Looking into batteries with neutrons and X-ray vision will be possible on Thursday April 27 !
Prof. Aleksandar Matic will present “Role of large-scale facilities for battery research and innovation” !
Thursday April 27, 2023
16:00 CET (10 ET)
Now Available : YouTube Recording
Over the last 20 years rechargeable Li-ion batteries have transformed our everyday life with portable computers, tablets, cell phones, and power tools. Now they also underpin necessary developments towards sustainable technology solutions with the transition to electromobility and grid energy storage in renewable power systems. These new applications also add new demands in terms of capacity and capabilities, such as energy density, fast charging and operational temperature range. In addition, with large scale applications there is increased focus on sustainability from both raw materials and processing point of view. To meet these demands there are today intense research efforts world-wide in order to optimise and extend current Li-ion technology as well as exploring next generation battery chemistries and configurations, e.g. solid state, Na-ion, Li-metal and Li-sulphur batteries.
Advanced characterization is central in order to underpin the needed development of battery technology. Understanding functionality of new materials, mechanisms of new chemistries and processes and degradation of materials in full cells, requires characterization over length scales from Ångström to m, from ps to hours and with chemical selectivity. In particular, it is of interest to look into working cells in real time and to be able to perform multimodal experiments, where several properties are probed at the same time or on the same material. With the rapid development of synchrotron x-ray and neutron technology, new opportunities open up to address these challenges through the development of new sources, instrumentation and computational methods. In this colloquium we discuss the application of advanced x-ray and neutron scattering and imaging techniques to accelerate development of next generation technology and innovations. In particular, the potential for operando experiment, where we look into working batteries, workflows, access and ways if working with the community are at focus.