Awards committee Operating Procedures

Awards/Fellowships/Honors Committee

The Chair of this committee is the Past Chair and there are 5 additional members appointed by the Chair. 

Committee Work:

The committee is in charge of three things: nominations to APS Fellow, selecting the Excellence in Physics Education Award, and selecting the Jonathan F. Reichert and Barbara Wolff-Reichert Award for Excellence in Advanced Laboratory Instruction. 

APS Fellows – At the end of March, APS will email and give the total number of Fellows that FEd can allocate. The total number of Fellows is calculated at 0.5% of the non-student members of APS in that year. Forum allocations are calculated at 1 Fellow per 500 non-student members, rounded down. All units may submit 1 alternate Fellow selection, which may be allocated by the Committee on Fellowship in the event of unused Fellow slots. FEd allocation in March 2024 was 5 Fellows. For Fellows nominations:

  1. Volunteer Availability: Depending on the number of nominations, a committee may require at least 1 to 3 months to review and deliberate.
  2. Conflicts of Interest: Please refrain from inviting volunteers to a selection committee if you are aware that they are nominating someone for this award or if they are a nominee for the award.
  3. Minimum of Three Reviewers: Each application must be reviewed by at least three unconflicted selection committee members. It is recommended that your committee is large enough to meet this requirement.

Important Dates:

April 15 -- Secretary/Treasurer emails each committee with the following information:

Committee members

Committee charge

Important dates

April 15 – Award/Fellowships Committee should start soliciting for nominations for awards

May 1 – Secretary/Treasurer needs to send names to the Honors Nominations Coordinator (Delia Cruz Nochebuena in 2023) of the names, emails, and positions of the members by May 1

June 1 – Awards/Fellowships Committee needs to submit nominations of APS Fellows

June 1 – Awards/Fellowships Committee have Reichert award and Excellence in Physics Education award close June 1


FEd Exec Committee decided on 2024/02/21 that committee would in practice be the following people:

Committee Chair - Past Chair FEd

Committee Vice Chair - Chair FEd

General and APS/AAPT member at large in 3rd year 

Info from Bylaws: 

  1. Fellowship Committee: The Fellowship Committee shall consist of the Past Chair and up to five members appointed by the Chair, in consultation with the Past Chair, no later than May 1 of each year. All appointed members must be members of the Forum. The Past Chair shall serve as Chair of the Fellowship Committee. This Fellowship Committee shall solicit the nomination of candidates for Fellowship, review the qualification of such candidates, and report its recommendation to the Executive Committee for approval before the submission is made to the Head of the Honors program of the Society. The term of office for members of the Fellowship Committee shall be one year.

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