Email Archive

Email Archive

Below is an archive of DMP emails: 

03/07/2022 - DMP March Meeting Events

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03/02/2022 - DMP Winter Newsletter

The Division of Materials Physics Winter 2022 Newsletter is available online.

In this Issue
  • A Message from the Chair
  • New Members of the Executive Committee
  • DMP Executive Committee Members for 2022-2023
  • Call for DMP Focus Session Topics for the 2023 APS March Meeting
  • DMP Focus Topics at the 2022 APS March Meeting
  • March Meeting: DMP/DCMP Fellows and Awards Reception, DMP Business Meeting
  • Award and Prize Winners
  • 2021 APS Fellows nominated through DMP
  • Division of Materials Physics Ovshinsky Student Travel Awards
  • Division of Materials Physics Post-Doctoral Travel Awards
  • March Meeting: DMP Sponsored Symposia & Special Events

01/13/2022 - DMP Annual Election Opening Soon

The election for DMP Vice Chair and Executive Committee Members-at-Large will be initiated shortly. You should receive an email message within the next few days that contains instructions for voting, and has a personalized link that you should follow to find your ballot. The message will be sent from the domain “”. Please ensure that your spam filters are set to allow mail from to avoid the message being sent to your spam folder. For more information please visit the APS website.

When you receive the election notice from “”, please click on the link provided or cut and paste the link into your browser to log onto the election website.

Voting in the DMP election is an important, and much appreciated, activity! We thank you very much for your support.

11/15/2021 - DMP Post-Doctoral and Ovshinsky Student Travel Awards

Apply Now
Apply Now

10/19/2021 - APS March Meeting 2022 Abstract Information and DMP Focus Topics

Dear DMP Membership,

This email is a reminder of the upcoming abstract submission deadline for the APS March Meeting 2022, which will be held from March 14–18. Below you will find a list of the sorting categories of the focus topics organized by the DMP. The abstract submission deadline for the APS March Meeting is Friday, October 22, 2021.

Learn more and submit an abstract here.


Steven May
Drexel University
DMP Secretary-Treasurer  

DMP Focus Topics for 2022

07.01.01 Topological materials: synthesis, characterization and modeling

07.01.02 Dirac and Weyl semimetals: materials and modeling

07.01.03 Topological superconductivity: materials and modeling

07.01.04 Magnetic topological materials

08.01.02 Dopants and defects in semiconductors

08.01.03 Multiferroics, magnetoelectrics, spin-electric coupling, and ferroelectrics

08.01.04 Metal Halide Perovskites – from Fundamentals to Applications

09.01.01 Fe-based Superconductors

11.01.01: 5d/4d transition metal systems

11.01.02: Light-induced structural control of electronic phases

12.01.01: 2D Materials: Synthesis, Heterostructures, and Defects

12.01.02: 2D Materials: Devices and Functionalities

12.01.03: 2D Materials: Advanced Characterization

12.01.04: 2D Materials: Correlated states: Superconductivity, Density Waves, and Ferroelectricity

13.01.01: Nanostructures and Metamaterials

13.01.02: Electron, Exciton, and Phonon Transport in Nanostructures

13.01.03: Complex Oxide Interfaces and Heterostructures

13.01.04: Materials for Quantum Information Science

14.01.01: Fundamental electronic processes and the role of interfaces in organic semiconductor devices

19.01.07: Tools and Techniques for Exploring Materials Physics at the Frontier of Time and Length Scales

DMP also co-sponsors the following focus topics led by other APS units:

01.01.02 Organic Electronics (DPOLY, FIAP, DMP) [same as 08.01.06]

01.01.16 Molecular Glasses (DPOLY, DSOFT, DCP, DMP) [same as 02.01.34, 05.01.10]

01.01.18 Polymers and Soft Solids at Interfaces: Tribology, Wear, Rheology and Interactions (DPOLY, DSOFT, GSNP, DFD, DMP) [same as 02.01.36, 03.01.39, 20.01.13]

01.01.27 Polymer Crystals and Crystallization (DPOLY, DSOFT, DMP) [same as 02.01.42]

04.01.08 Biomaterials: Structure, function, design (DBIO, DMP, DSOFT, DPOLY) [same as 02.01.47, 01.01.41]

08.01.07 Optical Spectroscopic Measurements of 2D Materials (FIAP, DMP, GIMS) [same as 19.01.06]

10.01.01 Magnetic Nanostructures: Materials and phenomena (GMAG, DMP)

10.01.02 Emergent Properties of Bulk Complex Oxides (GMAG, DMP, DCOMP) [same as 16.01.32]

10.01.03 Magnetic Oxide Thin Films and Heterostructures (GMAG, DMP, DCOMP) [same as 16.01.33]

10.01.04 Chiral Spin Textures and Dynamics, Including Skyrmions (GMAG, DMP)

10.01.05 Spin transport and Magnetization Dynamics in Metals-Based Systems (GMAG, DMP, FIAP) [same as 22.01.04]

10.01.06 Spin-Dependent Phenomena in Semiconductors, including 2D Materials and Topological Insulators (GMAG, DMP, FIAP, DCOMP) [same as 08.01.01, 16.01.36]

10.01.07 Frustrated Magnetism (GMAG, DMP)

10.01.08 Low-Dimensional and Molecular Magnetism (GMAG, DMP)

12.01.05 Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials (DMP, DCOMP) [same as 16.01.10]

16.01.01 Matter in extreme environments (DCOMP, DMP)

16.01.02 Building the bridge to exascale: applications and opportunities for materials, chemistry, and biology (DCOMP, DBIO, DCP, DPOLY, DMP, DAMOP) [same as 04.01.33, 05.01.14, 01.01.48, 06.01.08]

16.01.03 Electrons, phonons, electron-phonon scattering, and phononics (DCOMP, DMP)

16.01.04 First-principles modeling of excited-state phenomena in materials (DCOMP, DCP, DMP) [same as 05.01.15]

16.01.05 Machine learning for quantum matter (DCOMP, GDS, DMP) [same as 23.01.02]

16.01.13 Physics and effects on transport of ion-ion correlation in electrolyte materials (DCOMP, DCP, DMP) [same as 05.01.17]

10/06/2021 - Nominations for the IUPAP C5 2022 Young Scientist Prize for Low Temperature Physics

Dear Colleagues,

I bring your attention to the open call for nominations for the IUPAP C5 2022 Young Scientist Prize for Low Temperature Physics.

The Commission on Low Temperature Physics (C5) of IUPAP solicits nominations of outstanding young experimental or theoretical physicists for 2022 Young Scientist Prizes. The prizes, each consisting of an IUPAP medal, certificate, and a cash award (~ 1000 Euros), and each winner will give an invited presentation at the 29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT29), Sapporo, Japan, August 18-24, 2022. Candidates for the prize should have received their PhD within 8 years from the deadline for submission of nominations. This deadline is December 15, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. CST.

Nominations should consist of a nomination letter, including a suggested citation less than 20 words, two additional letters from experts not in conflict of interest with the candidate i.e. doctoral, or postdoctoral mentor, or close collaborator, detailing the nominee’s qualifications and scientific achievements, a complete CV, and a list of publications in a single pdf file, with the file name being the candidate’s name with last name first, e.g. HalperinWP.IUPAP , and mailed to the C5 commission chair, William Halperin: and secretary Naoto

IUPAP C5 welcomes applications from women and from underrepresented groups in the field of low temperature physics.

08/11/2021 - DMP Summer 2021 Newsletter

08/06/2021 - March Meeting 2022: Reminder for Invited Speaker Nominations

Dear DMP Membership,

I am writing to solicit nominations for invited speakers for the DMP Focus Topics at the APS March Meeting 2022 (Chicago, Illinois, March 14-18, 2022). Your nominations will go to the organizers of the selected Focus Topic and will aid the organizers in their selection of invited speakers. For the March Meeting 2022, DMP is the lead organization unit on 20 different Focus Topics listed at the end of this email.

A Focus Topic generally consists of a series of sessions, each of which is typically seeded with one invited talk, the remainder of the session being composed of contributed presentations. The deadline for submissions is Friday, August 13, 2021, at the nominations webpage.

You will need an APS web account to log in to the system for nomination submissions.

Please keep in mind that speakers who gave a technical invited talk at the 2021 March Meeting are ineligible.

The membership of APS is diverse and global, and the nominees for invited talks should reflect that diversity so that all are recognized for their impact on our community. Nominations of members belonging to groups traditionally underrepresented in physics, such as women, LGBT+ scientists, scientists who are Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC), disabled scientists, and scientists from outside the United States are especially encouraged.


Steven May, Drexel University
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

07.01.01 Topological materials: synthesis, characterization and modeling (DMP)
Organizers: Matthew Brahlek (Oak Ridge National Lab); Fazel Tafti (Boston College); Jorn Venderbos (Drexel U.)

07.01.02 Dirac and Weyl semimetals: materials and modeling (DMP) Organizers: Organizers: Jennifer Cano (Stony Brook); Leslie Schoop (Princeton); Stephen Wilson (U. California Santa Barbara)

07.01.03 Topological superconductivity: materials and modeling (DMP)
Organizers: David Cobden (U. Washington); Javad Shabani (NYU); James Williams (U. Maryland)

07.01.04 Magnetic topological materials (DMP, GMAG) [same as 10.01.09]
Organizers: Dustin Allen Gilbert (U. Tennessee Knoxville); Giovanni Finocchio (U. Messina); Ilya Belopolski (RIKEN, Japan)

08.01.02 Dopants and defects in semiconductors (DMP, DCOMP, FIAP) [same as 16.01.30]
Organizers: Elif Ertekin (U. Illinois Urbana Champaign); Mary Ellen Zvanut, (U. Alabama Birmingham); Mike Scarpulla, (U. Utah)

08.01.03 Multiferroics, magnetoelectrics, spin-electric coupling, and ferroelectrics (DMP, DCOMP, FIAP) [same as 16.01.29]
Organizers: Manuel Bibes (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique); Ying Hao (Eddie) Chu (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University); Jiamian Hu (U. Wisconsin-Madison)

08.01.04 Metal Halide Perovskites – from Fundamentals to Applications (DMP, FIAP)
Organizers: Yana Vaynzof (TU Dresden); David S. Ginger (U. Washington); Nir Tessler (Technion-Israel Inst. Tech)

09.01.01 Fe-based Superconductors (DMP, DCOMP) [same as 16.01.31]
Organizers: Ni Ni (U. California Los Angeles); Amalia Coldea (Oxford); Andreas Kreisel (U. Leipzig)

11.01.01: 5d/4d transition metal systems (DMP)
Organizers: Gang Cao (U. Colorado Boulder); Shalinee Chikara (National High Magnetic Field Lab, Florida State); Craig Bridges (Oak Ridge National Lab)

11.01.02: Light-induced structural control of electronic phases (DMP)
Organizers: Dominik Juraschek (Harvard); M. Fechner (Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg); Wanzheng Hu (Boston U.)

12.01.01: 2D Materials: Synthesis, Heterostructures, and Defects (DMP, DCMP)
Organizers: Pengpeng Zhang (Michigan State U.); Yeonwoong Eric Jung (U. Central Florida); Salvador Barraza-Lopez (U. Arkansas)

12.01.02: 2D Materials: Devices and Functionalities (DMP, DCOMP) [same as 16.01.32]
Organizers: Cheng Gong (U. Maryland, College Park); Diana Qiu (Yale); Peide (Peter) Ye (Purdue)

12.01.03: 2D Materials: Advanced Characterization (DMP, GMAG) [same as 10.01.11]
Organizers: Kwabena Bediako (U. California Berkeley); Pinshane Huang (U. Illinois Urbana Champaign); Christopher Gutiérrez (U. California Los Angeles)

12.01.04: 2D Materials: Correlated states: Superconductivity, Density Waves, and Ferroelectricity (DMP) Organizers: Adam Wei Tsen (U. Waterloo); Liuyan Zhao (U. Michigan); Ke Wang (U. Minnesota)

13.01.01: Nanostructures and Metamaterials (DMP)
Organizers: Nicholas Xuanlai Fang (MIT); Tony Low (U. Minnesota); Bobacar Kante (U. California Berkeley)

13.01.02: Electron, Exciton, and Phonon Transport in Nanostructures (DMP)
Organizers: Geoff Wehmeyer (Rice); Longji Cui (U. Colorado Boulder); Diana Qiu (Yale)

13.01.03: Complex Oxide Interfaces and Heterostructures (DMP)
Organizers: Ankit Disa (Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter); Charles Ahn (Yale); Nicole Benedek (Cornell)

13.01.04: Materials for Quantum Information Science (DMP, DQI) [same as 17.01.26]
Organizers: Hannes Bernien (U. Chicago); Prineha Narang (Harvard)

14.01.01: Fundamental electronic processes and the role of interfaces in organic semiconductor devices (DMP)
Organizers: Vitaly Podzorov (Rutgers); Suchi Guha (U. Missouri); Oksana Ostroverkhova (Oregon State U.)

19.01.07: Tools and Techniques for Exploring Materials Physics at the Frontier of Time and Length Scales (DMP)
Organizers: Alexander Gray (Temple U.); Yimei Zhu (Brookhaven National Lab), Liuyan Zhao (U. Michigan)

07/26/2021 - Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award in Experimental Condensed Matter or Materials Physics

Nominations for the Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award in Experimental Condensed Matter or Materials Physics are now being accepted. This award, established by a generous gift from Richard L. Greene at the University of Maryland, recognizes doctoral thesis research of exceptional quality and importance in experimental condensed matter or experimental materials physics.

The award consists of $3,000, a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient, an allowance of up to $1,000 for travel, and a registration waiver to attend and give an invited talk at the annual APS March Meeting at which the award will be presented. The nomination deadline for the Greene Dissertation Award (for theses submitted after January 1, 2020) is August 31, 2021.

