About the Topical Group on Instrument and Measurement Science
The Topical Group on Instrument and Measurement Science (GIMS) was formed in 1984 to advance the development of new instrumentation and measurement science and to provide a forum for discussions of these topics. GIMS provides professional recognition to those who advance instrument and measurement science in all fields of physics.
Membership in the American Physical Society (APS) is required in order to join GIMS. All physicists with an interest in measurement sciences who are APS members are encouraged to sign up for GIMS on their next APS renewal form. Members of GIMS receive newsletters, special announcements of new opportunities, and sponsor numerous invited and focus sessions at the annual March Meeting. Members also cast votes for officers, so please sign up! Also, see the bylaws of the group. Those who are not members are encouraged to join APS.
The official newsletter of the Topical Group on Instrument and Measurement Science is part of your membership in GIMS and reports on the group's activities in addition to its broader coverage.
The Topical Group on Instrument and Measurement Science and Keithley Instruments, Inc. founded and support the Joseph F. Keithley Award. The Award is given to APS members whose discoveries or inventions have advanced physics through measurement science.