order to reduce the risk of additional personal hardship, for instance for speaking out on human rights issues.