The membership of APS is diverse and global, and the nominees and recipients of APS Honors should reflect that diversity so that all are recognized for their impact on our community. Nominations of members belonging to groups traditionally underrepresented in physics, such as women, LGBT+ scientists, scientists who are Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC), disabled scientists, and scientists from outside the United States are especially encouraged.
Submit a nomination today

07/08/2021 - March Meeting 2022: Invited Speaker Nominations for DMP Focus Topics

Dear DMP Membership,

I am contacting you as Chair-Elect of DMP to request nominations for invited speakers for the DMP Focus Topics at the APS March Meeting 2022 (Chicago, Illinois, March 14-18, 2022).   I am coordinating the DMP Program with help from the entire DMP Executive Committee. Your nominations will go to the organizers of the selected Focus Topic and will aid the organizers in their selection of invited speakers.

A Focus Topic generally consists of a series of sessions, each of which is typically seeded with one invited talk, the remainder of the session being composed of contributed presentations. The deadline for submissions is Friday, August 13, 2021, at the following website

Note that you will need an APS web account to log in to the system.

In suggesting speakers please keep in mind that speakers who gave a technical invited talk at the 2021 March Meeting are ineligible.

The membership of APS is diverse and global, and the nominees for invited talks should reflect that diversity so that all are recognized for their impact on our community. Nominations of members belonging to groups traditionally underrepresented in physics, such as women, LGBT+ scientists, scientists who are Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC), disabled scientists, and scientists from outside the United States are especially encouraged.

For the March Meeting 2022, DMP is the lead organization unit on 20 different Focus Topics listed below.


Vivien Zapf, Los Alamos National Laboratory
DMP Chair-Elect

07.01.01 Topological materials: synthesis, characterization and modeling (DMP)
Organizers: Matthew Brahlek (Oak Ridge National Lab); Fazel Tafti (Boston College); Jorn Venderbos (Drexel U.)

07.01.02 Dirac and Weyl semimetals: materials and modeling (DMP) Organizers: Organizers: Jennifer Cano (Stony Brook); Leslie Schoop (Princeton); Stephen Wilson (U. California Santa Barbara)

07.01.03 Topological superconductivity: materials and modeling (DMP)
Organizers: David Cobden (U. Washington); Javad Shabani (NYU); James Williams (U. Maryland)

07.01.04 Magnetic topological materials (DMP, GMAG) [same as 10.01.09]
Organizers: Dustin Allen Gilbert (U. Tennessee Knoxville); Giovanni Finocchio (U. Messina); Ilya Belopolski (RIKEN, Japan)

08.01.02 Dopants and defects in semiconductors (DMP, DCOMP, FIAP) [same as 16.01.30]
Organizers: Elif Ertekin (U. Illinois Urbana Champaign); Mary Ellen Zvanut, (U. Alabama Birmingham); Mike Scarpulla, (U. Utah)

08.01.03 Multiferroics, magnetoelectrics, spin-electric coupling, and ferroelectrics (DMP, DCOMP, FIAP) [same as 16.01.29]
Organizers: Manuel Bibes (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique); Ying Hao (Eddie) Chu (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University); Jiamian Hu (U. Wisconsin-Madison)

08.01.04 Metal Halide Perovskites – from Fundamentals to Applications (DMP, FIAP)
Organizers: Yana Vaynzof (TU Dresden); David S. Ginger (U. Washington); Nir Tessler (Technion-Israel Inst. Tech)

09.01.01 Fe-based Superconductors (DMP, DCOMP) [same as 16.01.31]
Organizers: Ni Ni (U. California Los Angeles); Amalia Coldea (Oxford); Andreas Kreisel (U. Leipzig)

11.01.01: 5d/4d transition metal systems (DMP)
Organizers: Gang Cao (U. Colorado Boulder); Shalinee Chikara (National High Magnetic Field Lab, Florida State); Craig Bridges (Oak Ridge National Lab)

11.01.02: Light-induced structural control of electronic phases (DMP)
Organizers: Dominik Juraschek (Harvard); M. Fechner (Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg); Wanzheng Hu (Boston U.)
12.01.01: 2D Materials: Synthesis, Heterostructures, and Defects (DMP, DCMP)
Organizers: Pengpeng Zhang (Michigan State U.); Yeonwoong Eric Jung (U. Central Florida); Salvador Barraza-Lopez (U. Arkansas)
12.01.02: 2D Materials: Devices and Functionalities (DMP, DCOMP) [same as 16.01.32]
Organizers: Cheng Gong (U. Maryland, College Park); Diana Qiu (Yale); Peide (Peter) Ye (Purdue)

12.01.03: 2D Materials: Advanced Characterization (DMP, GMAG) [same as 10.01.11]
Organizers: Kwabena Bediako (U. California Berkeley); Pinshane Huang (U. Illinois Urbana Champaign); Christopher Gutiérrez (U. California Los Angeles)

12.01.04: 2D Materials: Correlated states: Superconductivity, Density Waves, and Ferroelectricity (DMP) Organizers: Adam Wei Tsen (U. Waterloo); Liuyan Zhao (U. Michigan); Ke Wang (U. Minnesota)

13.01.01: Nanostructures and Metamaterials (DMP)
Organizers: Nicholas Xuanlai Fang (MIT); Tony Low (U. Minnesota); Bobacar Kante (U. California Berkeley)

13.01.02: Electron, Exciton, and Phonon Transport in Nanostructures (DMP)
Organizers: Geoff Wehmeyer (Rice); Longji Cui (U. Colorado Boulder); Diana Qiu (Yale)

13.01.03: Complex Oxide Interfaces and Heterostructures (DMP)
Organizers: Ankit Disa (Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter); Charles Ahn (Yale); Nicole Benedek (Cornell)

13.01.04: Materials for Quantum Information Science (DMP, DQI) [same as 17.01.26]
Organizers: Hannes Bernien (U. Chicago); Prineha Narang (Harvard) 

14.01.01: Fundamental electronic processes and the role of interfaces in organic semiconductor devices (DMP)
Organizers: Vitaly Podzorov (Rutgers); Suchi Guha (U. Missouri); Oksana Ostroverkhova (Oregon State U.)

19.01.07: Tools and Techniques for Exploring Materials Physics at the Frontier of Time and Length Scales (DMP)
Organizers: Alexander Gray (Temple U.); Yimei Zhu (Brookhaven National Lab), Liuyan Zhao (U. Michigan)

05/25/2021 - Nominations for Adler Award and McGroddy Prize: Deadline June 1

Nominations are currently being accepted for the David Adler Lectureship Award in the Field of Materials Physics and James C. McGroddy Prize for New Materials.

The Adler Lectureship recognizes outstanding contributions to the advancement and diffusion of the knowledge of materials and their properties. In addition to the significance of the research, special attention is paid to the clarity of written and oral skills of the recipient. The Lectureship consists of a $5,000 honorarium for the lecturer and a certificate citing the contribution made by the recipient.

The McGroddy Prize recognizes outstanding achievement in the science and application of new materials. This includes the discovery of new classes of materials, the observation of novel phenomena in known materials leading to both fundamentally new applications and scientific insights, and theoretical and experimental work contributing significantly to the understanding of such phenomena. The prize consists of $10,000 plus a certificate citing the contribution of the recipient and an allowance for travel to the meeting of the Society at which the award is presented. Nomination packages are due June 1, 2021.

Complete information on the nomination process is available online.

The membership of APS is diverse and global, and the nominees and recipients of APS Honors should reflect that diversity so that all are recognized for their impact on our community. Nominations of members belonging to groups traditionally underrepresented in physics, such as women, LGBT+ scientists, scientists who are Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC), disabled scientists, and scientists from outside the United States are especially encouraged.

03/01/2021 - DMP Winter Newsletter

11/20/2020 - DMP Post-Doctoral and Ovshinsky Student Awards

Dear DMP Members,

Applications for the DMP Post-Doctoral Travel Awards and the Ovshinsky Student Travel Awards for the APS March Meeting 2021 are now open.

Applications must be submitted by November 30, 2020 for the APS March Meeting 2021. Advisors will be asked to complete their letter of support by December 14, 2020.

Details and application links can be found below.


Ovshinsky Student Travel Awards

The Division of Materials Physics Ovshinsky Student Travel Awards have been established to assist the careers of student researchers. The awards are named after Stanley and Iris Ovshinsky, who had a very strong interest and commitment to scientific education. The awards have been endowed by the Ovshinsky family, their colleagues at Energy Conversion Devices (ECD) companies, and their numerous friends from many social, intellectual, and business relationships.

We anticipate that there will be 20 Ovshinsky Awards this year to enable students to participate in the APS March Meeting sessions, which are sponsored by the Division of Materials Physics. The award will cover the registration fee for the Meeting, which will be held online in 2021. The selection will be based on merit and the committee will consist of members of the Executive Committee of the Division of Materials Physics. Full information available on the website.
Apply Now

DMP Post-Doctoral Travel Awards

The DMP Post-Doctoral Travel Awards have been established to recognize innovative materials physics research by post-doctoral researchers that will be presented at the APS March Meeting. The awards are supported through the Division of Materials Physics.

We anticipate that there will be 12 Post-Doctoral Awards in 2021 to support participation in DMP Focus Topic sessions at the APS March Meeting sessions. Submission of an abstract to a DMP Focus Topic is required. The award will cover the registration fee for the Meeting, which will be held online in 2021. The selection of the recipients of the DMP Post-Doctoral Travel Awards will be based on the research quality, the impact of the research at the March Meeting and the innovative contribution of the post-doctoral researcher. The selection committee will consist of members of the DMP Executive Committee with input from the DMP Focus Topic Organizers. Full information available on the website.
Apply Now

11/11/2020 - DMP Elections

Dear DMP Members,

The election for DMP Vice Chair, Division Councilor, and Members-at-Large will be initiated shortly. You should receive an email message within the next few days that contains instructions for voting and has a personalized link that you can follow to find your ballot. The message will be sent from the domain “” Please ensure that your spam filters are set to allow mail from to avoid the message being sent to your spam folder.

When you receive the election notice from “,” please click on the link provided or cut and paste the link into your browser to log onto the election website.

Your participation in the DMP election is very much appreciated. Thank you for your support.

Best wishes,

Steven May
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

10/21/2020 - APS March Meeting 2021 Abstract Submission and DMP Focus Topics

Dear DMP Membership,

I am writing to remind you of the upcoming abstract submission deadline for the APS March Meeting 2021, which will be held virtually from March 15–19. Below you will find a list of the sorting categories of the focus topics organized by the DMP. The abstract submission deadline for the APS March Meeting is Friday, October 23, 2020.

Learn more and submit an abstract »


Rachel Goldman
University of Michigan
DMP Chair-Elect

DMP Focus Topics for 2021

07.01.01 Topological materials: synthesis, characterization, and modeling

07.01.02 Dirac and Weyl semimetals: materials and modeling

07.01.03 Topological superconductivity: materials and modeling

07.01.04 Magnetic topological materials

08.01.02 Dopants and defects in semiconductors

08.01.03 Multiferroics, magnetoelectrics, spin-electric coupling, and ferroelectrics

08.01.04 Organometal halide perovskites: photovoltaics and beyond

09.01.01 Fe-based Superconductors

11.01.01: 5d/4d transition metal systems

12.01.01: 2D Materials: Synthesis, Defects, Structure and Properties

12.01.02: 2D Materials: Semiconductors

12.01.03: Devices from 2D Materials: Function, Fabrication and Characterization

12.01.04: 2D Materials: Metals, Superconductors, and Correlated Materials

12.01.05 Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials

13.01.01: Nanostructures and Metamaterials

13.01.02: Electron, Exciton, and Phonon Transport in Nanostructures

13.01.03: Complex Oxide Interfaces and Heterostructures

13.01.04: Materials for Quantum Information Science

14.01.01: Surface and Interface Science of Organic Molecular Solids, Films, and Nanostructures

19.01.07: Tools for Exploring Materials Physics at the Frontier of Time and Length Scales

DMP also co-sponsors the following focus topics led by other APS units:

01.01.02 Organic Electronics (DPOLY, FIAP, DMP) [same as 08.01.06]

01.01.16 Molecular Glasses (DPOLY, DSOFT, DCP, DMP) [same as 02.01.34, 05.01.10]

01.01.18 Polymers and Soft Solids at Interfaces: Tribology, Wear, Rheology and Interactions (DPOLY, DSOFT, GSNP, DFD, DMP) [same as 02.01.36, 03.01.39, 20.01.13]

01.01.27 Polymer Crystals and Crystallization (DPOLY, DSOFT, DMP) [same as 02.01.42]

04.01.08 Biomaterials: Structure, function, design (DBIO, DMP, DSOFT, DPOLY) [same as 02.01.47, 01.01.41]

08.01.07 Optical Spectroscopic Measurements of 2D Materials (FIAP, DMP, GIMS) [same as 19.01.06]

10.01.01 Magnetic Nanostructures: Materials and phenomena (GMAG, DMP)

10.01.02 Emergent Properties of Bulk Complex Oxides (GMAG, DMP, DCOMP) [same as 16.01.32]

10.01.03 Magnetic Oxide Thin Films and Heterostructures (GMAG, DMP, DCOMP) [same as 16.01.33]

10.01.04 Chiral Spin Textures and Dynamics, Including Skyrmions (GMAG, DMP)

10.01.05 Spin transport and Magnetization Dynamics in Metals-Based Systems (GMAG, DMP, FIAP) [same as 22.01.04]

10.01.06 Spin-Dependent Phenomena in Semiconductors, including 2D Materials and Topological Insulators (GMAG, DMP, FIAP, DCOMP) [same as 08.01.01, 16.01.36]

10.01.07 Frustrated Magnetism (GMAG, DMP)

10.01.08 Low-Dimensional and Molecular Magnetism (GMAG, DMP)

16.01.01 Matter in extreme environments (DCOMP, DMP)

16.01.02 Building the bridge to exascale: applications and opportunities for materials, chemistry, and biology (DCOMP, DBIO, DCP, DPOLY, DMP, DAMOP) [same as 04.01.33, 05.01.14, 01.01.48, 06.01.08]

16.01.03 Electrons, phonons, electron-phonon scattering, and phononics (DCOMP, DMP)

16.01.04 First-principles modeling of excited-state phenomena in materials (DCOMP, DCP, DMP) [same as 05.01.15]

16.01.05 Machine learning for quantum matter (DCOMP, GDS, DMP) [same as 23.01.02]

16.01.13 Physics and effects on transport of ion-ion correlation in electrolyte materials (DCOMP, DCP, DMP) [same as 05.01.17]

10/08/2020 - APS March Meeting 2021 Abstract Information and DMP Focus Topics

Dear DMP Membership,

This email is a reminder of the upcoming abstract submission deadline for the APS March Meeting 2021, which will be held virtually from March 15–19. Below you will find a list of the sorting categories of the focus topics organized by the DMP. The abstract submission deadline for the APS March Meeting is Friday, October 23, 2020.

