Friday Sept 20th, 4:00 pm Eastern
Demystifying the independent postdoc funding application process
Are you an early-career postdoc? Are you considering applying for independent funding? Join our workshop to learn the ins and outs of the application process. Our expert panel, featuring recipients of prestigious independent grants like the Damon Runyon, Burroughs Wellcome, and NIH K99, will share their experiences and advice. We'll cover essential topics such as application materials, timelines, and key strategies for success. Plus, there will be a Q&A session where you can get your specific questions answered. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into writing a successful application!
Ankur Jain, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, MIT, NIH K99 recipient
Maijia Liao, Assistant Professor of Physics, Northeastern University, Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award recipient
Jung-Shen Benny Tai, Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University, Damon Runyan Fellowship recipient
Sarthak Gupta (, Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, Rice University