GMAG will present up to three dissertation awards at the next APS Global Physics Summit . These awards will recognize up to three students who have conducted outstanding research leading to their dissertation and will consist of an invited talk in an appropriate session at the APS Global Physics Summit Meeting, $250 in travel reimbursement to the conference, and a $500 prize to the recipients. The student must be in the final year before graduating with a Ph.D., and both the student and the advisor must be current members of GMAG.
Student Dissertation Award Nominations should consist of:
Nominating letter
Extended abstract on the research (maximum of 3 pages, including figures and references)
The student’s CV and publication list
Contact information for the student
These nomination documents must be submitted by the student’s advisor or another senior researcher who knows the student’s work well.
Additionally, a compelling nominating letter will certainly include information on:
Quality and independence of the student’s work
Student’s presentation skills
Year the student began graduate school
Student’s expected completion date (must be after September 1, 2024, but before September 1, 2025 to be eligible for the 2024 APS March Meeting Award)
Assessment of the student’s future potential as a research scientist
Nominations should be sent by email as a single PDF file to Cristian D. Batista ( by September 20, 2024. The subject line for the email should be “GMAG Student Dissertation Award.” Evaluation of the nominations will be conducted by the GMAG Executive Committee. Conflict of interest situations will be handled in accordance with APS guidelines.
Congratulations to the 2024 recipients of the GMAG Dissertation Award!
Rakshit Jain, Cornell University,
“Spin physics from topological insulators and spin split antiferromagnets”
Evan Michael Smith, McMaster University,
“The Dipole-Octupole Quantum Spin Ice Candidate Pyrochlore Ce2Zr2O7”