Learn more and submit an abstract »


Rachel Goldman
University of Michigan
DMP Chair-Elect

DMP Focus Topics for 2021

07.01.01 Topological materials: synthesis, characterization, and modeling

07.01.02 Dirac and Weyl semimetals: materials and modeling

07.01.03 Topological superconductivity: materials and modeling

07.01.04 Magnetic topological materials

08.01.02 Dopants and defects in semiconductors

08.01.03 Multiferroics, magnetoelectrics, spin-electric coupling, and ferroelectrics

08.01.04 Organometal halide perovskites: photovoltaics and beyond

09.01.01 Fe-based Superconductors

11.01.01: 5d/4d transition metal systems

12.01.01: 2D Materials: Synthesis, Defects, Structure and Properties

12.01.02: 2D Materials: Semiconductors

12.01.03: Devices from 2D Materials: Function, Fabrication and Characterization

12.01.04: 2D Materials: Metals, Superconductors, and Correlated Materials

12.01.05 Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials

13.01.01: Nanostructures and Metamaterials

13.01.02: Electron, Exciton, and Phonon Transport in Nanostructures

13.01.03: Complex Oxide Interfaces and Heterostructures

13.01.04: Materials for Quantum Information Science

14.01.01: Surface and Interface Science of Organic Molecular Solids, Films, and Nanostructures

19.01.07: Tools for Exploring Materials Physics at the Frontier of Time and Length Scales

DMP also co-sponsors the following focus topics led by other APS units:

01.01.02 Organic Electronics (DPOLY, FIAP, DMP) [same as 08.01.06]

01.01.16 Molecular Glasses (DPOLY, DSOFT, DCP, DMP) [same as 02.01.34, 05.01.10]

01.01.18 Polymers and Soft Solids at Interfaces: Tribology, Wear, Rheology and Interactions (DPOLY, DSOFT, GSNP, DFD, DMP) [same as 02.01.36, 03.01.39, 20.01.13]

01.01.27 Polymer Crystals and Crystallization (DPOLY, DSOFT, DMP) [same as 02.01.42]

04.01.08 Biomaterials: Structure, function, design (DBIO, DMP, DSOFT, DPOLY) [same as 02.01.47, 01.01.41]

08.01.07 Optical Spectroscopic Measurements of 2D Materials (FIAP, DMP, GIMS) [same as 19.01.06]

10.01.01 Magnetic Nanostructures: Materials and phenomena (GMAG, DMP)

10.01.02 Emergent Properties of Bulk Complex Oxides (GMAG, DMP, DCOMP) [same as 16.01.32]

10.01.03 Magnetic Oxide Thin Films and Heterostructures (GMAG, DMP, DCOMP) [same as 16.01.33]

10.01.04 Chiral Spin Textures and Dynamics, Including Skyrmions (GMAG, DMP)

10.01.05 Spin transport and Magnetization Dynamics in Metals-Based Systems (GMAG, DMP, FIAP) [same as 22.01.04]

10.01.06 Spin-Dependent Phenomena in Semiconductors, including 2D Materials and Topological Insulators (GMAG, DMP, FIAP, DCOMP) [same as 08.01.01, 16.01.36]

10.01.07 Frustrated Magnetism (GMAG, DMP)

10.01.08 Low-Dimensional and Molecular Magnetism (GMAG, DMP)

16.01.01 Matter in extreme environments (DCOMP, DMP)

16.01.02 Building the bridge to exascale: applications and opportunities for materials, chemistry, and biology (DCOMP, DBIO, DCP, DPOLY, DMP, DAMOP) [same as 04.01.33, 05.01.14, 01.01.48, 06.01.08]

16.01.03 Electrons, phonons, electron-phonon scattering, and phononics (DCOMP, DMP)

16.01.04 First-principles modeling of excited-state phenomena in materials (DCOMP, DCP, DMP) [same as 05.01.15]

16.01.05 Machine learning for quantum matter (DCOMP, GDS, DMP) [same as 23.01.02]

16.01.13 Physics and effects on transport of ion-ion correlation in electrolyte materials (DCOMP, DCP, DMP) [same as 05.01.17]

10/05/2020 - IUPAP C10 2021 Young Scientist Prize in the Structure and Dynamics of Condensed Matter

IUPAP C10 2021 Young Scientist Prize in the Structure and Dynamics of Condensed Matter

The IUPAP C10 Young Scientist Prize recognizes exceptional achievement in the study of the structure and dynamics of condensed matter by scientists at a relatively junior stage of their career. One prize per year will be awarded on the basis of nominations received. The recipient must be no more than eight years post-Ph.D. (excluding career interruptions) by the deadline of the competition and is expected to have displayed significant achievement and exceptional promise for future achievement in an area of experimental, computational or theoretical condensed matter physics.

Nomination Requirements and Deadline for Submission:
A complete nomination packet submitted by a senior nominator will consist of:
  • an up-to-date CV of the candidate
  • an award citation of 30 words or less
  • publication citation statistics
  • two letters of support from senior scientists including one from the nominator. One of the two support letters must be from a senior scientist who was not a former supervisor of the nominee at either the graduate or postdoctoral level.
  • up to three salient publications coauthored by the nominee
  • a one-page statement by the nominee explaining the overall significance of the work in terms of grand challenges in the field of structure and dynamics of condensed matter, such as in quantum materials, energy, information science, the bio- or nano-realms, or uncovering emergent or far-from-equilibrium phenomena.
The entire package should be bundled into a single pdf file and submitted by email to the C10 Chair (Prof. Laura H. Greene - USA) at by October 30, 2020.

The Prize:
The Prize will consist of 1,000 Euro, a medal, and a certificate.

Prize Selection:
The prize selection committee will consist of C10 commission members. The winner will be announced on the IUPAP website.

Prize Presentation:
The winner’s Prize Lecture and Award Ceremony will be held at the 2021 American Physical Society's (APS) March Meeting, March 15-19, in cooperation with Division of Condensed Matter Physics (DCMP) and Division of Material Physics (DMP) of APS.

IUPAP encourages nominations for women and other underrepresented groups.

09/03/2020 - DMP Election Information

Dear DMP Membership,

The DMP officer election will be held late in 2020 to elect a Vice-Chair, a Divisional Councilor, and two new at-large Executive Committee Members. According to the Bylaws, the Nominating Committee shall nominate at least two candidates for the ballot for each office. We are inviting your suggestions for candidates, which should be emailed to the DMP Past Chair, Nitin Samarth ( and copied to the DMP Secretary, Steve May ( by September 15, 2020.

It is important to remember the membership of APS is diverse and global, so the executive committees of APS should reflect that diversity. Nominations of women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and scientists from outside the United States are especially encouraged.

In addition, candidates can be directly nominated by petition of 5% of the membership of the Division. Such petitions must be received by the DMP Secretary, Steve May ( by October 1, 2020.


Nitin Samarth
DMP Past Chair

08/17/2020 - DMP Summer 2020 Newsletter

07/07/2020 - March Meeting 2021: Invited Speakers and DMP Focus Topics

Dear DMP Membership,

I am contacting you as Chair-Elect of DMP to request nominations for invited speakers for the DMP Focus Topics at the APS March Meeting 2021 (Nashville, Tennessee, March 15-19, 2021). I am coordinating the DMP Program with help from the entire DMP Executive Committee. Your nominations will go to the organizers of the selected Focus Topic and will aid the organizers in their selection of invited speakers.

In case you were already contacted by a Focus Topic organizer and have sent in a nomination directly by email, you may ignore the rest of this message.

A Focus Topic generally consists of a series of sessions, each of which is typically seeded with one invited talk, the remainder of the session being composed of contributed presentations. The deadline for submissions is Monday, August 17, 2020, at the APS website.

Note that you will need an APS web account to log in to the system.

In suggesting speakers please keep in mind that speakers who gave a technical invited talk at the 2019 March Meeting are ineligible. Since the 2020 March Meeting was cancelled, those who were scheduled to give an invited talk at the 2020 March Meeting are eligible.

Serving a diverse and inclusive community of physicists worldwide is a primary goal for APS. Nominations of women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and scientists from outside the United States are especially encouraged.

For the March Meeting 2021, DMP is the lead organization unit on 20 different Focus Topics listed below.


Rachel S. Goldman, University of Michigan
DMP Chair-Elect

07.01.01 Topological materials: synthesis, characterization and modeling
Organizers: Sean Oh (Rutgers); Peter Armitage (Johns Hopkins)

07.01.02 Dirac and Weyl semimetals: materials and modeling
Organizers: Zhiqiang Mao (Penn State); Dima Pesin (Virginia)

07.01.03 Topological superconductivity: materials and modeling
Organizers: Peng Wei (UC Riverside); Ulrich Welp (Argonne); Daniel Agterberg (U. Wisc. Milwaukee)

07.01.04 Magnetic topological materials
Organizers: Claudia Felser (MPI Dresden); Sangwook Cheong (Rutgers U); James Analytis (UC Berkeley)

08.01.02 Dopants and defects in semiconductors
Organizers: Matthew McCluskey (Washington State University); Zakaria Al Balushi (UC Berkeley)

08.01.03 Multiferroics, magnetoelectrics, spin-electric coupling, and ferroelectrics
Organizers: Jan Musfeldt (U. Tennessee),; Turan Birol (U. Minnesota); Mark Pederson (U. Texas El Paso)

08.01.04 Organometal halide perovskites: photovoltaics and beyond
Organizers: Hemamala Karunadasa (Stanford); Naomi Ginsberg (UC Berkeley)

09.01.01 Fe-based Superconductors
Organizers: Rafael Fernandes (University of Minnesota); Donghui Lu (Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource); Ming Yi (Rice University)

11.01.01: 5d/4d transition metal systems
Organizers: Bing Lv UT-Dallas (; Shalinee Chikara (Florida State University/National High Magnetic Field Lab); Haidong Zhou (University of Tennessee)

12.01.01: 2D Materials: Synthesis, Defects, Structure and Properties
Organizers: Liuyan Zhao (U. Michigan); Robert Hovden (U. Michigan)

12.01.02: 2D Materials: Semiconductors
Organizers: Nicholas Borys (Montana State University); Xia Hong (University of Nebraska-Lincoln); Patrick Vora (George Mason University)

12.01.03: Devices from 2D Materials: Function, Fabrication and Characterization
Organizers: Deji Akinwande (UT Austin); Henri Happy (U. Lille); Mario Lanza (Suzhou U)

12.01.04: 2D Materials: Metals, Superconductors, and Correlated Materials
Organizers: Goran Karapetrov (Drexel Univ.); Kenneth Burch (Boston College); Katja Nowack (Cornell Univ.)

12.01.05 Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials
Organizers: Sinead M. Griffin (LBNL); Geoffroy Hautier U-Louvain (Dartmouth College)

13.01.01: Nanostructures and Metamaterials
Organizers: Houtong Chen (Los Alamos National Lab); Amit Agrawal (NIST); Wenshan Cai (Georgia Tech)

13.01.02: Electron, Exciton, and Phonon Transport in Nanostructures
Organizers: C. Tom Harris (Sandia National Lab); Bill Rice (University of Wyoming); Tzu-Ming Lu (Sandia National Labs)

13.01.03: Complex Oxide Interfaces and Heterostructures
Organizers: Shyam Dwaraknath (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab); Darrell G. Schlom (Cornell University); Yuri Suzuki (Stanford University)

13.01.04: Materials for Quantum Information Science
Organizers: Joe Heremans (Argonne); Xuedan Ma (Argonne); Jinkyoung Yoo (Los Alamos)

14.01.01: Surface and Interface Science of Organic Molecular Solids, Films, and Nanostructures
Organizers: Emily Bittle (NIST); Daniel Dougherty (NC State Univ)

19.01.07: Tools for Exploring Materials Physics at the Frontier of Time and Length Scales
Organizers: Ben McMorran (U Oregon); Hermann Durr (U Uppsala)

06/22/2020 - APS Action Alert: Helium Reserve

Dear David,

While much of APS’s advocacy efforts are currently focused on COVID-19-related issues and responses, the APS Office of Government Affairs (OGA) is continuing its efforts on other policy issues critical to our community. With this in mind, APS OGA is partnering with DMP, DCMP, DAMOP, and DQI to call on Congress to help address the current liquid helium crisis and we are asking you to take action with us today.

The potential sale of the Federal Helium Reserve and its remaining helium, along with notable supply chain disruptions, has already had a severe impact on our community, with many researchers experiencing unsustainable price increases and unreliable delivery. Without action by Congress, this problem will be exacerbated.


Sign Your Letter Here

Please join our current efforts to call Congress's attention to the recommendation that APS President Phil Bucksbaum and other APS Unit leaders recently made in our letter to the House Natural Resources and Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committees regarding the need for continued access to the Federal Helium Reserve after the anticipated closure date of September 30, 2022.

The letter urges Congress to allow federal users, including any researchers supported by federal grants, access to the helium marked for federal use remaining in the Reserve after the anticipated closure date and to enact policies that will ensure that federally sponsored researchers have the stable supply of affordable helium necessary to fuel the U.S. scientific enterprise.

Take Action Now

Thank you for your advocacy on this important issue.


