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Jan 18, 2024: “Forum on Sustainable Development Complexity”

By Christine Marie-Therese Darve posted 12-20-2023 03:27


Let's start 2024 with constructive Resolutions ! Join our renowned Panelists with more questions and hear more about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) !

Title: “Forum on Sustainable Development Complexity”

When : Thursday January 18, 2023

16:00 CET  (10:00 EDT)


Now available : YouTube Recording 

Following the UNESCO Closing Ceremony - International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development, on Dec. 15, 2023 at the CERN Science Gateway, and inspired by the complexity described by George Ellis in the Physics Matters colloquium: "The interactions of Physics, Environmental, and Developmental Issues: Taking complexity Seriously", we are proposing to gather panelists to discuss how to raise stakeholders awareness.

Looking at the herculian tasks to save our Blue Planet, a new UN approved international endeavor is about to start: the International Decade of Science for Sustainable Development, i.e. a Decade focussing on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) !

During that forum, we will first listen to a short introduction by Barbora Bruant Gulejova, then we will try to disentable the "complexity” to address youth / high-schools, public, industry and science community

The panelists are composed of:

  • Bernard AMADEI (UoB and EWB, US): French Engineer, Prof. Emeritus at Univ. of Boulder, Founding President of Engineer-without-Borders, USA
  • Barbora BRUANT GULEJOVA (Uni. of Bern and S4SF, CH)Thermonuclear Fusion Physicist, STEM ambassador, Founding President of S4SF (Science for sustainable future), former Strategic Development Lead of IPPOG, former economic collaboration coordinator Slovakia and CERN, teacher of science-based sustainability and innovation business MBA, Geneva
  • George ELLIS (UCT, SA): South-African cosmologist and criter. Prof. Emeritus at the Uni. of Cape Town, visiting Prof. at Texas, Chicago, Hamburg, Boston, Edmonton, London, and Oxford, and SISSA
  • Rolf-Dieter HEUER (CERN and SESAME) (TBC): German particle physicist Director General of CERN (2009-15), President of the German Physical Society (2016-18). Since May 2017, President of the SESAME Council
  • Amal Kasry (UNESCO): Chief of Section; Basic Science, Research Innovation and Engineering (RIE) 
  • Andrea LAUSI (SESAME, Jordan): Italian physicist (x-ray scattering optics and methods), Hard X-ray Optics Laboratory at Elettra. Since 2020, Scientific Director of the SESAME Light Source 
  • Michel SPIRO (IUPAP): French Scientist, President-Elected at IUPAP since 2018 and chairs the steering committee of the IYBSSD, former assistant Scientific Director in CNRS, leader of the DAPNIA at CEA, and former President of CERN Council


