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Dear DBIO members, Abstract submission for the Joint March and April Meeting: APS Global Physics Summit (March 16-21 in Anaheim, CA) is open. The volunteer session leaders and the program committee have assembled an exciting set of topics and invited speakers for the meeting. Please consider submitting an abstract to one of our DBIO sponsored Focus Sessions or our DBIO standard sorting categories. The deadline for submitting an abstract is on October 25, 2024 ! Please visit the abstract submission site to submit your abstract . The Focus Session list is here (under 4. Biological ...
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The call for abstracts is open for the Joint March Meeting and April Meeting, called the APS Global Physics Summit. Share your March Meeting and April Meeting research at the APS Global Physics Summit. All abstracts are due Oct. 25. Become a presenter today ! #FeaturedNews
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Dear DBIO Members: DBIO needs your help to build our program for the APS March Meeting 2025 which will be held from March 16 - March 21, 2025, in Anaheim, CA. We are now taking nominations for invited DBIO Symposia. The nomination deadline is Thursday, July 31, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. ET . The DBIO program committee will convene shortly after the deadline to choose our symposia, including joint sessions with other APS units. Submit a Nomination Note that you will need to be a member of APS with an APS web account to log in to the nomination system. To create your symposium nomination, select the “Invited Symposium Nomination” submission ...
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The Division of Biological Physics (DBIO) needs your help to build our program for the 2025 APS March Meeting, which will take place in Anaheim, California on March 16 - 21, 2025. We are looking for your ideas to help create an exciting meeting. Currently we are soliciting volunteers to organize Focus Sessions. A Focus Session consists of 1-2 invited talks plus 9-12 contributed talks. (A call for Invited Sessions will happen later on.) There are two ways you can help. Please fill out the forms linked below: Volunteer to lead a pre-identified Focus Session. Based on their success at the last meeting, we have identified several Focus Session topics ...
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The application deadline for the Early Career Award in Biological Physics has been extended to Thursday August 31, 2023 at 11:59 pm ET. This award honors outstanding early-career researchers (within 7 years of an independent position) making significant contributions to the field. Previous applicants are highly encouraged to resubmit. Don't miss this opportunity to showcase your work. Awardee benefits: $2,000 grant Travel reimbursement Invited talk at March Meeting Meeting registration waiver For full eligibility details and submission, please visit the award webpage . #FeaturedNews
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APS is seeking members’ anonymous and confidential survey feedback as we determine Society-wide criteria for evaluating attendee safety as part of the meeting location selection process. The purpose of the Task Force is to ensure APS delivers a safe and consistent experience for our community that aligns with APS values. Please complete this important survey . We need every APS member to raise their voice and provide their unique perspective. You may have received this survey via email and Engage. Please only submit one survey.
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Dear DBIO Members, We would like to thank everyone who participated in this year’s DBIO election. We would also like to thank and acknowledge all of the candidates that made the effort to run this year. We truly appreciate their continued commitment to DBIO. Please help me in congratulating the newly elected DBIO officers: Vice Chair Arpita Upadhyaya (UMD) Members-at-Large Elena Koslover (UCSD) Alison Patteson (Syracuse) Early Career Member-at-Large Noah Mitchell (UCSB) They will take office at the 2023 March Meeting. Colleagues leaving office in March are Margaret Gardel (Past Chair), Orit Peleg (Member-at-Large), and Jianhua Xing (Member-at-Large). ...
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Dear All, The DBIO will sponsor a Town Hall meeting on funding opportunities in collaboration with the Program Directors of the NIGMS from the NIH after the DBIO Unit Business Meeting (Tuesday, March 7th, 2023, tentatively at 7:30pm local time, in person). Title: NIGMS Funding Opportunities Town Hall Presenters: Alvin Yeh, Anne Gershenson & Han Nguyen We are all Program Directors (also called Program Officials or POs) in the NIGMS Division of Biophysics, Biomedical Technology and Computational Biosciences ( BBCB ). I (Anne) cover Biophysics, Alvin covers Biomedical Technology and Han covers Computational Biosciences plus some Biophysics. Hosted ...
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DBIO congratulates the recipients of this year’s Prizes and Awards! The Max Delbrück Prize in Biological Physics recognizes and encourages outstanding achievement in biological physics research. Arup K. Chakraborty received the prize “for the leading role in initiating the field of computational immunology, aimed at applying approaches from physical sciences and engineering to unravel the mechanistic underpinnings of the adaptive immune response to pathogens, and to harness this understanding to help design vaccines and therapy.” Chakraborty is a Professor of Chemical Engineering, Physics & Chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ...
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Dear Colleagues, The DBIO Nominations Committee is seeking your assistance in identifying a diverse slate of outstanding candidates to run for leadership positions within the DBIO Executive Committee. Current positions open for nomination: Vice Chair, 4 years - through Chair Line 2x Members at Large, 3 years Early Career Member, 2 years Elected candidates will begin their terms at the conclusion of the 2023 March Meeting. Current officers are listed on the DBIO homepage , as are officer duties and responsibilities within the unit bylaws and operating procedures. The DBIO Executive Committee is a great way to serve the broader biological ...