Rachel S. Goldman
Chair-elect, APS Division of Materials Physics

02/25/2020 - DMP Winter 2020 Newsletter

10/22/2019 - APS March Meeting 2020 abstract Information and DMP Focus Topics

Dear DMP Membership,
This email is a reminder of the upcoming abstract submission deadline for the APS March Meeting 2020 (March 2-6, Denver, Colorado) and to call your attention to the sorting categories of the focus topics organized by the DMP. The abstract submission deadline for the APS March Meeting is Friday, October 25, 2019.
Learn more and submit an abstract »
DMP Focus Topics for 2020 »

APS changed the login system in August 2019 and if you haven't updated your information since then, you may be required to do so before submitting an abstract. Logging in as soon as possible will help you avoid any issues or delays when submitting your abstract. Please note: late abstracts will not be accepted.
We look forward to seeing you in Denver!
Toni Taylor
Los Alamos National Laboratory
DMP Chair-Elect

10/16/2019 - DMP Election Information

Dear DMP Membership,

The DMP officer election will be held late in 2019: we need to elect a vice chair, secretary/treasurer, and two new at-large executive committee members. According to the bylaws, the nominating committee shall nominate at least two candidates for the ballot for each office.

We are inviting your suggestions for candidates, which should be emailed to the DMP past chair, Amanda Petford-Long at by Friday, November 1.

It is important to remember the membership of APS is diverse and global, so the executive committees of APS should reflect that diversity. Nominations of women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and scientists from outside the United States are especially encouraged.

In addition, candidates can be directly nominated by petition of 5% of the membership of the Division. Such petitions must be received by the DMP secretary/treasurer, Charles Ahn (, by November 1.


Amanda Petford-Long
DMP Past Chair

10/04/2019 - NASA Research Announcement

08/08/2019 - DMP Summer 2019 Newsletter

07/30/2019 - Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award Announcement

Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award in Experimental Condensed Matter or Materials Physics

Nominations for the Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award are now being accepted. This award, established by a generous gift from Richard L. Greene at the University of Maryland, recognizes doctoral thesis research of exceptional quality and importance in experimental condensed matter or experimental materials physics.

The award consists of $3,000, a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient, an allowance of up to $1,000 for travel, and a registration waiver to attend and give an invited talk at the annual APS March Meeting at which the award will be presented. The nomination deadline for the Greene Dissertation Award (for theses submitted after January 1, 2018) is August 30, 2019.

Serving a diverse and inclusive community of physicists worldwide is a primary goal for APS. Nominations of women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and scientists from outside the United States are especially encouraged.

Submit a nomination today »

07/09/2019 - Nominations for Invited Speakers: DMP Focus Topic Sessions

Dear APS Division of Materials Physics Membership,

I am contacting you as Chair-Elect of DMP to request nominations for invited speakers for the DMP Focus Topics at the APS March Meeting 2020 (Denver, Colorado March 2-6, 2020). I am coordinating the DMP Program with help from the entire DMP Executive Committee. Your nominations will go to the organizers of the selected Focus Topic and will aid the organizers in their selection of invited speakers.

In case you were already contacted by a Focus Topic organizer and have sent in a nomination directly by email, you may disregard the rest of this message.

A Focus Topic generally consists of a series of sessions, each of which is typically seeded with one invited talk, the remainder of the session being composed of contributed presentations. The deadline for submissions is August 23, 2019. You will need an APS web account to log in to the system.
Submit Nomination

In suggesting speakers please keep in mind that speakers who gave a technical invited talk at the March Meeting 2019 are ineligible.

Serving a diverse and inclusive community of physicists worldwide is a primary goal for APS. Nominations of women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and scientists from outside the United States are especially encouraged.

For the March Meeting 2020, DMP is the lead organization unit on 18 different Focus Topics listed below.


Antoinette (Toni) Taylor
Los Alamos National Laboratory
DMP Chair-Elect

DMP-led Focus Topics

07.01.01 Topological materials: synthesis, characterization and modeling
Organizers: Sean Oh (Rutgers); Peter Armitage (Johns Hopkins)

07.01.02 Dirac and Weyl semimetals: materials and modeling (DMP)
Organizers: Xuyang Xu (MIT); Prineha Narang (Harvard)

07.01.03 Topological superconductivity: materials and modeling
Organizers: Jimmy Williams (Maryland); Liang Fu (MIT)

07.01.04 Magnetic topological materials
Organizers: Rob McQueeney (Ames Lab); Dmitry Yarotski (Los Alamos National Lab); Allan McDonald (U. Texas)

08.01.02 Dopants and defects in semiconductors
Organizers: Kunal Mukherjee (UC Santa Barbara); Joel Varley (Lawrence Livermore National Lab); Rafael Jaramillo (MIT)

08.01.03 Dielectric and ferroic oxides
Organizers: Ryan Need (University of Florida); Geneva Laurita (Bates College); Turan Birol (Univ. of Minnesota)

08.01.04 Organometal halide perovskites: photovoltaics and beyond
Organizers: Brent Melot (University of Southern California); Jamie Neilson (Colorado State Univ); David Scanlon (University College London)

09.01.01 Fe-based Superconductors
Organizers: Leonardo Civale (Los Alamos National Lab); Ulrich Welp (Argonne National Lab)

11.01.05: 5d/4d transition metal systems
Organizers: Filip Ronning (Los Alamos National Lab); Hae-Young Kee (U. Toronto); David Mandrus (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)

12.01.01: 2D Materials: Synthesis, Defects, Structure and Properties
Organizers: Robert Hovden (U. Michigan); Liuyan Zhao (U. Michigan)

12.01.02: 2D Materials: Semiconductors
Organizers: Jeff Guest (Argonne National Lab); Huamin Li (University at Buffalo); Jun Zhu (Penn State University)

12.01.03: Devices from 2D Materials: Function, Fabrication and Characterization
Organizers: Deji Akinwande (UT Austin); Henri Happy (University of Lille); Mario Lanza (Suzhou University)

12.01.04: 2D Materials: Metals, Superconductors, and Correlated Materials
Organizers: David Cobden (U. of Washington); Peide Yu (Purdue); Jairo Velasco (UC Santa Cruz)

13.01.01: Nanostructures and Metamaterials
Organizers: Houtong Chen (Los Alamos National Lab); Amit Agrawal (NIST); Wenshan Cai (Georgia Tech)

13.01.02: Electron, Exciton, and Phonon Transport in Nanostructures
Organizers: Tom Harris (Sandia National Lab), Xuan Gao (Case Western); Tzu-Ming Lu (Sandia National Labs)

13.01.03: Complex Oxide Interfaces and Heterostructures
Organizers: Bharat Jalan, (U. Minnesota); Divine Kumah (NC State); Alex Georgescu (Flatiron Institute)

13.01.04: Materials for Quantum Information Science
Organizers: Jinkyoung Yoo (Los Alamos National Lab); Xuedan Ma (Argonne National Lab); Richard Henning (U. Florida)

14.01.01: Surface, Interface, and Thin Film Science of Organic Molecular Solids
Organizers: Emily Bittle (NIST); Daniel Dougherty (NC State Univ)

02/27/2019 - DMP Winter 2019 Newsletter

02/08/2019 - Call for New DMP Focus Topic Proposals: March Meeting 2020

Dear DMP Membership,

This email is a call for new DMP focus topic proposals for the DMP sessions of the APS March Meeting 2020 (March 2–6, 2020 in Denver).

The Division of Materials Physics sponsors a wide range of focus topics as its primary structure for the March Meeting. Typically spanning several sessions throughout the March Meeting, focus topics allow an in-depth view of forefront materials physics research areas and connect invited speakers to associated contributed abstracts.

Each year, the existing set of focus topics is evaluated for inclusion in the next year's program. In addition, new candidates for focus topics are considered based on timeliness, an assessment of the community interest, and uniqueness with the existing DMP program and those of sister units. Ideas coming from the DMP community at large are an extremely important part of this process.

To that end, the DMP Executive Committee solicits your input for the 2020 focus topics slate. New focus topics should represent a significant topic that would support three or more March Meeting sessions (each session typically has one invited talk and 12 related contributed talks).

Please send proposed focus topics to DMP Secretary/Treasurer Charles Ahn ( by 5:00 p.m. EST on Monday, February 25, 2019. Please include:
  • Descriptive title of the focus topic
  • The nominator’s name, affiliation, phone number and email address
  • A brief abstract noting timeliness and uniqueness of the topic relative to the existing program
  • A description of the intended audience that supports the size and scope of a focus topic
  • Suggestions for possible organizers
  • Any additional information you would like to provide that will help the DMP Executive Committee in its decision-making process will be appreciated. For your reference, a list of the 2019 DMP focus topics is included below.
If you have any questions or would like assistance in the preparation of your proposal, please contact DMP 2020 Program Chair Toni Taylor (

Thank you in advance for your help in this extremely important part of planning for the future success of the DMP program.


Toni Taylor, DMP Vice Chair and 2020 Program Chair
Nitin Samarth, DMP Chair-elect and 2019 Program Chair

Focus Topics at APS March Meeting 2019

07.01.01 Topological materials: synthesis, characterization and modeling [same as

07.01.02 Dirac and Weyl semimetals: materials and modeling (DMP) [same as]

07.01.03 Topological superconductivity: materials and modeling [same as 09.01.02,,]

08.01.02 Dopants and defects in semiconductors [cosponsors: DCOMP, FIAP; same as 16.01.15,]

08.01.03 Dielectric and ferroic oxides [cosponsor: DCOMP; same as 11.01.01, 16.01.14,,,]

08.01.04 Organometal halide perovskites: photovoltaics and beyond [same as]

09.01.01 Fe-based Superconductors [cosponsor: DCOMP; same as 16.01.16,]

11.01.05: 5d/4d transition metal systems [same as]

12.01.01: 2D Materials: Synthesis, Defects, Structure and Properties [same as]

12.01.02: 2D Materials: Semiconductors [cosponsor: DCOMP; same as 16.01.17,]

12.01.03: Devices from 2D Materials: Function, Fabrication and Characterization [same as]

12.01.04: 2D Materials: Metals, Superconductors, and Correlated Materials [same as]

12.01.05: Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials [same as 16.01.13,,]

13.01.01: Nanostructures and Metamaterials [same as]

13.01.02: Electron, Exciton, and Phonon Transport in Nanostructures [same as]

13.01.03: Complex Oxide Interfaces and Heterostructures [same as]

13.01.04: Materials for Quantum Information Science [same as]

14.01.01: Surface Science of Organic Molecular Solids, Films, and Nanostructures [same as]

21.01.01 Thermoelectrics [cosponsor: GERA) [same as]

12/21/2018 - DMP Elections

Dear DMP Members,

The election for DMP Vice Chair and Members-at-Large will be initiated shortly. You should receive an email message within the next few days that contains instructions for voting and has a personalized link that you can follow to find your ballot. The message will be sent from the domain “” Please ensure that this email domain is “white listed” in your spam filters to avoid the message being sent to your spam folder.

When you receive the election notice from “,” please click on the link provided or cut and paste the link into your browser to log onto the election website.

Your participation in the DMP election is very much appreciated. Thank you for your support.

Best wishes,

Charles Ahn
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

11/01/2018 - Ovshinsky Student Travel Awards

Dear DMP Members,

This email announces the application process for the Ovshinsky Student Travel Awards for the APS March Meeting 2019.

Students should apply online by November 20, 2018 for the APS March Meeting 2019. Advisors will be asked to complete their letter of support by December 5, 2018.

The Division of Materials Physics Ovshinsky Student Travel Awards have been established to assist the careers of student researchers. The awards are named after Stanley and Iris Ovshinsky, who had a very strong interest and commitment to scientific education. The awards have been endowed by the Ovshinsky family, their colleagues at Energy Conversion Devices (ECD) companies, and their numerous friends from many social, intellectual, and business relationships.

We anticipate that there will be ten $500 travel awards and ten $150 honorable mention recognitions each year to enable students to participate in the APS March Meeting sessions, which are sponsored by the Division of Materials Physics. The selection will be based on merit, and the committee will consist of members of the executive committee of the Division of Materials Physics.

Best regards,

Charles Ahn
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

10/31/2018 - DMP Post-Doctoral Travel Awards

Dear DMP Members,

This email announces the application process for the DMP Post-Doctoral Travel Awards for the APS March Meeting 2019.

The DMP Post-Doctoral Travel Awards have been established to recognize innovative materials physics research by post-doctoral researchers that will be presented at the APS March Meeting. The awards are supported through the Division of Materials Physics.

We anticipate that there will be eight $800 travel awards in 2019 to support participation in DMP focus topic sessions at the APS March Meeting sessions. Submission of an abstract to a DMP focus topic is required. The selection of the recipients of the DMP Post-Doctoral Travel Awards will be based on the research quality, the impact of the research at the March Meeting, and the innovative contribution of the post-doctoral researcher. The selection committee will consist of members of the DMP Executive Committee.

Applications must be completed by November 20, 2018. Advisors will be asked to complete a letter of support by December 5, 2018.

Best regards,

Charles Ahn
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

10/16/2018 - APS March Meeting 2018 Abstract Information and DMP Focus Topics

Dear DMP Membership,

This email is a reminder of the upcoming abstract submission deadline for the APS March Meeting 2019 (March 4–8, Boston, Massachusetts) and to call your attention to the sorting categories of the focus topics organized by the DMP. The abstract submission deadline for the APS March Meeting is Friday, October 26, 2018.

Learn more and submit an abstract »

We look forward to seeing you in Boston!


Nitin Samarth
Penn State University
DMP Chair-Elect

DMP Focus Topics for 2019

07.01.01 Topological materials: synthesis, characterization and modeling [same as
Lu Li (Michigan Univ)
Joseph Checkelsky (Massachusetts Inst. Tech.)

07.01.02 Dirac and Weyl semimetals: materials and modeling (DMP) [same as]
Dmytro Pesin (Univ Utah)
Guang Bian (Univ Missouri)
Jin Hu (Univ Arkansas)

07.01.03 Topological superconductivity: materials and modeling [same as 09.01.02,,]
Arun Bansil (Northeastern Univ )
Ashvin Vishwanath (Harvard Univ)
Vidya Madhavan (Univ Illinois-Urbana Champaign)

08.01.02 Dopants and defects in semiconductors [cosponsors: DCOMP, FIAP; same as 16.01.15,]
Cyrus Dreyer (Rutgers Univ)
Lee Bassett (Univ Pennsylvania)
Anderson Janotti (Univ Delaware)

08.01.03 Dielectric and ferroic oxides [cosponsor: DCOMP; same as 11.01.01, 16.01.14,,,]
Julia Mundy (Harvard Univ)
John Heron (Univ Michigan)
Beth Nowadnick (New Jersey Inst. Tech.)

