Article IX - Amendment of Bylaws
Proposals for amendments to these Bylaws may be made by the Council, by the Society’s Governance Committee, by the Executive Committee, or by petition to the Chair signed by not fewer than ten percent of the members of FIAP. Independent of the manner in which a proposed amendment is initiated, it must be reviewed by the Society’s Governance Committee and approved by Council before further action can be taken. Following Council approval, the Secretary-Treasurer shall distribute copies of the proposed amendment to all members of FIAP not less than four weeks before the Annual Meeting, and opportunity for discussion shall be given during the Annual Meeting. Voting on a proposed amendment shall be carried out by electronic ballot in the manner required for amendment to the Constitution of the Society. The adoption of an amendment shall require the affirmative votes of not less than two thirds of the members voting. The amendment shall become effective on the first day of January, following the approval by vote of the membership.
These FIAP Bylaws were approved by membership vote in November 2018