Robert S. Hyer Research Award

Fall 2015 Recipients

Graduate Level

The 2015 Robert S. Hyer Graduate Research Award of the TSAPS was awarded to Chunlei Qu of the University of Texas at Dallas. Advisor: Dr. Chuanwei Zhang

“For their theoretical investigation of ultra-cold Bose and Fermi atomic gases with synthetic spin-orbit coupling, which explained and stimulated much experimental work in this rapidly developing field.”

Undergraduate Level

The 2015 Robert S. Hyer Undergraduate Research Award of the TSAPS was awarded to Sean Czarnecki of Angelo State University. Advisor: Dr. Scott Williams

“For their measurements of the Z-dependence of bremsstrahlung produced by low-energy electrons incident on thick targets, which were then compared with models used for medical dosimetry to determine whether they accurately simulate bremsstrahlung emission.”

Past Recipients 

The nature of the Hyer Awards was changed in 2021. More recent years below.

Past Recipients

2019 2014 2010
2018 2013 2009
2017 2012 2008
2015 2011 2007