08.01.04 Organometal halide perovskites: photovoltaics and beyond [same as]
Joseph Berry (National Renewable Energy Lab)
Sarah Li (Univ Utah)

09.01.01 Fe-based Superconductors [cosponsor: DCOMP; same as 16.01.16,]
Adam Kaminski (Ames Natnl Lab, Iowa State Univ)
Stephen Wilson (Univ California-Santa Barbara)
Steven Johnston (Univ Tennessee)

11.01.05: 5d/4d transition metal systems [same as]
Gang Cao (Univ Colorado)
Jan Musfeldt (Univ Tennessee)

12.01.01: 2D Materials: Synthesis, Defects, Structure and Properties [same as]
Jing Kong (Massachusetts Inst Tech)
Jiaqiang Yang (Oak Ridge National Lab)
Sina Najmaei (Army Research Lab)
Shawna Hollen (Univ New Hampshire)

12.01.02: 2D Materials: Semiconductors [cosponsor: DCOMP; same as 16.01.17,]
Nathan Guisinger (Argonne National Lab)
Qing Hua Wang (Arizona State Univ)
Yong Chen (Purdue Univ)

12.01.03: Devices from 2D Materials: Function, Fabrication and Characterization [same as]
John Schaibley (Univ Arizona)
Shiwi Wu (Fudan Univ)
Weida Wu (Rutgers Univ)

12.01.04: 2D Materials: Metals, Superconductors, and Correlated Materials [same as]
Aaron Bostwick (Lawrence Berkeley Nat'l Lab, Univ California-Berkeley)
Cory Dean (Columbia Univ)
Kin Fai Mak (Cornell Univ)

12.01.05: Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials [same as 16.01.13,,]
Tim Mueller (Johns Hopkins Univ)
Shyue Ping Ong (Univ California-San Diego)
Artem Oganov (Skolkovo Inst Science & Technology, Russia)

13.01.01: Nanostructures and Metamaterials [same as]
Xiaobo Yin (Univ Colorado)
Nanfang Yu (Columbia Univ)
Natalia Litchinitser (Duke Univ)

13.01.02: Electron, Exciton, and Phonon Transport in Nanostructures [same as]
Tom Harris (Sandia National Lab)
Han Htoon (Los Alamos National Lab)
Shixiong Zhang (Indiana Univ)

13.01.03: Complex Oxide Interfaces and Heterostructures [same as]
Ryan Comes (Auburn Univ)
Hanghui Chen (New York Univ)
Roman Engel-Herbert (Penn State Univ)

13.01.04: Materials for Quantum Information Science [same as]
James Rondinelli (Northwestern Univ)
Joseph J. Heremans (Argonne National Lab)

14.01.01: Surface Science of Organic Molecular Solids, Films, and Nanostructures [same as]
Christopher Boehme (Univ Utah)

21.01.01 Thermoelectrics [cosponsor: GERA) [same as]
Zhifeng Ren (Univ Houston) 
Mona Zebarjadi (Univ Virginia)
Bolin Liao (Univ California-Santa Barbara)

DMP also co-sponsors the following focus topics led by other APS units: 
  • 01.01.01: Organic Electronics (DPOLY/DMP)
  • 01.01.02: Optics and Photonics in Polymers and Soft Matter (DPOLY/GSOFT/DMP)
  • 02.01.13: Hyperuniformity and Optimal Tesselations: Structure, Formation and Properties (GSOFT, DPOLY, DBIO, DMP, DCOMP, GSNP)
  • 10.01.01: Magnetic Nanostructures: Materials and Phenomena (GMAG/DMP)
  • 10.01.02: Emergent Properties of Bulk Complex Oxides (GMAG/DMP/DCOMP)
  • 10.01.03: Magnetic Oxide Thin Films and Heterostructures (GMAG/DMP/DCOMP)
  • 10.01.04: Spin Transport and Magnetization Dynamics In Metals-Based Systems (GMAG/DMP/FIAP)
  • 10.01.05: Spin Dependent Phenomena in Semiconductors (GMAG/DMP/FIAP/DCOMP)
  • 10.01.06: Frustrated Magnetism (GMAG/DMP)
  • 10.01.07: Chiral Spin Textures and Dynamics, including Skyrmions (GMAG/DMP)
  • 10.01.08: Low-dimensional and Molecular Magnetism (GMAG/DMP)
  • 16.01.01 Matter in Extreme Environments (DCOMP, DMP, GSCCM)
  • 16.01.02 Building the bridge to exascale: applications and opportunities for materials, chemistry, and biology (DCOMP, DAMOP, DBIO, DCP, DCMP, DMP, DPOLY)
  • 16.01.03 Electrons, phonons, electron-phonon scattering, and phononics (DCOMP, DMP)
  • 16.01.04 First-principles modeling of excited-state phenomena in materials (DCOMP, DCP, DMP)
  • 16.01.07 Exploring Free Energy Landscapes in Biology and Materials Science with Advanced Algorithms (DCOMP, DPOLY, DBIO, DMP, GSOFT, GSNP)
  • 17.01.09 Topological Stabilization of Memory and Computation (DQI, DMP)

09/19/2018 - DMP Elections

Dear DMP Membership,

The DMP officer election will be held late in 2018 to elect a vice chair and two new at-large executive committee members. According to the bylaws, the nominating committee shall nominate at least two candidates for the ballot for each office. We are inviting your suggestions for candidates, which should be emailed to the DMP past chair, Dan Dessau at by October 5, 2018.

It is important to remember the membership of APS is diverse and global, so the executive committees of APS should reflect that diversity. Nominations of women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and scientists from outside the United States are especially encouraged.

In addition, candidates can be directly nominated by petition of 5% of the membership of the Division. Such petitions must be received by the DMP secretary/treasurer, Charles Ahn ( by October 5, 2018.


Dan Dessau
DMP Past Chair

08/14/2018 - DMP Summer 2018 Newsletter

08/09/2018 - March Meeting 2019: Invited Speakers and Focus Topics

Dear DMP Membership,

I am contacting you as Chair-Elect of DMP to request nominations for invited speakers for the DMP Focus Topics at the APS March Meeting 2019 (Boston, Massachusetts, March 4-8, 2019). I am coordinating the DMP Program with help from the entire DMP Executive Committee. Your nominations will go to the organizers of the selected Focus Topic and will aid the organizers in their selection of invited speakers.

In case you were already contacted by a Focus Topic organizer and have sent in a nomination directly by email, you may ignore the rest of this message.

A Focus Topic generally consists of a series of sessions, each of which is typically seeded with one invited talk, the remainder of the session being composed of contributed presentations. The deadline for submissions is August 24, 2018, and you will need to send in the nominationYou will need an APS web account to log in to the system.

In suggesting speakers please keep in mind that speakers who gave a technical invited talk at the 2018 March Meeting are ineligible. Please also consider diversity when making nominations.

For the March Meeting 2019, DMP is the lead organization unit on 19 different Focus Topics listed below.


Nitin Samarth, Penn State University
DMP Chair-Elect

DMP-led Focus Topics

07.01.01 Topological materials: synthesis, characterization and modeling
Organizers: Lu Li (Michigan Univ), Joseph Checkelsky (Massachusetts Inst. Tech.)

07.01.02 Dirac and Weyl semimetals: materials and modeling (DMP)
Organizers: Dmytro Pesin (Univ Utah), Guang Bian (Univ Missouri), Jin Hu (Univ Arkansas)

07.01.03 Topological superconductivity: materials and modeling
Organizers: Arun Bansil (Northeastern Univ), Ashvin Vishwanath (Harvard Univ), Vidya Madhavan (Univ Illinois-Urbana Champaign)

08.01.02 Dopants and defects in semiconductors
Organizers: Cyrus Dreyer (Rutgers Univ), Lee Bassett (Univ Pennsylvania), Anderson Janotti (Univ Delaware)

08.01.03 Dielectric and ferroic oxides
Organizers: Julia Mundy (Harvard Univ), John Heron (Univ Michigan), Beth Nowadnick (New Jersey Inst. Tech.)

08.01.04 Organometal halide perovskites: photovoltaics and beyond
Organizers: Joseph Berry (National Renewable Energy Lab), Sarah Li (Univ Utah)

09.01.01 Fe-based Superconductors
Organizers: Adam Kaminski (Ames Natnl Lab, Iowa State Univ), Stephen Wilson (Univ California-Santa Barbara) Steven Johnston (Univ Tennessee)

11.01.05: 5d/4d transition metal systems
Organizers: Gang Cao (Univ Colorado), Jan Musfeldt (Univ Tennessee)

12.01.01: 2D Materials: Synthesis, Defects, Structure and Properties
Organizers: Jing Kong (Massachusetts Inst Tech), Jiaqiang Yang (Oak Ridge National Lab), Sina Najmaei (Army Research Lab), Shawna Hollen (Univ New Hampshire)

12.01.02: 2D Materials: Semiconductors
Organizers: Nathan Guisinger (Argonne National Lab), Qing Hua Wang (Arizona State Univ), Yong Chen (Purdue Univ)

12.01.03: Devices from 2D Materials: Function, Fabrication and Characterization
Organizers: John Schaibley (Univ Arizona), Shiwi Wu (Fudan Univ), Weida Wu (Rutgers Univ)

12.01.04: 2D Materials: Metals, Superconductors, and Correlated Materials
Organizers: Aaron Bostwick (Lawrence Berkeley Natnl Lab, Univ California-Berkeley), Cory Dean (Columbia Univ), Kin Fai Mak (Cornell Univ)

12.01.05: Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials
Organizers: Tim Mueller (Johns Hopkins Univ), Shyue Ping Ong (Univ California-San Diego), Artem Oganov (Skolkovo Inst Science & Technology, Russia)

13.01.01: Nanostructures and Metamaterials
Organizers: Xiaobo Yin (Univ Colorado), Nanfang Yu (Columbia Univ), Natalia Litchinitser (Duke Univ)

13.01.02: Electron, Exciton, and Phonon Transport in Nanostructures
Organizers: Tom Harris (Sandia National Lab), Han Htoon (Los Alamos National Lab), Shixiong Zhang (Indiana Univ)

13.01.03: Complex Oxide Interfaces and Heterostructures
Organizers: Ryan Comes (Auburn Univ), Hanghui Chen (New York Univ), Roman Engel-Herbert (Penn State Univ)

13.01.04: Materials for Quantum Information Science
Organizers: James Rondinelli (Northwestern Univ), Joseph J. Heremans (Argonne National Lab)

14.01.01: Surface Science of Organic Molecular Solids, Films, and Nanostructures
Organizers: Christopher Boehme (Univ Utah)

21.01.01 Thermoelectrics
Organizers: Zhifeng Ren (Univ Houston) zren2@Central.UH.EDU, Mona Zebarjadi (Univ Virginia), Bolin Liao (Univ California-Santa Barbara)

06/22/2018 - IUPAP C10 2019 Young Scientist Prize in Condensed Matter

IUPAP C10 2019 Young Scientist Prize in the Structure and Dynamics of Condensed Matter

The IUPAP C10 Young Scientist Prize recognizes exceptional achievement in the study of the structure and dynamics of condensed matter by scientists at a relatively junior stage of their career. One prize per year will be awarded on the basis of nominations received. The recipient must be no more than eight years post-Ph.D. (excluding career interruptions) by the deadline of the competition and is expected to have displayed significant achievement and exceptional promise for future achievement in an area of experimental, computational or theoretical condensed matter physics.
Nomination Requirements and Deadline for Submission:
A complete nomination packet submitted by a senior nominator will consist of:
  • an up-to-date CV of the candidate
  • an award citation of 30 words or less
  • publication citation statistics
  • two letters of support from senior scientists including one from the nominator. One of the two support letters must be from a senior scientist who was not a former supervisor of the nominee at either the graduate or postdoctoral level.
  • up to three salient publications coauthored by the nominee
  • a one-page statement by the nominee explaining the overall significance of the work in terms of grand challenges in the field of structure and dynamics of condensed matter, such as in quantum materials, energy, information science, the bio- or nano-realms, or uncovering emergent or far-from-equilibrium phenomena.
The entire package should be bundled into a single pdf file and submitted by email to the C10 Chair (Prof. Laura H. Greene - USA) at by July 31, 2018.
The Prize:
The Prize will consist of 1,000 Euro, a medal, and a certificate.
Prize Selection:
The prize selection committee will consist of C10 commission members. The winner will be announced on the IUPAP website.
Prize Presentation:
The winner’s Prize Lecture and Award Ceremony will be held in 2019 at the American Physical Society's (APS) March Meeting (March 3-8, 2019, Boston, MA) in cooperation with Division of Condensed Matter Physics (DCMP) and Division of Material Physics (DMP) of APS.
IUPAP encourages nominations for women and other underrepresented groups.

03/26/2018 - APS Fellows through the Division of Materials Physics

Dear DMP Membership,

I am writing to encourage you to make nominations for APS Fellows through the Division of Materials Physics. This year the deadline for DMP nominations is May 1, 2018. We hope you will consider nominating a colleague.

Any active APS member who has maintained continuous membership since at least January 1, 2017 is eligible for nomination and election to Fellowship. The criterion for election is exceptional contributions to the physics enterprise; e.g., outstanding physics research, important applications of physics, leadership in or service to physics, or significant contributions to physics education. Fellowship is a distinct honor signifying recognition by one's professional peers.

The membership of APS is diverse and global, and the Fellows of the APS should reflect that diversity. Fellowship nominations of women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and scientists from outside the United States are especially encouraged.

Please consider nominating a colleague: DMP nomination deadline:
May 1, 2018.

Nomination Information


Amanda Petford-Long
DMP Chair

02/27/2018 - DMP Winter 2018 Newsletter

02/08/2018 - Call for DMP Focus Session Topics for APS March Meeting 2019

Dear DMP Membership,

This email is a call for new DMP focus topic proposals for the DMP sessions of the APS March Meeting 2019 (March 4–8, 2019 in Boston).

