Robert S. Hyer Research Award

Fall 2014 Recipient

Graduate Level

The 2014 Robert S. Hyer Research Award of the TSAPS was awarded to Marc McWilliams from the University of Texas at Dallas. Advisor: Dr. Jason Slinker

“For their work in uncovering the fundamentals of charge transport reactions to create sensors of oxidative DNA damage and anticancer drug activity.”

Undergraduate Level

The 2014 Robert S. Hyer Research Award of the TSAPS was awarded to Mayisha Nakib from Southern Methodist University. Advisor: Dr. Jodi Cooley

“For their work characterizing radon plate-out on various materials in various environmental conditions.”

April 2013 - AIP, Low Radioactivity Techniques 2013 Proceedings of the IV International Workshop in Low Radioactivity Techniques Volume 1549, Screening Materials with the XIA UltraLo Alpha Particle Counter at Southern Methodist University pg. 78 coauthored by J. Cooley (SMU) , V. E. Guiseppe (U. South Dakota) , B. Karabuga (SMU), H. Qiu (SMU), K. Rialage (LANL), R. Schnee (Syracuse), and S. Scorza (SMU)

Posters and Talks:
April 2013 - Low Radioactivity Techniques Workshop, Laboratori Nazionali Del Gran Sasso, Italy: Physics conference poster titled Screening Materials with the XIA UltraLo Alpha Particle Counter at Southern Methodist University also coauthored by J. Cooley (SMU) , V. E. Guiseppe (U. South Dakota) , B. Karabuga (SMU), H. Qiu (SMU), K. Rialage (LANL), R. Schnee (Syracuse), and S. Scorza (SMU)

Feb 2013 - Southern Methodist University Dean’s Research Fair, Dallas, Texas: Poster titled ”Screening Materials with the XIA UltraLo Alpha Particle Counter at Southern Methodist Univer- sity” coauthored by J. Cooley (SMU),V. E. Guiseppe (U. South Dakota), B. Karabuga (SMU), H. Qiu (SMU), K. Rielage (LANL), R. Schnee (Syracuse), S. Scorza (SMU)

July 2012 - NASA Climate Adaptation Science Investigator Work Group, Goddard Space Flight Center: Talk on Stennis Space Center CASI project with partner Logan Schultz

April 2012 - Southern Methodist University Hamilton Scholars Reception, Dallas, Texas: Talk titled ”Material Characterization for the Super Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Experiment”

Feb 2012 - Southern Methodist University Graduate Research Fair, Dallas, Texas: Poster titled ”Identification of the Surface Event Background in the CDMS II Experiment” with B. Karabuga (SMU) and J. Cooley (SMU)

Past Recipients 

The nature of the Hyer Awards was changed in 2021. More recent years below.

Past Recipients

2019 2014 2010
2018 2013 2009
2017 2012 2008
2015 2011 2007