Prizes & Awards

Travel Awards

Application Deadline for March Meeting: December 15 before the March Meeting

Application Deadline for April Meeting: February 15 before the April Meeting

The DCOMP Travel Award program was established to support the professional development of student and postdoctoral researchers. Students and postdocs who are presenting a talk in a DCOMP-sponsored or co-sponsored session at the APS March or April Meeting are invited to apply for a DCOMP Travel Award. For in-person meetings, the award provides up to $500 in travel reimbursements. For virtual meetings, the award provides meeting registration fees as well as one year of membership in APS and DCOMP.

Any student or postdoc presenting an invited talk at a DCOMP-sponsored or co-sponsored session will receive the travel award upon applying for it. For students or postdocs presenting contributed talks, the application requires a letter of support from their research advisor. Only one award per research group is allowed. A subcommittee of the DCOMP executive committee will select recipients based on merit.

To apply:

  • Important Information for Contributing speakers: The submittable form will automatically request the advisor’s email, so as they can submit a letter of support (2-page maximum). The letter should indicate that this is the only member of the research group applying for the travel award, provide context for the research and the contribution made by the applicant, and describe how participation in the meeting will benefit the applicant or the broader community.

Applicants will be notified approximately one week after the scientific program for the relevant meeting is announced.

Nominees for and holders of APS Honors (prizes, awards, and fellowship) and official leadership positions are expected to meet standards of professional conduct and integrity as described in the APS Ethics Guidelines. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from consideration or lead to revocation of honors or removal from office.