The Division of Materials Physics sponsors a wide range of focus topics as its primary structure for the March Meeting. Typically spanning several sessions throughout the March Meeting, focus topics allow an in-depth view of forefront materials physics research areas and connect invited speakers to associated contributed abstracts.

Each year, the existing set of focus topics is evaluated for inclusion in the next year's program. In addition, new candidates for focus topics are considered based on timeliness, an assessment of the community interest, and uniqueness with the existing DMP program and those of sister units. Ideas coming from the DMP community at large are an extremely important part of this process.

To that end, the DMP Executive Committee solicits your input for the 2019 focus topics slate. New focus topics should represent a significant topic that would support three or more March Meeting sessions (each session typically has one invited talk and 12 related contributed talks).

Please send proposed focus topics to DMP Secretary/Treasurer Charles Ahn ( by 5 p.m. EST on Monday, February 26, 2018. Please include:
  • Descriptive title of the focus topic
  • The nominator’s name, affiliation, phone number and email address
  • A brief abstract noting timeliness and uniqueness of the topic relative to the existing program (see prior examples here)
  • A description of the intended audience that supports the size and scope of a focus topic
  • Suggestions for possible organizers
  • Any additional information you would like to provide that will help the DMP Executive Committee in its decision-making process will be appreciated. For your reference, a list of the 2018 DMP focus topics is included below.
If you have any questions or would like assistance in the preparation of your proposal, please contact DMP 2019 Program Chair Nitin Samarth (

Thank you in advance for your help in this extremely important part of planning for the future success of the DMP program.


Nitin Samarth, DMP Vice Chair and 2019 Program Chair
Amanda Petford-Long, DMP Chair-elect and 2018 Program Chair

DMP Led Focus Topics for 2018
7.1.1 Dielectric and Ferroic Oxides (same as 11.1.1, 16.1.13) (DMP/DCOMP)
7.1.2 Topological Materials: Synthesis, Characterization and Modeling (DMP)
7.1.3 Dirac and Weyl Semimetals (DMP)
7.1.4 Organometallic Halide Perovskites; Photovoltaics and Beyond (DMP)
7.1.5 5d/4d Transition Metal Systems (DMP)
8.1.2 Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors (same as 16.1.14) (DMP/DCOMP)
9.1.1 Fe-based Superconductors (same as 16.1.15) (DMP/DCOMP)
9.1.2 Topological Superconductivity (DMP)
12.1.1 2D Materials: Synthesis, Defects, Structure and Properties
12.1.2 2D Materials: Semiconductors (Same as 16.1.16) (DMP/DCOMP)
12.1.3: Devices from 2D Materials: Function, Fabrication and Characterization (DMP)
12.1.4 2D materials: metals, superconductors, and correlated materials (DMP)
12.1.6 Van der Waals Bonding in Advanced Materials (same as 16.1.17) (DMP/DCOMP)
12.1.7 Computational Discovery and Design of Novel Materials (same as 16.1.1) (DMP/DCOMP)
13.1.1 Nanostructures and Metamaterials
13.1.2 Electron, Exciton and Heat Transport in Nanostructures
13.1.3 Complex Oxide Interfaces and Heterostructures
13.1.4 Materials for Post-Moore Computing (DMP)
13.1.5 Assembly and Behavior of Hierarchical Materials (DMP)
14.1.1 Surface Science of Organic Molecular Solids, Films and nanostructures (DMP)

01/09/2018 - DMP Executive Committee Election Reminder

Dear DMP Members,

This is a reminder of the 2017 election of the Division of Materials Physics. Thanks to those who have already voted.

The winter 2017 election for DMP vice chair and members-at-large was launched on December 14, 2017.

For those who have not voted yet, a reminder message was sent on January 8 from APS DMP ( with the subject line: "Election Reminder - APS Division of Materials Physics." Your login information is provided in this email. Voting will close on January 25, 2017.

Your vote is important.

Thanks in advance for your participation in the 2017 DMP election.


Charles Ahn
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

12/14/2017 - Proposed Changes to DMP Bylaws

Dear DMP Members,

The DMP Executive Committee, in consultation with APS leadership, is proposing changes to our unit bylaws. There are two objectives for these changes:
  1. To align language in the DMP unit bylaws with the new APS corporate structure.
  2. To streamline the DMP bylaws amendment process to allow special elections and ballots, and to align them with best practices of other units.
The proposed changes have been approved by the APS Council and were discussed with the community at the DMP Business Meeting during the 2017 March Meeting, where they were approved by the executive committee. A vote by the membership is now required to ratify the changes. Details of the voting procedure are in an email from the domain “”

Full details of the proposed changes can be found at the DMP website.

Best wishes,

Dan Dessau
DMP Chair

12/12/2017 - DMP Elections

Dear DMP Members,

The winter 2017 election for DMP vice chair and members-at-large will be initiated on December 14.

You should receive an email message on December 14 that contains instructions for voting and has a personalized link that you should follow to find your ballot. The message will be sent from the domain “” Please ensure that this email domain is “white listed” in your spam filters to avoid having the message sent to your spam folder. Voting will close on January 25.

When you receive the election notice from “,” please click on the link provided or cut and paste the link into your browser to log onto the election website.

Voting in the 2017 DMP election is an important activity! Your participation in the election is important and very much appreciated.

Best wishes,

Charles Ahn
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

11/08/2017 - DMP Ovshinsky Student Travel Awards

Dear DMP Members,

This email announces the application process for the Ovshinsky Student Travel Awards for the APS March Meeting 2018.

Apply before November 21, 2017 for the APS March Meeting 2018. Students should apply online.

The Division of Materials Physics Ovshinsky Student Travel Awards have been established to assist the career of student researchers. The awards are named after Stanley and Iris Ovshinsky, who had a very strong interest and commitment to scientific education. The awards have been endowed by the Ovshinsky family, their colleagues at Energy Conversion Devices (ECD) companies, and their numerous friends from many social, intellectual, and business relationships.

We anticipate that there will be ten $500 travel awards and ten $150 honorable mention recognitions each year to enable students to participate in the APS March Meeting sessions, which are sponsored by the Division of Materials Physics. The selection will be based on merit and the committee will consist of members of the executive committee of the Division of Materials Physics.

Best regards,

Charles Ahn
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

11/02/2017 - DMP Post-Doctoral Travel Awards

Dear DMP Members,

This email announces the application process for the new DMP Post-Doctoral Travel Awards for the APS March Meeting 2018.

The DMP Post-Doctoral Travel Awards have been established to recognize innovative materials physics research by post-doctoral researchers that will be presented at the APS March Meeting. The awards are supported through the Division of Materials Physics.

We anticipate that there will be eight $800 travel awards in 2018 to support participation in DMP focus topic sessions at the APS March Meeting sessions. Submission of an abstract to a DMP focus topic is required. The selection of the recipients of the DMP Post-Doctoral Travel Awards will be based on the research quality, the impact of the research at the March Meeting and the innovative contribution of the post-doctoral researcher. The selection committee will consist of members of the DMP Executive Committee with input from the DMP focus topic organizers.

Applications must be completed by December 4, 2017. Advisors will be asked to complete a letter of support by December 22, 2017.
Submit an Application

Best regards,

Charles Ahn
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

10/27/2017 - DMP Abstract Submission Deadline for the 2018 March Meeting

Dear DMP Membership,

This email is a reminder of the abstract submission deadline for the APS March Meeting 2018 (March 5–9, Los Angeles, California) and to call your attention to the sorting categories of the focus topics organized by the DMP.

Abstract submission deadline: 11:59 p.m. EST, Friday, November 3, 2017

Meeting information and abstract submission.

We hope to see you in Los Angeles!


Amanda Petford-Long
Argonne National Laboratory
DMP Chair-elect

DMP Focus Topics for 2018

7.1.1 Dielectric and Ferroic Oxides (same as 11.1.1, 16.1.13) (DMP/DCOMP)
Organizers: Seiji Kojima (U Tsukuba), Nicholas Barrett (CEA), Shi Liu (Carnegie Inst for Science)

7.1.2 Topological Materials: Synthesis, Characterization and Modeling (DMP)
Organizers: Yong Chen (Purdue Univ), Chaoxing Liu (Penn State Univ), Zhiqiang Mao (Tulane Univ)

7.1.3 Dirac and Weyl Semimetals (DMP)
Organizers: Ken Burch (Boston College), Andrei Bernevig (Princeton Univ), Johnpierre Paglione (Univ Maryland)

7.1.4 Organometallic Halide Perovskites; Photovoltaics and Beyond (DMP)
Organizers: Yan Li (Univ Utah) Hanwei Gao (Florida State Univ)

7.1.5 5d/4d Transition Metal Systems (DMP)
Organizers: Vivien Zapf (Los Alamos National Lab), Natalia Perkins (Univ Minnesota)

8.1.2 Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors (same as 16.1.14) (DMP/DCOMP)
Organizers: Jack Lyons (Naval Research Lab), Evan Glaser (Naval Research Lab), Greg Fuchs (Cornell Univ)

9.1.1 Fe-based Superconductors (same as 16.1.15) (DMP/DCOMP)
Organizers: Jiun-Haw Chu (U. Washington), Qimiao Si (Rice U.), Jiaqiang Yan (Oak Ridge National Lab)

9.1.2 Topological Superconductivity (DMP)
Organizers: Matthew Gilbert (Univ Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Eun-Ah Kim (Cornell Univ), Nadya Mason (Univ Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

12.1.1 2D Materials: Synthesis, Defects,Structure and Properties
Organizers: Connie Li (Naval Reseach Lab), Marc Bockrath (Ohio State Univ), Eric Stinaff (Ohio Univ)

12.1.2 2D Materials: Semiconductors (Same as 16.1.16) (DMP/DCOMP)
Organizers: Junqiao Wu (UC Berkeley), Ian Appelbaum (Univ Maryland), Di Xiao (Carnegie Mellon Univ)

12.1.3: Devices from 2D Materials: Function, Fabrication and Characterization (DMP)
Organizers: Jim Hone (Columbia Univ), Joshua Robinson (Penn State Univ), Andrea Young (UC Santa Barbara)

12.1.4 2D materials: metals, superconductors, and correlated materials (DMP)
Organizers: Luis Balicas (High Field Magnet Lab, Tallahassee), Tony Heinz (Stanford Univ), Mauricio Terrones (Penn State Univ)

12.1.6 Van der Waals Bonding in Advanced Materials (same as 16.1.17) (DMP/DCOMP)
Organizers: Evan Reed (Stanford Univ), Aaron Lindenburg (Stanford Univ), Alejandro Rodriguez (Princeton Univ)

12.1.7 Computational Discovery and Design of Novel Materials (same as 16.1.1) (DMP/DCOMP)
Organizers: Qimin Yan (Temple University), Anderson Janotti (University of Delaware)

13.1.1 Nanostructures and Metamaterials
Organizers: Jay Foley (William Patterson Univ), Hayk Harutyunyan (Emory Univ)

13.1.2 Electron, Exciton and Heat Transport in Nanostructures
Organizers: Pierre Darancet (Argonne National Lab), Alexander Weber-Bargioni (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab), Pramod Reddy (Univ Michigan)

13.1.3 Complex Oxide Interfaces and Heterostructures
Organizers: Adam Hauser (Alabamu Univ), Divine Kumah (North Carolina State Univ), Xifan Wu (Temple Univ)

13.1.4 Materials for Post-Moore Computing (DMP)
Organizers: Shriram Ramanathan (Purdue Univ), Joshua Yang (Univ Massachusetts)

13.1.5 Assembly and Behavior of Hierarchical Materials (DMP)
Organizers: Steve Whitelam (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab), Dmitri Talapin (U Chicago)

14.1.1 Surface Science of Organic Molecular Solids, Films and nanostructures (DMP)
Organizers: Mina Yoon (Oak Ridge National Lab and U Tennessee), Chenggang Tao (Virginia Tech)

09/19/2017 - DMP Officer Election Information

Dear DMP Membership,

The DMP officer election will be held late in 2017 to elect a vice chair and two new at-large executive committee members. According to the bylaws, the nominating committee shall nominate at least two candidates for the ballot for each office. We are inviting your suggestions for candidates, which should be emailed to the DMP past chair, Michael Flatté, at by October 10, 2017.

It is important to remember the membership of APS is diverse and global, so the executive committees of APS should reflect that diversity. Nominations of women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and scientists from outside the United States are especially encouraged.

In addition, candidates can be directly nominated by petition of five percent of the membership of the Division. Such petitions must be received by the DMP secretary/treasurer, Charles Ahn ( by October 17, 2017.


Michael Flatté
DMP Past Chair

08/16/2017 - DMP Summer Newsletter

08/14/2017 - March Meeting 2018: Invited Speaker Nominations for DMP Focus Topics

Dear DMP Membership,

This email requests nominations for invited speakers for the DMP focus topics at the APS March Meeting 2018 (Los Angeles, California, March 5–9, 2018).

A focus topic generally consists of a series of sessions, each of which is typically seeded with one invited talk, the remainder of the session being composed of contributed presentations.

Deadline: August 29, 2017
Submit Abstract

You will need an APS web account to log in to the system.

In suggesting speakers, please keep in mind that speakers who gave an invited talk at the previous March Meeting are ineligible. Please also consider diversity when making nominations.

For the March Meeting 2018, DMP is the lead organization unit on 20 different focus topics listed below.

The DMP Program is coordinated by DMP Chair-elect Amanda Petford-Long with help from the entire DMP executive committee. Your nomination will go to the organizers of the selected focus topic and will aid the organizers in their selection of invited speakers.


