Spring 2012 Newsletter
Paul J. Dolan, Jr., Editor
View the Full Newsletter
In This Issue
- From the Chair, Chandralekha Singh
- From the Editor, Paul Dolan
- About the FEd Session at APS April 2012 Meeting, Renee Diehl
- FEd Session Schedule at APS March 2012 and April 2012 Meetings
- Notice of the Physics Research & Education Gordon Conference: "Astronomy's Discoveries and Physics Education"
- ALPhA-BFY (Beyond the First Year) Conference
- APS Members Recognized by AAPT for Excellence in Physics Education
- Upcoming AAPT Meetings & Workshops
- Call for Nominations: Awards and Fellowships, Larry Woolf
- 2011 APS Fellows Nominated by the Forum on Education, Larry Woolf
- About our New APS Fellows: Noah Finkelstein and Chandralekha Singh
- Browsing the Journals Carl Mungan.
- Web Watch Carl Mungan.
- Executive Committee
Letters & Opinions
- "High School Physics, First or Last, Must Be Mathematical," Stewart E. Brekke
- "Necessities for improving STEM education" George O. Zimmerman
- "Is the textbook obsolete?" Peter Lindenfeld and Suzanne White Brahmia
- "A Course to Prepare Physics Students for the Research Laboratory," David G. Haase, Hans Hallen, and David P. Kendellen
- "Astronomy Outreach Adventures in Rural Guatemala!" Linda Strubbe.
- "An Introduction to PIRA" Dale Stille
- "Answer to Challenge to the Readership" Paul Dolan.
Teacher Preparation Section, John Stewart, Editor
- From the Editor of the Teacher Preparation Section, John Stewart
- "The Boston University PhysTEC Program" Andrew Duffy
- "Physics Learning Communities, Teacher Scientist Alliances, and Local Physics Alliances: Professional Development whose Time has Come Again" Jacob Clark Blickenstaff.
- "University of Arkansas Case Study: Teaching, Research, and Advising" Gabriel Popkin