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Dear All, Please help on reminding your trainees to attend the DBIO workshop, From both sides of the table: Applying for a faculty job in biophysics, on July 27, Noon- 1:30 PM ET. Attendees should register at Topic: Applying for a faculty job in biophysics After productive postdoctoral studies, now you want to look for a faculty position. You may have a number of questions about the process. Where to find the position announcement? Private or public universities? Primarily research or undergraduate institutes? Traditional physics departments ...
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Dear DBIO Members, Have you been curious about how the scientific program for the March Meeting is built? Do you have an idea for a scientific session topic that you'd like to propose? Come to our first DBIO Virtual Workshop (1 hr) to hear from a panel comprised of DBIO ExComm leaders and past session organizers to learn about the process and how you can get involved! Margaret Gardel Wednesday, May 11, 2022 (12:00-1:00 p.m. ET) " Under the Hood: Learn About the Process of Proposing and Leading DBIO Scientific Sessions at March Meeting " Interested in learning more about how the DBIO scientific program at March Meeting ...
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The Division of Biological Physics needs your help to build our program for the 2023 APS March Meeting! We have several ways for you to help: Submit a proposal for a new Invited Session Submit a proposal for a new Focus Session Based on their success last year, we have identified 25 focus session topics that span the breadth of DBIO interests and which will automatically be sponsored for 2023. If you are interested in organizing one of these sessions, please fill out this form to volunteer to co-organize a pre-identified Focus Session . Submissions are due by May 27, 2022. Email with questions/comments. Thank ...
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Please submit suggestions for members of the DBIO community for APS Fellow, Delbruck Prize and DBIO Leadership positions. This does NOT replace an official Nomination, but is a parallel process to identify strong candidates and, in some cases, actively solicit nomination packages. We particularly are interested in candidates who will broaden participation in DBIO. Below please find the links to the official nomination site. This link will remain active throughout the year. For this current year, suggestions would be most useful if received by the following dates: Delbruck Prize: May 10, 2022 ( APS ...
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Dear DBIO Community, The DBIO Membership Committee is looking for people to staff the DBIO membership table at the APS March Meeting. This work is essential to maintain and grow the membership of DBIO. It also helps to create a place to meet and network. The table will be in the convention hall proximal to DBIO sessions. Please volunteer! We especially need people who are interested in networking and connecting with others. Sign up for hours using this google form : ( ). Please sign up for hours that do not ...
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Dear DBIO members, Thank you for participating in the APS Division of Biological Physics (DBIO) with your membership. Please remember to renew your unit membership of the Division of Biological Physics APS during your annual renewal for APS! Over the past year, the DBIO Executive Committee has worked to serve the Biological Physics community. These activities included the following: Community Engagement : Engaged with the DBIO members through @ApsDbio on twitter, hosted monthly on-line happy hours, and sponsored the production of the Living Histories Series on Youtube. Fellowship and Awards : Nomination of DBIO members for APS ...
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Dear APS DBIO members and affiliates, On behalf of the Program Committee from the Division of Biological Physics (the DBIO Unit), I am excited to announce the Scientific Program of the American Physical Society March Meeting (APS MM) 2022. The APS March Meeting will be held in a hybrid format (in-person plus online) from March the 14th to the 18th in 2022. The location for the in-person meeting will be in Chicago (USA). More details about the hybrid format will be announced by the APS who is still consulting with the vendors about taking necessary safety measures on vaccination requirement and other precautions. This is a collaborative effort with 60+ co-organizers ...
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Dear DBIO members: Hellos from the Community Engagement Committee! Please join for us for our recurring activities: Living Histories talks during monthly DBIO Happy Hr Every month, 3rd Wednesday RSVP for the series Past Living Histories talks Lineup of speakers Weekly Thursday Tweetorials via @ApsDbio on twitter Every Thursday Past activities Self nominate to give a tweetorial In addition, community interactions and announcements are possible via different media. DBIO Engage : Start a conversation via the Community tab DBIO on Facebook : Join the group to post or join in on conversations DBIO on Twitter : Follow to keep ...
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NSF Director Explains Vision for Science Agency in APS News In the June edition of APS News, National Science Foundation (NSF) Director Sethuraman Panchanathan discusses his vision for the science agency, including its role in supporting research and training the future STEM workforce. Panchanathan is a computer scientist and engineer, and NSF’s 15 th director, after being confirmed by the US Senate on June 18, 2020. Additionally, he is a leader in science, engineering, and education with more than three decades of experience. Read about his vision for NSF here . #FeaturedNews ​
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The Division of Biological Physics needs your ideas and efforts to build our program for the 2022 March Meeting! We have several ways for you to help: Submit a proposal for an Invited Session Submit a proposal for a Focus Session Volunteer to be co-organizer for a pre-identified Focus Session Based on their success last year, we have identified 13 areas that we’d like to have Focus Sessions on: Evolutionary & Ecological Dynamics, Immune Sensing & Response, Macromolecular Phase Separation, Mechanics of Cells and Tissues, Biological Active Matter, Cytoskeleton, Proteins, Animal Behavior and Social Interactions, Robophysics, ...