Amanda Petford-Long
Argonne National Laboratory
DMP Chair-elect

DMP led Focus Topics

7.1.1: Dielectric and Ferroic Oxides [same as 11.1.1]
Organizers: Seiji Kojima (Univ of Tsukuba), Nicholas Barrett (CEA), Shi Liu (Carnegie Inst for Science)

7.1.2: Topological Materials: Synthesis, Characterization and Modeling
Organizers: Yong Chen (Purdue Univ), Chaoxing Liu (Penn State Univ), Zhiqiang Mao (Tulane Univ)

7.1.3: Dirac and Weyl semimetals: prediction, synthesis, characterization and new phenomena
Organizers: Ken Burch (Boston College), Andrei Bernevig (Princeton Univ), Johnpierre Paglione (Univ of Maryland)

7.1.4: Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Halide Perovskites
Organizers: Yan Li (Univ of Utah), Hanwei Gao (Florida State Univ)

7.1.5: 5d/4d Transition Metal Systems
Organizers: Vivien Zapf (Los Alamos National Lab), Natalia Perkins (Univ of Minnesota)

8.1.2: Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors
Organizers: Jack Lyons (Naval Research Lab), Evan Glaser (Naval Research Lab), Greg Fuchs (Cornell Univ)

9.1.1: Fe-based Superconductors
Organizers: Jiun-Haw Chu (Univ of Washington), Qimiao Si (Rice Univ), Jiaqiang Yan (Oak Ridge National Lab)

9.1.2 Topological Superconductivity
Organizers: Matthew Gilbert (Univ of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), Eun-Ah Kim (Cornell Univ), Nadya Mason (Univ of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

12.1.1: 2D Materials: Synthesis, Defects,Structure and Properties
Organizers: Connie Li (Naval Reseach Lab), Marc Bockrath (Ohio State Univ), Eric Stinaff (Ohio Univ)

12.1.2: 2D Materials: Semiconductors
Organizers: Junqiao Wu (Univ of California–Berkeley), Ian Appelbaum (Univ of Maryland), Di Xiao (Carnegie Mellon Univ)

12.1.3: Devices from 2D Materials: Function,Fabrication and Characterization
Organizers: Jim Hone (Columbia Univ), Joshua Robinson (Penn State Univ), Andrea Young (Univ of California–Santa Barbara)

12.1.4: 2D Materials: Metals, Superconductors, and Correlated Materials
Organizers: Luis Balicas (High Field Magnet Lab, Tallahassee), Tony Heinz (Stanford Univ)

12.1.6: Van der Waals Bonding in Advanced Materials
Organizers: Evan Reed (Stanford Univ), Aaron Lindenburg (Stanford Univ), Alejandro Rodriguez (Princeton Univ)

12.1.7: Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials
Organizers: Qimin Yan (Temple Univ), Anderson Janotti (Univ of Delaware)

13.1.1: Nanostructures and Metamaterials
Organizers: Jay Foley (William Patterson Univ), Hayk Harutyunyan (Emory Univ)

13.1.2: Electron, Exciton, and Phonon Transport in Nanostructures
Organizers: Pierre Darancet (Argonne National Lab), Alexander Weber-Bargioni (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab), Pramod Reddy (Univ of Michigan)

13.1.3: Complex Oxide Interfaces and Heterostructures
Organizers: Adam Hauser (Alabama Univ), Divine Kumah (North Carolina State Univ), Xifan Wu (Temple Univ)

13.1.4 Materials for Post-Moore Computing
Organizers: Shriram Ramanathan (Purdue Univ), Joshua Yang (Univ of Massachusetts)

13.1.5 Assembly and Behavior of Hierarchical Materials
Organizers: Steve Whitelam (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab), Dmitri Talapin (Univ of Chicago)

14.1.1: Surface Science of Organic Molecular Solids, Films, and Nanostructures
Organizers: Mina Yoon (Oak Ridge National Lab and Univ of Tennessee), Chenggang Tao (Virginia Tech), Wai-Lun Chan (Univ of Kansas)

06/19/2017 - Nominations Sought for the Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award

Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award in Experimental Condensed Matter or Materials Physics

Nominations for the Richard L. Greene Dissertation Award are now being accepted. This award, established by a generous gift from Richard L. Greene at the University of Maryland, will recognize a doctoral thesis research of exceptional quality and importance in experimental condensed matter or experimental materials physics. The award will consist of $2,500, a certificate citing the contributions made by the recipient, and an allowance of up to $1,500 for travel to attend and give an invited talk at the annual APS March Meeting at which the award will be presented. The nomination deadline for the Greene Dissertation Award, for theses submitted after January 1, 2016, is September 1, 2017. For more information visit the award webpage.

It is important to remember the membership of APS is diverse and global, so the prize and award winners as well as Fellows of the APS should reflect that diversity. Nominations of women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and scientists from outside the United States are especially encouraged.

04/04/2017 - DMP Nominations for APS Fellows - Deadline May 1, 2017

Dear DMP Membership,

This email is to encourage nominations for APS Fellow through the Division of Materials Physics. This year the new deadline for DMP nominations is Monday, May 1, 2017. We hope you will consider nominating a colleague.

Any active APS member who has maintained continuous membership since at least January 1, 2016 is eligible for nomination and election to Fellowship. The criterion for election is exceptional contributions to the physics enterprise; e.g., outstanding physics research, important applications of physics, leadership in or service to physics, or significant contributions to physics education. Fellowship is a distinct honor signifying recognition by one's professional peers.

The membership of APS is diverse and global, and the Fellows of the APS should reflect that diversity. Fellowship nominations of women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and scientists from outside the United States are especially encouraged.

Please consider nominating a colleague:
DMP nomination deadline: Monday, May 1, 2017

Nomination Information


Dan Dessau
DMP Chair

03/27/2017 - MICCoM Computational School 2017

MICCoM Computational School 2017

The first MICCoM Summer School on Computational Materials will be taking place at the Research Computing Center (RCC), located on the campus of the University of Chicago, on July 17-19, 2017.

Visit the website.

The school will include lectures and hands-on exercises which apply cutting-edge algorithms to simulations of soft and hard materials, utilizing codes developed by the MICCoM center: first principles molecular dynamics (Qbox), GW calculations (WEST), and free energy and reactive path sampling methods (SSAGES/COPSS). In particular, the school will focus on how these codes may be used and coupled in order to compute properties of complex heterogeneous systems and how to validate experimental data. Graduate students in molecular engineering, physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, and materials science who are interested in participating are invited to submit their application. Experimentalists are welcome!

Registration is now open. Deadline: April 15, 2017.

Please share this information with your colleagues and plan to participate in this exciting event. Contact Clotilde Lethiec ( with any questions.

03/02/2017 - DMP Winter 2017 Newsletter

02/08/2017 - Actualization of the Internet of Things Conference

The phrase “the Internet of Things” (IoT) is now being used to represent the interconnection of large numbers of physical entities. An explosion of possibilities has caught the imagination of scientists, engineers, computer experts, and the general public. FIAP will hold its first topical conference to bring together those technologists with the skill sets to actualize the IoT. As an APS meeting, we will engage physicists who have interest in this area and will feature experts in robotics, automation, sensors (without limitation on the definition of a sensor), algorithms, and physical actuation. We also welcome the participation of scientists and engineers from across the technological spectrum to allow the sort of cross-disciplinary conversations and innovation that will be necessary to build the IoT.

The conference features three keynote speakers and five topical sessions. Each session has four or five expert presenters to give an overview of today’s status and tomorrow’s challenges, with emphasis on areas where the physics community can make an impact. In addition, there will be a poster session for contributed talks on any aspect of the IoT. You can find a preliminary schedule and registration information on the FIAP website.

Please share this information with your colleagues and plan to participate in this exciting event. Contact Steven Lambert ( with any questions.

Registration is now open. Deadline: March 25, 2017.
Register Now

02/08/2017 - Proposed Changes to DMP Bylaws

Proposed Changes to DMP Bylaws

The current bylaws that govern DMP Executive Committee roles and responsibilities do not permit the use of special elections or special ballots for any changes to these bylaws. This is not in keeping with the practices of our sister units and makes for a cumbersome process that requires a minimum of 15 months and up to 24 months to complete. While I was chair of DMP, I suggested to the executive committee that we change our bylaws to make special ballots for this purpose possible in the future; the motion was approved. The text of the existing bylaws can be found on the website and the proposed changes can be accessed here (DMP Bylaws update). You will note that the proposed changes extend beyond the issue of special elections. These changes are required so that we comply with new APS governance policies. The DMP Executive Committee recommends approval of these changes by the membership.

As a first step, we have received approval from the APS Council for making these changes to the DMP Bylaws. The next steps are:
  1. Public comment at the 2017 DMP Business Meeting, to be held Tuesday, March 14 from 7:00 p.m. at the March Meeting 2017 in New Orleans.
  2. A vote by the membership on the proposed change to the bylaws at our regular election of officers in the fall of 2017.
The executive committee invites any member in good standing of DMP to join us at the Business Meeting to make any comments on the proposed changes to the bylaws. Comments by email ( are welcome and will be read at the meeting.

I look forward to receiving your comments or to hearing from you in person at the Business Meeting.

John F. Mitchell
Past Chair, DMP

01/30/2017 - Call for DMP Focus Session Topics for APS March Meeting 2018

Dear DMP Membership,

This email is a call for new DMP focus topic proposals for the DMP sessions of the APS March Meeting 2018 (March 5-9, 2018 in Los Angeles).

The Division of Materials Physics sponsors a wide range of focus topics as its primary structure for the March Meeting. Typically spanning several sessions throughout the March Meeting, focus topics allow an in-depth view of forefront materials physics research areas and connect invited speakers to associated contributed abstracts.

Each year, the existing set of focus topics is evaluated for inclusion in the next year's program. In addition, new candidates for focus topics are considered based on timeliness, an assessment of the community interest, and uniqueness with the existing DMP program and those of sister units. Ideas coming from the DMP community at large are an extremely important part of this process.

To that end, the DMP Executive Committee solicits your input for the 2018 focus topics slate. New focus topics should represent a significant topic that would support three or more March Meeting sessions (each session typically has one invited talk and 12 related contributed talks).

Please send proposed focus topics to DMP Secretary/Treasurer Robert Nemanich ( by Monday, February 27, 2017. Please include:
  • Descriptive title of the focus topic
  • The nominator’s name, affiliation, phone number and email address
  • A brief abstract noting timeliness and uniqueness of the topic relative to the existing program (see examples)
  • A description of the intended audience that supports the size and scope of a focus topic
  • Suggestions for possible organizers
Any additional information you would like to provide that will help the DMP Executive Committee in its decision making process will be appreciated. For your reference, a list of the 2017 DMP focus topics is included in this mailing. Full descriptions of the 2017 focus topics can be found on the DMP website.

If you have any questions or would like assistance in the preparation of your proposal, please contact DMP 2018 Program Chair Amanda Petford-Long (

Thank you in advance for your help in this extremely important part of planning for the future success of the DMP program.


Amanda Petford-Long, DMP Vice Chair and 2018 Program Chair
Dan Dessau, DMP Chair-elect and 2017 Program Chair

DMP Led Focus Topics for 2017 (more details)
7.1.1: Dielectric and Ferroic Oxides [Same as 11.1.1]
7.1.2: Topological Materials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Modeling
7.1.3: Dirac and Weyl semimetals (same as 12.1.10)
7.1.4: Organometal Halide Perovskites: Photovoltaics and Beyond [Same as 12.1.11]
8.1.2: Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors
9.1.1: Fe-based Superconductors {same as 16.1.15]
9.1.2: Topological Superconductivity
12.1.1: 2D Materials: Synthesis, Defects, Structure and Properties
12.1.2: 2D Materials: Semiconductors [Same as 8.1.7]
12.1.3: Devices from 2D Materials: Function, Fabrication and Characterization
12.1.4: 2D Materials: Metals, Superconductors, and Correlated Materials
12.1.5: Carbon Nanotubes and Related Materials: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications
12.1.6: Van der Waals Bonding in Advanced Materials [same as 16.1.6]
12.1.7: Computational Discovery and Design of Novel Materials
13.1.1: Nanostructures and Metamaterials
13.1.2: Electron, Exciton, and Heat Transport in Nanostructures
13.1.3: Complex Oxide Interfaces and Heterostructures
13.1.4: Thermoelectric phenomena, materials, devices
14.1.1: Surface Science of Organic Molecular Solids, Films, and Nanostructures

01/10/2017 - DMP Election Reminder

Dear DMP Members,

This is a reminder of the 2016 election of the Division of Materials Physics. Thanks to those who have already voted.

The fall 2016 election for DMP vice chair, secretary/treasurer, division councilor, and members-at-large was launched on December 19, 2016.

The original message was sent on December 19 from “DMP Secretary-Treasurer” with the subject line: "DMP Election Ballot - Login and Voting Information Below." Your login information is provided in this email. Voting will close on January 23, 2017.

Your vote is important.

Thanks in advance for your participation in the 2016 DMP election.


Robert Nemanich
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

12/19/2016 - DMP Election Available

Dear DMP Members,

The fall 2016 election for DMP vice chair, secretary/treasurer, division councilor, and members-at-large has just been launched. You should receive an election notification email message on December 19 that contains instructions for voting, and has a personalized link that you should follow to find your ballot. The subject header for this email will read: "DMP Election Ballot - Login and Voting Information Below", and the message will be sent from the domain “”. Please ensure that this email domain is “white listed” in your spam filters to avoid having the message sent to your spam folder. Voting will close on January 23, 2017.

When you receive the election notice from “”, please click on the link provided or cut and paste the link into your browser to log onto the election website.

Thanks in advance for your participation in the 2016 DMP election, and please let me know if you have any questions.


Robert Nemanich
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

11/16/2016 - Apply for New DMP Post-Doctoral Travel Awards

Dear DMP Members,

This email announces the application process for the new DMP Post-Doctoral Travel Awards for the APS March Meeting 2017.

The DMP Post-Doctoral Travel Awards have been established to recognize innovative materials physics research by post-doctoral researchers that will be presented at the APS March Meeting. The awards are supported through the Division of Materials Physics.

We anticipate that there will be eight $800 travel awards in 2017 to support participation in DMP focus topic sessions at the APS March Meeting sessions. Submission of an abstract to a DMP focus topic is required. The selection of the recipients of the DMP Post-Doctoral Travel Awards will be based on the research quality, the impact of the research at the March Meeting and the innovative contribution of the post-doctoral researcher. The selection committee will consist of members of the DMP Executive Committee with input from the DMP focus topic organizers.

