Newsletter Editors
These Newsletters, a publication of the American Physical Society Forum on Education, present news of the Forum and articles on issues of physics education at all levels. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the APS or of the Forum. Notices of events will be restricted to those considered by the editors to be national in scope. Contributed articles, commentary, and letters are subject to editing; notice will be given the author if major editing is required. Contributions should be sent to any of the Newsletter Editors:
Newsletter Editor-in-Chief: Jennifer L. Docktor, PhD
Newsletter Index
This index gives the Title, Author(s), and URL of articles from the APS Forum on Education Newsletter. Items are sorted by general topic. Most links are directly to the article. In some cases, where only a pdf of the complete newsletter is available, links are to the first page of the relevant newsletter, not the article itself.
Compiled: 1/27/2007 by Larry Woolf and David Meltzer
Updated: 5/1/2011 by Bruce Mason