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SAVE the DATE July 27: "More synchrotron light for Latin America in the Greater Caribbean ?" by Prof. Galileo Violini

By Christine Marie-Therese Darve posted 05-30-2023 16:25


LIVE from COLOMBIA, Prof. Galileo Violini will present the proposal for a Greater Caribbean Synchrotron!
Title: "More synchrotron light for Latin America in the Greater Caribbean ?" by Prof. Galileo Violini 

When: Thursday July 27th at 4 pm CET

Now available : YouTube Recording 

See Slides: [Slides_Leo_Violini_GCLS]

Prof. Galileo Violini 

Director Emérito CIF, Colombia


Galileo Violini is a Physicist. Graduated at the University of Rome (now La Sapienza University). Co-Chair of the Executive Committee of the Greater Caribbean Light Source Initiative.  Fellow APS and former member-at-large of APS FIP. Former professor of Mathematical Methods of Physics at the Universities of Rome and Calabria and at the University of Los Andes. Author with N. M. Queen of the book "Dispersion theory in High-Energy Physics". Co-founder and Director (now Emeritus) of the International Physics Center of Bogota. John Wheatley Award of the American Physical Society, Abdus Salam Spirit Award of the International Center for Theoretical Physics "Abdus Salam". Outstanding Salvadorean Recognition from the Government of El Salvador. Honorary member of the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences. Former Director of a European Union program for the Faculty of Sciences of the University of El Salvador. Former UNESCO Representative to Islamic Republic of Iran and Director of the Tehran Office. Doctor Honoris Causa of the Ricardo Palma University of Lima, Consultant to the Governments of Guatemala and the Dominican Republic and to UNESCO, CSUCA, ICTP and other national and international organizations. Author of some three hundred publications on Science Policy, Theoretical Physics and Science Education.


The accelerated development of a proposal of a Great Caribbean Synchrotron (GCS) is presented. The needs of such a facility responds to Latin American science priorities. The problems one has to face to implement it are very similar to those of the African Light Source (AfLS), training of to-be staff and users, ensuring sustainable financing, possibility of international financial support and role of international cooperation, in particular from US and APS. Some of these actions may foster interregional South-South cooperation, for which. SESAME and LNLS can play a major role for training, and a synergy between the two initiatives may strengthen the case for the political support from UN Agencies, for negotiations with international agencies. Moreover, the success of the two initiatives may favor scientific collaboration between Africa and Latin America and the development of the two scientific communities, according to their medium and long-term plans and priorities.

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