DBIO- Nominated APS Fellowships
DBIO encourages Fellowship nominations of diverse candidates with outstanding contributions to the biological physics community through any of the following: research, service, outreach, pedagogy, or mentoring.
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Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Biological Physics
To recognize doctoral thesis research of outstanding quality and achievement in any area of experimental, computational, engineering, or theoretical Biological Physics, broadly construed.
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Early Career Award for Biological Physics
This award recognizes outstanding and sustained contributions by an early-career researcher to biological physics.
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Max Delbruck Prize in Biological Physics
To recognize and encourage outstanding achievement in biological physics research.
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APS DBIO Travel Awards
The Division of Biological Physics will award several travel grants of up to $400 per recipient as the first author of contributed papers (talks or posters) in sessions sponsored by DBIO at the March Meeting.
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