Applications must be completed by December 2, 2016. Advisors will be asked to complete a letter of support by December 19, 2016.
Submit an Application

Best regards,

Robert Nemanich
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

11/03/2016 - Apply for DMP Ovshinsky Student Travel Award

Dear DMP members,

This email announces the application process for the Ovshinsky Student Travel Awards for the APS March Meeting 2017.

Apply before November 21, 2016 for the APS March Meeting 2017. 
Students should apply online.

The Division of Materials Physics Ovshinsky Student Travel Awards have been established to assist the career of student researchers. The awards are named after Stanley and Iris Ovshinsky, who had a very strong interest and commitment to scientific education. The awards have been endowed by the Ovshinsky family, their colleagues at Energy Conversion Devices (ECD) companies, and their numerous friends from many social, intellectual, and business relationships.

We anticipate that there will be ten $500 Travel Awards and ten $150 Honorable Mention recognitions each year to enable students to participate in the APS March Meeting sessions, which are sponsored by the Division of Materials Physics. The selection will be based on merit and the committee will consist of members of the executive committee of the Division of Materials Physics.

Best regards,

Robert Nemanich
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

11/01/2016 - March Meeting Abstract Reminder and DMP Focus Topic Sessions

Dear DMP Membership,

This email is a reminder of the abstract submission deadline for the APS March Meeting 2017 (March 13-17, New Orleans, Louisiana) and to call your attention to the sorting categories of the focus topics organized by the DMP.

Abstract submission deadline: 5:00 p.m. EST, Friday, November 11, 2016
Meeting information and abstract submission.

We hope to see you in New Orleans!


Dan Dessau
University of Colorado, Boulder
DMP Chair-elect

DMP-organized Focus Topics

7.1.1: Dielectric and Ferroic Oxides [Same as 11.1.1]
Organizers: Guangyong Xu (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Eric Cockayne (National Institute of Standards and Technology)

7.1.2: Topological Materials: Synthesis and Characterization
Organizers: Liang Fu (MIT), Judy Cha (Yale), Madhab Neupane (University of Central Florida)

7.1.3: Dirac and Weyl semimetals: prediction, synthesis, characterization and new phenomena (same as 12.1.10)
Organizers: Filip Ronning (Los Alamos Nat’l Lab), Ni Ni(UCLA)

7.1.5: Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Halide Perovskites [Same as 12.1.11]
Organizers: Feliciano Giustino (Oxford), Oana Jurchescu (Wake Forest University)

8.1.2: Dopants and Defects in Semiconductors
Organizers: Paul Koenraad (Eindhoven University of Technology), Joel Varley (Lawrence Livermore National laboratory)

9.1.1: Fe-based Superconductors
Organizers: Rafael Fernandes (University of Minnesota), Chris Homes (Brookhaven National Laboratory), Chris Stock (University of Edinburgh)

9.1.2: Topological Superconductivity
Organizers: Daniel Loss (University of Basel), Chris Palmstrom (UC Santa Barbara)

12.1.1: 2D Materials: Synthesis, Defects, Structure and Properties
Organizers: Tony Heinz (Stanford University), Nathan Guisinger (Argonne National Labs), Qing Hua Wang (Arizona State University)

12.1.2: 2D Materials: Semiconductors [Same as 8.1.7]
Organizers: Roland Kawakami (Ohio State University), Kin Fai Mak (Penn State University), Feng Liu (University of Utah)

12.1.3: Devices from 2D Materials: Function, Fabrication and Characterization
Organizers: Xiaobo Yin (U. Colorado) Xiaobo.Yin@Colorado.EDU, Ye Yu (Peking University)

12.1.4: 2D Materials: Metals, Superconductors, and Correlated Materials
Organizers: Abhay Pasupathy (Columbia U), Cory Dean (Columbia U), Ben Hunt (Carnegie Mellon)

12.1.5: Carbon Nanotubes and Related Materials: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications
Organizers: Chongwu Zhou (University of Southern California), George Tulevski (IBM)

12.1.6: Van der Waals Bonding in Advanced Materials
Organizers: Valentino Cooper (Oak Ridge National Lab), Leeor Kronik (Weizmann Institute)

12.1.7: Computational Materials Discovery
Organizers: Richard Hennig (University of Florida), Vladan Stevanovic (Colorado School of Mines), Artem Oganov (Stonybrook), Gus Hart (BYU)

13.1.1: Nanostructures and Metamaterials
Organizers: Jacob Khurgin (Johns Hopkins University), Andrea Alù (University of Texas, Austin)

13.1.3: Electron, Exciton, and Phonon Transport in Nanostructures
Organizers: Maria Chan (Argonne National Laboratory), Richard Schaller (Argonne National Laboratory), Jonathan A. Malen (Carnegie Mellon University)

13.1.4: Complex Oxide Interfaces and Heterostructures
Organizers: Anderson Janotti (Uinversity of Delaware), Anand Bhattacharya (Argonne National Labs), Ryan Comes (PNNL)

13.1.5: Thermoelectric Materials and Novel Thermoelectric Phenomena [Same as 21.1.1 ]
Organizers: George Nolas (Univ. Southern Florida) and Stefano Curtarolo (Duke Univ.)

14.1.2: Surface Science of Organic Molecular Solids, Films, and Nanostructures
Organizers: Ted Einstein (University of Maryland), Kristen Burson (Hamilton College), Brad Conrad (Appalachian State), Pengpeng Zhang (Michigan State)

10/27/2016 - Liquid Helium Crisis

To members of the Division of Materials Physics,

Access to liquid helium has been a growing issue for many researchers over the past many years. APS has been working with other scientific societies to coordinate a response from the scientific community and to provide resources to assist researchers. Please see the message below from APS about their efforts and the resources available.

Michael Flatté
Chair, Division of Materials Physics

Many researchers in our community are suffering from the rising costs of liquid helium and its unreliable availability. Liquid helium procurement issues are having negative impacts at multiple levels of our research programs, from impeding graduate student research to influencing departments’ hiring decisions.

To help address these issues, the American Physical Society (APS) – in partnership with the MRS and ACS – launched a website that connects researchers who rely on helium with companies that can help them transition to helium-conserving technologies.

The easy-to-use website helps researchers determine if it is economically favorable to transition to equipment that reduces helium usage. It provides the option to be contacted directly by equipment vendors. Many of the vendors have expressed willingness to develop financing terms that are compatible with federal funding.

The website stems from a recommendation in a recently released APS-ACS- MRS science policy report titled, “Responding to the U.S. Research Community’s Liquid Helium Crisis: An Action Plan to Preserve U.S. Innovation.” The APS Office of Public Affairs is successfully working with Congress and the Administration to enact these recommendations.

01/10/2017 - DMP Election Reminder

Dear DMP Members,

This is a reminder of the 2016 election of the Division of Materials Physics. Thanks to those who have already voted.

The fall 2016 election for DMP vice chair, secretary/treasurer, division councilor, and members-at-large was launched on December 19, 2016.

The original message was sent on December 19 from “DMP Secretary-Treasurer” with the subject line: "DMP Election Ballot - Login and Voting Information Below." Your login information is provided in this email. Voting will close on January 23, 2017.

Your vote is important.

Thanks in advance for your participation in the 2016 DMP election.


Robert Nemanich
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

01/10/2017 - DMP Election Reminder

Dear DMP Members,

This is a reminder of the 2016 election of the Division of Materials Physics. Thanks to those who have already voted.

The fall 2016 election for DMP vice chair, secretary/treasurer, division councilor, and members-at-large was launched on December 19, 2016.

The original message was sent on December 19 from “DMP Secretary-Treasurer” with the subject line: "DMP Election Ballot - Login and Voting Information Below." Your login information is provided in this email. Voting will close on January 23, 2017.

Your vote is important.

Thanks in advance for your participation in the 2016 DMP election.


Robert Nemanich
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

01/10/2017 - DMP Election Reminder

Dear DMP Members,

This is a reminder of the 2016 election of the Division of Materials Physics. Thanks to those who have already voted.

The fall 2016 election for DMP vice chair, secretary/treasurer, division councilor, and members-at-large was launched on December 19, 2016.

The original message was sent on December 19 from “DMP Secretary-Treasurer” with the subject line: "DMP Election Ballot - Login and Voting Information Below." Your login information is provided in this email. Voting will close on January 23, 2017.

Your vote is important.

Thanks in advance for your participation in the 2016 DMP election.


Robert Nemanich
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

01/10/2017 - DMP Election Reminder

Dear DMP Members,

This is a reminder of the 2016 election of the Division of Materials Physics. Thanks to those who have already voted.

The fall 2016 election for DMP vice chair, secretary/treasurer, division councilor, and members-at-large was launched on December 19, 2016.

The original message was sent on December 19 from “DMP Secretary-Treasurer” with the subject line: "DMP Election Ballot - Login and Voting Information Below." Your login information is provided in this email. Voting will close on January 23, 2017.

Your vote is important.

Thanks in advance for your participation in the 2016 DMP election.


Robert Nemanich
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

01/10/2017 - DMP Election Reminder

Dear DMP Members,

This is a reminder of the 2016 election of the Division of Materials Physics. Thanks to those who have already voted.

The fall 2016 election for DMP vice chair, secretary/treasurer, division councilor, and members-at-large was launched on December 19, 2016.

The original message was sent on December 19 from “DMP Secretary-Treasurer” with the subject line: "DMP Election Ballot - Login and Voting Information Below." Your login information is provided in this email. Voting will close on January 23, 2017.

Your vote is important.

Thanks in advance for your participation in the 2016 DMP election.


Robert Nemanich
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

01/10/2017 - DMP Election Reminder

Dear DMP Members,

This is a reminder of the 2016 election of the Division of Materials Physics. Thanks to those who have already voted.

The fall 2016 election for DMP vice chair, secretary/treasurer, division councilor, and members-at-large was launched on December 19, 2016.

The original message was sent on December 19 from “DMP Secretary-Treasurer” with the subject line: "DMP Election Ballot - Login and Voting Information Below." Your login information is provided in this email. Voting will close on January 23, 2017.

Your vote is important.

Thanks in advance for your participation in the 2016 DMP election.


Robert Nemanich
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

01/10/2017 - DMP Election Reminder

Dear DMP Members,

This is a reminder of the 2016 election of the Division of Materials Physics. Thanks to those who have already voted.

The fall 2016 election for DMP vice chair, secretary/treasurer, division councilor, and members-at-large was launched on December 19, 2016.

The original message was sent on December 19 from “DMP Secretary-Treasurer” with the subject line: "DMP Election Ballot - Login and Voting Information Below." Your login information is provided in this email. Voting will close on January 23, 2017.

Your vote is important.

Thanks in advance for your participation in the 2016 DMP election.


Robert Nemanich
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

01/10/2017 - DMP Election Reminder

Dear DMP Members,

This is a reminder of the 2016 election of the Division of Materials Physics. Thanks to those who have already voted.

The fall 2016 election for DMP vice chair, secretary/treasurer, division councilor, and members-at-large was launched on December 19, 2016.

The original message was sent on December 19 from “DMP Secretary-Treasurer” with the subject line: "DMP Election Ballot - Login and Voting Information Below." Your login information is provided in this email. Voting will close on January 23, 2017.

Your vote is important.

Thanks in advance for your participation in the 2016 DMP election.


Robert Nemanich
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

01/10/2017 - DMP Election Reminder

Dear DMP Members,

This is a reminder of the 2016 election of the Division of Materials Physics. Thanks to those who have already voted.

The fall 2016 election for DMP vice chair, secretary/treasurer, division councilor, and members-at-large was launched on December 19, 2016.

The original message was sent on December 19 from “DMP Secretary-Treasurer” with the subject line: "DMP Election Ballot - Login and Voting Information Below." Your login information is provided in this email. Voting will close on January 23, 2017.

Your vote is important.

Thanks in advance for your participation in the 2016 DMP election.


Robert Nemanich
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

01/10/2017 - DMP Election Reminder

Dear DMP Members,

This is a reminder of the 2016 election of the Division of Materials Physics. Thanks to those who have already voted.

The fall 2016 election for DMP vice chair, secretary/treasurer, division councilor, and members-at-large was launched on December 19, 2016.

The original message was sent on December 19 from “DMP Secretary-Treasurer” with the subject line: "DMP Election Ballot - Login and Voting Information Below." Your login information is provided in this email. Voting will close on January 23, 2017.

Your vote is important.

Thanks in advance for your participation in the 2016 DMP election.


Robert Nemanich
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

01/10/2017 - DMP Election Reminder

Dear DMP Members,

This is a reminder of the 2016 election of the Division of Materials Physics. Thanks to those who have already voted.

The fall 2016 election for DMP vice chair, secretary/treasurer, division councilor, and members-at-large was launched on December 19, 2016.

The original message was sent on December 19 from “DMP Secretary-Treasurer” with the subject line: "DMP Election Ballot - Login and Voting Information Below." Your login information is provided in this email. Voting will close on January 23, 2017.

Your vote is important.

Thanks in advance for your participation in the 2016 DMP election.


Robert Nemanich
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

01/10/2017 - DMP Election Reminder

Dear DMP Members,

This is a reminder of the 2016 election of the Division of Materials Physics. Thanks to those who have already voted.

The fall 2016 election for DMP vice chair, secretary/treasurer, division councilor, and members-at-large was launched on December 19, 2016.

The original message was sent on December 19 from “DMP Secretary-Treasurer” with the subject line: "DMP Election Ballot - Login and Voting Information Below." Your login information is provided in this email. Voting will close on January 23, 2017.

Your vote is important.

Thanks in advance for your participation in the 2016 DMP election.


Robert Nemanich
DMP Secretary/Treasurer

01/10/2017 - DMP Election Reminder

Dear DMP Members,

This is a reminder of the 2016 election of the Division of Materials Physics. Thanks to those who have already voted.

The fall 2016 election for DMP vice chair, secretary/treasurer, division councilor, and members-at-large was launched on December 19, 2016.

The original message was sent on December 19 from “DMP Secretary-Treasurer” with the subject line: "DMP Election Ballot - Login and Voting Information Below." Your login information is provided in this email. Voting will close on January 23, 2017.

Your vote is important.

Thanks in advance for your participation in the 2016 DMP election.


Robert Nemanich
DMP Secretary/Treasurer