Summer 2006 Newsletter
Ernie Malamud, Editor
View the Full Newsletter
In This Issue
- Browsing the Journals by Thomas D. Rossing
- Message from the Chair by Peggy McMahan
- JLab's Outreach Programs submitted by Douglas W. Higinbotham
- The Laboratory Science Teacher Professional Development Program by Todd Clark and Jennifer Coughlin
- Online Physics Education Resources from the American Museum of Natural History by Robert V. Steiner
- Improving Science Teaching in California by Dick Farnsworth and Stanley F. Hitomi
- Engaging Faculty Scientists in K-12 Education Collaborations by Elizabeth Stage
- The San Diego Science Alliance: Fostering Community Wide Industrial and Academic Outreach by Patricia Winter, Nancy Taylor, Christopher M. Smith and Rick Olson
- Education in Nuclear Science: A Status report and recommendations for the Beginning of the 21st Century by Peggy McMahan and Joseph Cerny
- Nanosense: Introducing High School Students to Nanoscale Science by Patricia Schank and Alyssa Wise
- The Bose In Harmony With Education program by Jason Brisbois
- The General Atomics Fusion Education Outreach Program by Rick Lee
Teacher Preparation Section
- A Note from the Teacher Preparation Section Editor by Chance Hoellwarth
- The Learning Assistant Model for Teacher Education in Science and Technology by Valerie Otero
- Undergraduate Learning Assistants at the University of Arkansas by Gay Stewart
- Creating and Sustaining a Teaching and Learning Professional Community at Seattle Pacific University by Lane Seeley and Stamatis Vokos
AAPT Summer meeting in Syracuse
Please join us at the joint FEd/DNP/AAPT plenary session
Session AM: Plenary I - Nuclear Physics in the 21st Century, the Legacy of Hans Bethe
Monday, July 24 - 10:15am-11:45am
AM01 10:15 Hendrik Schatz (MSU) - Frontiers in Nuclear Astrophysics;
AM02 10:45 Timothy Hallman (BNL) - Making Quark-Gluon Soup at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider;
AM03 11:15 Elizabeth Beise (NSF and U. Md) - News and Views of the Proton
There will be a reception sponsored by the FEd following the session.
2007 APS Meetings
The FEd will sponsor invited paper sessions at the March, 2007 meeting in Dallas, and the April, 2007 meeting in Jacksonville, FL. We seek your suggestions for session topics and speakers. Volunteers to organize sessions are encouraged. Please send your suggestions to David Haase before August 15.