Summer 2008 Newsletter
Larry Woolf, Editor
View the Full Newsletter
In This Issue
- From the Chair, Ernest Malamud
- From the Editor, Larry Woolf
- Forum on Education News: FEd Program Committee, FEd Nominating Committee, FEd Fellowships
- Video Analysis Workshops for College and University Faculty, Robert Teese
- Introducing ALPhA, Michael Crescimanno
- New Web-Based Collection of Open Source Physics Resources, Bruce Mason
- Physics Textbook Writing: Medieval, Monastic Mimicry, Craig Bohren
- Thoughts about the Career of a Graduating PhD in Physics, Martin C. Gutzwiller
- The APS/AAPT Conference on Graduate Education in Physics, Janet Tate
- Information Fluency and Physics Curriculum: Faculty/Librarian Collaboration, Pat Viele
- Computer-based Tutorials to Develop Expertise in Introductory Physics Students, Chandralekha Singh
- From the Desk of the NIH Director: Special Edition on Science Education, Elias A. Zerhouni
Invited Education Sessions at the 2008 APS April Meeting
- Session B4: How to Communicate Physics to the General Public Using Books and Articles, Art Hobson
- Session D7: Physics Demonstrations and Strategies for Teaching and Public Outreach, Diane Miller, James Cibulka, Rebecca Trousil
- Session H4: Undergraduate Education in Nuclear Physics, Warren Rogers, John Shriner, Sekazi Mtingwa
- Session J5: US Particle Accelerator School Session, William Barlet, Evgenya Smirno, Michael Syphers
- Session L4: Why We Should Double the Number of Undergraduate Degrees in Physics, Ted Hodapp, Robert Hilborn, David Boulware
- Session T7: Excellence in Physics Education Award Session, Peter Shaffer, Jill Marshall, Gary Gladding
- Session X4: Programs to Prepare Teaching Assistants to Teach, Steve Pollock, MacKenzie Stetzer, Ken Heller
Invited Education Sessions at the 2008 APS March Meeting
- Session J7: Undergraduate Nanotechnology and Materials Physics Education I, Robert Chang, Greta Zenner, Jeffrey Collett, Fiona Goodchild, Pradeep Haldar
- Session Q7: Undergraduate Nanotechnology and Materials Physics Education II, Emily Allen, Gregory Salamo, Chris Hughes, Michael Dubson, Janet Tate
- Session U7: Physics Demonstrations and Strategies for Teaching and Public Outreach, Wendy Crone, Murty A. Akundi, Stephen Collins, John Thacker, Robert McGuire
Teacher Preparation Section
- From the Editor of the Teacher Preparation Section, John Stewart
- 2008 PTEC Conference: "Master Teachers: Change Agents for Teacher Preparation", Gabe Popkin
- Doing the Right Thing (and in the Right Place):Starting a Teacher Preparation Program at a Research University, Laurie E. McNeil
- Improving Physics Education through a Diverse Research and Learning Community at Florida International University, Laird Kramer, Eric Brewe, and George O'Brien
- Contributing to Teacher Preparation through "Broader Impacts" Activities, Monica Plisch