Outstanding paper:
The purpose of this award is to recognize an outstanding student paper addressing the subject of industrial applications of physics.
Haley B. Woolf, New Mexico State University
(Stefan Zollner & Matt Kim advisors)
T00.282 : Optical and x-ray characterization of Ge-Sn alloys on GaAs
Outstanding paper:
Andrew Ylitalo
"Microfluidic Approach to Study Bubble Nucleation in Polymeric Foams for the Development of DFT-based Models"
Session S33: Physics of Foams: Fundamentals and Applications, Abstract S33.3
Rahul Trivedi
"Fundamental limits on the performance of electromagnetic devices"
Session L27: Experimental Optical/Laser Devices and Applications, Abstract L27.02
Outstanding paper:
Milinda Pattanayak
Texas Tech University
"Current-induced resistivity switching in VO2 micro-electronic oscillators"
Session K33: Phase Change Materials, Memristors, and Neuromorphic Computing, Abstract K33.11
Outstanding paper:
Fatemeh Barati
UC Riverside
"Hot carrier-enhanced interlayer electron–hole pair multiplication in 2D semiconductor heterostructure photocells"
Session P20: Recent Advances in Solar Photovoltaics, Abstract P20.05
Wennie Wang
UC Santa Barbara
"Tuning the Optical Properties of Complex Oxides for Energy Applications"
Session B32: Computational Modeling of Electronic Materials for Energy Applications, Abstract B32.03
Outstanding paper:
Daniel Lim
"Fabrication of Converging and Diverging Polymeric Microlens Arrays By Spatiotemporal Control of Thermocapillary Forces"
Session V18: Function from Geometry: 3D Printing to Programable Matter II, Abstract 18.09
Vetle Risinggård
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
"Universal absence of Walker breakdown for spin — orbit and spin Hall torque driven domain walls"
Session R47: Spin-Orbit Torque III and Chiral Domain Walls, Abstract R47.06
Outstanding paper:
Thomas O’Connor
Johns Hopkins University
“Chain Ends and the Ultimate Tensile Strength of Polyethylene Fibers”
Session H33: Where Simulation, Theory, and Experiment Meet Across Time Scales, H33.11
Kai Wagner
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden
“Magnetic domain walls as reconfigurable spin-wave nano-channels”
Session E6: Spin Excitations in Ultrathin Films, Nanostructures and Domain Walls, E6.10
Iris Stone
George Mason University
“The Effects of Stoichiometry on the Optical Properties of PTZ-TCNQ Charge Transfer Crystals”
Session Y33: Organic Electronics and Photonics - Spin Transport and Photophysics, Y33.13
Outstanding papers:
John L. Lyons
UC Santa Barbara
“How localized acceptors limit p-type conductivity in GaN"
Session B23: Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors II, Abstract B23.00004
Alexander Slepko
Univ. Texas at Austin
“Electrical Resisitivity in Metals and Metallic Alloys from First Principles”
Session Y21: Semiconductors: Thermodynamic & Transport Properties (Theory), Abstract Y21.00012
Outstanding paper:
Jose Sanchez-Perez
University of Wisconsin Madison
“Direct-bandgap infrared light emission from tensilely strained germanium nanomembranes,”
Session Q28: Applications of Semiconductors, Dielectrics, Complex Oxides, Abstract Q28.0009
Runner-ups: none
Outstanding paper:
Xingxian Shou, Case Western Reserve University
"The suppression of dominant acoustic frequencies in MRI,"
Session D21: Focus Session (GIMS): Novel Instrumentation & Measurements for Biomedical Research D21.00006
Christopher Jaworski
The Ohio State University
"The spin-Seebeck effect in a GaMnAs/MnAs bilayer,"
Session J15: Focus Session (DMP, GMAG, FIAP): Spins in Semiconductors - Spin Currents II J15.00004
Liu Zhiqi
National University of Singapore
"Nonlinear Insulator in Complex Oxides,"
Session W12: Electronic Transport in Novel Materials and Nanostructures (FIAP) W12.00012.